A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 121 Attacking the spacecraft, are there aliens on the moon?

In China, Zhao Zizhen and others stared at the screen without blinking.

Because of Lin Yang's previous reminder, everyone looked serious now.

Although the current manned spacecraft is as smooth as the last test.

It was successfully ignited and lifted off into the blue star orbit, and then moved towards the moon.

This made netizens very excited, but Zhao Zizhen and the others were serious.

Lin Yang was also watching the live broadcast, focusing on the news of the United Spaceship.

The distance between the two spaceships is not far.

This is not to say that this is done deliberately, because the technologies of both sides are similar, and after calculation, this is the most time-saving channel.

So the two spacecraft are moving towards the moon at almost the same position.

But it cannot be completely ruled out that this is not beautiful and they did it deliberately.

After all, it’s perfectly okay to put a little more distance.

Seeing this scene, domestic netizens launched heated discussions in the live broadcast room.

"Haha, even though I had already watched it once during the last test of the moon landing, my mood now is completely different."

"That's right, last time it was carrying a cargo, but this time the people inside are our living astronauts. This is our first manned moon landing, and it's a completely different mood than watching a cargo landing on the moon."

"It would be perfect if their joint spacecraft didn't appear in the picture nearby."

Although the trajectory of this manned lunar landing spacecraft is the same as that of the last cargo test spacecraft. As long as there are no accidents, it will successfully set foot on the moon, but netizens still watched it with gusto.

The only flaw is that the joint spaceships of the two countries will appear in the screen from time to time.

Time passes slowly.

The first day passed without any abnormality in either spacecraft.

Same thing the next day.

Then, comes the most critical third day.

This day is the day when the manned lunar landing spacecraft lands on the surface of the moon.

The number of people in the live broadcast room also reached an unprecedented peak.

Everyone is waiting for the moment when domestic astronauts set foot on the moon.

Seeing that the moon is getting closer and closer, everyone is getting more and more excited.

Even Zhao Zizhen, Ye Guhong and others were somewhat relaxed.

However, at the moment when the two spacecraft were about to land on the moon.

The joint spacecraft suddenly emitted a dazzling light, heading straight for the domestic moon landing spacecraft.

"What the hell, what's going on?"

"Are they attacking our ship?"

Seeing this sudden scene, everyone was instantly shocked!

At the same time, a cold and proud voice came from the official building in Bumei.

"Well done! Huh, damn businessman, is he worthy of landing on the moon at the same time as us?"

People from Bumei and Xiaoying officials looked at this scene coldly.

What they want is this effect, to crush the hopes of the Chinese people at the happiest moment in the country.

Each of their faces was filled with absolute confidence and cold arrogance.

In space, a small accident can be fatal.

Even the assistant has opened the champagne and is ready to celebrate.


The next moment.

An extremely dazzling light also shined on the domestic manned spacecraft.

What was launched by the United Spaceship seemed to be forcibly distorted by some force, and missed the domestic moon landing spacecraft by a hair's breadth.


"How is this going??"

Everyone who was about to drink champagne to celebrate was instantly stunned.

They have been planning for this for a long time, and they are going to give a serious blow to the domestic manned moon landing.

Not only will the country lose spaceships, but it will also lose talents.

But now, it actually failed!

Moreover, it was not an unexpected failure!

Because the interference magnetic wave that suddenly lit up on the domestic spacecraft was too obvious, it was obviously prepared.

This directly confused everyone who was not beautiful.

They don’t understand how the country could be prepared in advance!

Even though the technologies are almost the same, they also know that it is impossible for the current domestic spacecraft to be equipped with extra things to increase the load.

But the appearance of this interference magnetic wave made them confused.

Their weapons systems only achieved breakthroughs when the two countries shared technology.

Why can China install this kind of magnetic interference technology?


The next moment, an unattractive senior executive dropped the champagne glass in his hand!

Everyone else fell silent.

The foolproof plan that was originally prepared suddenly failed.

This result is difficult for them to accept.

Different from the unhappiness of the unattractive people, the country is now full of joy.

When they first saw the weapons fired from the joint spacecraft, everyone's hearts suddenly rose to their throats.

But after seeing the interference electromagnetic waves emerging from the domestic spacecraft causing the weapons on the joint spacecraft to deviate, everyone's worries dropped.

"Fuck, I'm scared to death. This is in outer space. If I were really hit by that ballistic trajectory, I can't imagine what would happen!"

"Made, you know they don't have any good intentions. They brought the two spaceships so close to each other. They are really trying to cause harm!"

"Fortunately, fortunately we were prepared!"

"Although we narrowly escaped, we can't just swallow this breath, otherwise it will be too easy for them!"

While netizens breathed a sigh of relief, their anger was also rising.

Because there are two astronauts in the spacecraft!

If an accident occurs because of this, they will not be able to atone for their sins even if they die!

A large number of netizens went directly to the official account of Not Beautiful to ask for an explanation!

In response, the official account of Not Beautiful also quickly issued a notice.

They said that there may have been some accidents in some kind of power system of their spacecraft. This time it was purely an accident. They were also sorry to see this phenomenon happen. They said that after the spacecraft returns, it will conduct a comprehensive inspection of the spacecraft.

At the same time, he congratulated both sides on the fact that there were no accidents in the spacecraft, and asked everyone not to think too much about it.

This announcement was sent very quickly, and it seemed that it was well prepared. This naturally made domestic netizens very dissatisfied.

It's just that the other party's appearance is very good. Even though they know that they do it on purpose, there is nothing they can do about it.

"Made, sooner or later, let them repay you twice as much!"

Netizens returned to the live broadcast room cursing.

In the Academy of Sciences, Zhao Zizhen and the others were completely relieved.

The United Spaceship had not taken action before, and they were still a little worried. But now that they have actually taken action, it proves that Lin Yang has indeed guessed it.

The two countries really didn't hold anything back.

"Well, the two countries should not dare to make other small moves in the future. You can rest assured about the moon landing this time." Ye Guhong said.

"Thanks to my classmate, if he hadn't discovered it in advance, our losses would have been huge this time!" Zhao Zizhen said in a deep voice.

Ye Guhong's eyes flickered but he didn't say anything.

Because there are some things that don’t need to be said, just know it in your heart. Today’s matter will never be revealed so easily!

On the other side, the lunar landing spacecraft has begun preparing for landing.

Netizens also temporarily suppressed their anger and watched this critical moment quietly.


Just before the two spacecraft landed, a white stream of light suddenly shot out from the inside of the moon, heading straight for the joint spacecraft!

"What the hell?!"

"What the hell?"

“Are there aliens on the moon?”

"Is this... attacking the spaceship?!"

Everyone was shocked!

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