There is an aggressive streamer inside the moon heading straight for the ugly United spacecraft! !

This scene made everyone watching the live broadcast from all over the world hold their breath for a moment.

The expressions of Bumei and Kodaka-chan's senior executives changed drastically, and they stared at the white stream of light.

This joint spaceship was built by the two countries after sharing technology and combining the efforts of the two countries. It cost countless money and resources!

On top of it are the best astronauts from both countries!

If something goes wrong...

"Damn it, are there really aliens on the moon?"

The face of the unattractive senior executive was livid, and his eyes were about to burst into flames.

Just now we failed to attack the domestic spaceship, but now our own spaceship is being attacked. This feels very bad!

"Maybe it's just a cosmic streamer phenomenon, just a coincidence?"

The top management of Kodaka-chan spoke with some expectation, hoping that this was just a coincidence.

Because of the unexpected cost of the spacecraft, neither of them can afford it!

"Whether it's a coincidence or not, as long as this stream of light hits the spacecraft, the spacecraft may lose the power to return!"

Space experts from both countries are all very pessimistic.

We know our own technology. Although the two countries share technology, their aerospace technology is far ahead of other countries in Blue Star. However, due to material limitations, the moon landing spacecraft is still far from being as good as those shown in science fiction blockbusters. A level that can withstand cosmic phenomena or advanced thermal weapon attacks.

After listening to what the experts said, the top management of Bumei and Kodaka-chan began to pray in their hearts that this was just a coincidental cosmic streamer phenomenon.

Because they prefer that this is just a coincidence than that there are aliens on the moon.

After all, if there are really aliens, then their spacecraft cannot withstand the attack of alien technology.

It's too late, but it's soon.

Under the nervous gaze of everyone around the world, the stream of light surging from the moon's interior directly hit the joint spacecraft.

Then, a burst of dazzling white light burst out.

This white light was so dazzling that the broadcast screen turned completely gray, making it impossible to see what was going on.

Then, the live broadcasts around the world instantly turned dark.

"what's the situation?"

"Why is the screen black?"

"Did that stream of light just now come from aliens?"

This sudden black screen made everyone anxious.

Just when I was watching the critical moment, a black screen suddenly appeared. This feeling was extremely uncomfortable.

Not only are netizens anxious, people who are not pretty and Kodaka-chan are even more anxious.

They are even more eager to see what the situation of their own spaceship is now.

Inside the Academy of Sciences.

Zhao Zizhen, Ye Guhong and others were equally nervous.

Although the streamer just attacked the United Spaceship and not the domestic spacecraft, no one can help but worry about such an unexpected incident.

"Old Song, what's going on?" Then, they directly connected to Song Changming who was far away at the space base.

At the same time, experts and academicians from the Aerospace Academy in the space base are making intense calculations and trying to contact the spacecraft.

Song Changming's face was equally serious. He glanced at the data analysis report and said:

"Preliminary estimates are that it was interfered by strong electromagnetic waves that caused the moon's spacecraft to lose contact with us, resulting in us being unable to obtain images."

"Electromagnetic interference? Is it man-made?"

Zhao Zizhen and Ye Guhong looked at each other.

"It's hard to say." Song Changming shook his head, "This stream of light appeared too suddenly. If it is a cosmic phenomenon, it would be too much of a coincidence, let alone being accompanied by such a strong electromagnetic interference wave at the same time."

"Then you mean...there are really alien civilizations on the moon?"

Zhao Zizhen and Ye Guhong's expressions changed at the same time.

Song Changming shook his head again: "Until we see it with our own eyes, we cannot draw such a conclusion. At present, we can only say that the possibility of this being a cosmic phenomenon is extremely low!"

"Will our spaceship be okay?" Zhao Zizhen asked quickly.

"We are using all available means to try to contact the spacecraft." Song Changming said in a deep voice.

These words made Zhao Zizhen and Ye Guhong's hearts sink slightly.

They heard Song Changming's subtext. Although the streamer just now was not heading for the domestic spaceship, no one could guarantee the outcome.

"Let me explain to everyone first."

After a moment of silence, Ye Guhong spoke.

Nowadays, there are all kinds of opinions on the Internet, covering everything.

Soon, the official account of the National Academy of Sciences issued a notice on behalf of the Aerospace Academy.

It means that the current black screen is most likely caused by a sudden interference from a strong electromagnetic storm in the universe. Please wait patiently.

"Cosmic electromagnetic storm interference?"

"Damn it, how come this electromagnetic storm doesn't come sooner or later, but why does it come at such a critical time?"

"This electromagnetic storm is really damn good. It just delayed us from seeing the most critical scene. I wonder what's going on with their joint spacecraft now that it's not beautiful."

"I hope our spacecraft and astronauts will not be affected!"

Although the official explanation has calmed down the restless hearts of netizens a lot, the curiosity in their hearts has not diminished at all.

Everyone is hoping that this electromagnetic storm will pass soon, and want to see if it is a cosmic phenomenon or if there are really aliens.

Time passed little by little, and the live broadcast screen was still black.

The lunar landing spacecraft is still unable to be contacted at the space base.

Soon, five minutes passed.

The picture did not recover, and the lunar landing spacecraft was not contacted within the space base.

This made all the academicians and experts in the space base have heavy looks on their faces.

Because electromagnetic storms generally do not last long, especially since no strong interference electromagnetic storm lasting five minutes has been detected on the moon for many years.

This means that the situation just now may not be an accidental cosmic phenomenon, but it is very likely that there is indeed an extraterrestrial civilization on the moon.

"Let's... prepare for the worst."

Song Changming looked at the latest monitoring data and spoke to Zhao Zizhen and Ye Guhong.

"worst plans?"

These words made Zhao Zizhen and Ye Guhong feel a little stunned in their hearts.

"Yes, we must be prepared to lose contact with the spacecraft, and at the same time, we must be prepared for the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations on the moon." Song Changming sighed.

Ye Guhong was silent for a while and said slowly: "Let's wait and see. Five minutes have just passed. It's a little early to draw a conclusion now."

Zhao Zizhen's eyes flashed and he suddenly said: "The picture transmitted by the spacecraft has lost contact. What about the satellite we launched to the moon before? Can the satellite still transmit the picture back?"

"No, the electromagnetic storm that broke out at that moment caused all satellites to lose contact at the same time. Therefore, after our calculations, we believe that this electromagnetic storm should not have erupted accidentally."

Song Changming sighed again and emphasized again:

"So we have to prepare for the worst!"

Thanks for sending flowers E listening to rain/Yueye Yiyi, Bingluo who wants to spray, SCKAR, Book Friends 20231217005956273 Book Friends, 20231226180933062, Book Friends 20231215011252400, Book Friends 20231225547, Book Friends 20231227765 Eight Big Brothers, Big brothers spent their expenses, big buddies, I wish you good luck every year and make a fortune every time. I bow to you!

Thank you to all the brothers and sisters who have always supported and accompanied the national treasure. I wish you all the best and make a lot of money. I bow to you all!

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