Chapter 123 The Union missing!

Song Changming's words caused Zhao Zizhen and Ye Guhong to fall silent again.

The worst-case scenario means not only losing the spacecraft and outstanding astronauts, but also facing an unknown extraterrestrial civilization on the moon.

The price is too heavy.

Zhao Zizhen frowned and asked with some confusion: "Old Song, if according to your current calculations, the electromagnetic storm was deliberately sent by the extraterrestrial civilization on the moon, then why didn't they attack the satellite we launched before? ?”

"If there really is an extraterrestrial civilization on the moon, we shouldn't be allowed to launch so many satellites to conduct all-weather monitoring and exploration on the moon, right?"

"It's not clear. There are too many possibilities. Maybe this civilization has been silent before, maybe our satellite level is too low in their eyes, and they don't take it to heart at all. Anyway, there are too many possibilities."

Song Changming has no clue now.

"Then are we going to abandon the spacecraft and the two astronauts like this?" Zhao Zizhen said quietly.

"Of course not! No matter what happens on the moon, we must find out the cause. We are already preparing to launch a new lunar probe."

Song Changming immediately shook his head.

"In the past, in order to prevent accidents, the lunar landing spacecraft was equipped with enough oxygen and food for a week. The lunar probe used to only take a little more than two days. If there is a new situation, there is still time to rescue."

Zhao Zizhen heard the words and didn't ask any more questions. It was useless to be anxious now, and if they weren't beautiful, they would definitely be more anxious. They would definitely send detectors there, and they might be able to detect some new situations by then.

Ye Guhong's eyes flashed and he said in a serious voice: "Instead of guessing here, let's ask that person."

These words made Zhao Zizhen stunned for a moment, and he immediately responded: "You mean to ask your classmates?"


Ye Guhong nodded.

"Didn't we speculate before that he was most likely to have been inherited by an extraterrestrial civilization?"

"And it just so happened that the last time people on the space station saw a streamer leaving Blue Star and flying to the moon. If there is a connection between the two of them, maybe that person knows some inside information."

"This..." Zhao Zizhen hesitated for a while and nodded: "There is no other better way now. Asking classmates is indeed the most convenient way."

At this point, he paused for a moment and then continued: "However, if he really doesn't know, then if we ask so rashly, he may think that we are suspicious of him."

"We have said before that we have 10,000% trust in him. If this matter makes him feel grudge..."

Zhao Zizhen didn't say the next words, but Ye Guhong and Song Changming both understood what he meant.

Song Changming hesitated and said: "We are not inquiring into his secrets, we are just asking him if he knows the situation. It shouldn't be a big deal, right?"

Zhao Zizhen shook his head and said nothing because he was completely unsure.

Ye Guhong glanced in the direction of the moon, wondering what he was thinking, and finally said: "Old Zhao, please send an email to ask. It involves two astronauts and extraterrestrial civilization. I think he should Will understand."

"Also, we won't inquire into his secrets. We'll just ask him if he has detected anything."

"He has many advanced technological means at his disposal, and there may be more powerful technological means than us that can detect what is happening on the moon."

Hearing this, Zhao Zizhen glanced at Ye Guhong and nodded slightly: "Okay, since you have decided, I will send you an email to ask."

However, just when Zhao Zizhen was about to send the email, an intermittent voice suddenly came from the live broadcast room.

"Hey, space base? We are... the classmate's moon landing... spaceship..."

"Excuse me, can you hear us? Please reply!"

Hearing the sudden sound, Zhao Zizhen paused for a moment and turned to look at the screen.

However, the screen was still black, with only the voice coming from the classmate's landing spacecraft requesting a connection.

"Hello, classmate spaceship, this is the space base. We have received your signal. What is happening there?"

The next moment, excited voices came from the space base, and they began to establish contact with the classmate spacecraft.

At the same time, thousands of netizens became excited in an instant.

"It's the Classmates moon landing spacecraft, they're fine!"

"Great! It really scared me to death just now!"

"Why is there only sound but no picture?"

"It's brewed. As long as everyone is fine, is it that important whether there is a picture? Maybe the camera or something was destroyed."

"That's right, as long as our astronauts are fine!"

Although they couldn't see the picture, the intermittent sounds made netizens feel at ease.

The conversation between the space base and the classmate spacecraft gradually became clear.

"Answer the base, we have just encountered extremely strong electromagnetic interference, and all communication equipment cannot be online. We are currently undergoing maintenance, and the video picture is expected to be restored within three minutes."

The sound coming from the Classmates spacecraft was exciting again.

"Okay, please pay attention to your safety!"

Song Changming directly took the call and directed it personally.

And this scene made those who were not beautiful and Kodaka-chan even more anxious.

Because they have yet to receive any response from the United Spaceship.

Soon, the video footage transmitted by the Classmate spacecraft began to gradually recover.

"Call base, can you see our real-time video now?"

In the picture, two domestic astronauts are standing outside the classmate spacecraft waving to the video.

"Received at the base, we can now see your real-time feed!"

Seeing that the astronauts and spacecraft were safe and sound, everyone in the space base breathed a sigh of relief.

Domestic netizens are also completely relieved.

Then, Song Changming asked directly: "Classmate spacecraft, can you explain in detail what happened to you just now? And what is the current situation of the United Spaceship?"

"This..." the two astronauts looked at each other and said softly: "Answer the base, is this a public live broadcast now? I think we may need to conduct an internal connection call."

This answer directly made netizens anxious.

"No, no intercom calls, we also want to know what happened just now!"

"Please, don't stay inside..."

Netizens are more anxious than the other.

Song Changming hesitated because it had been agreed in advance that the live broadcast of the moon landing would be broadcast in real time.

No matter what secrets there are on the moon, they will be broadcast live. If it is temporarily encrypted now, he is a little undecided.

Ye Guhong was very decisive and said immediately: "Old Song, tell the classmate spaceship that there is no need to encrypt the call, just let them say whatever they want. Everyone saw the scene just now, there is nothing to hide."

With Ye Guhong's instructions, Song Changming conveyed these words directly.

In the live broadcast room, a wave of barrage of "Ye Lao is mighty" and "Thank you Ye Lao" instantly appeared.

After receiving the instructions, the two astronauts still seemed to be hesitant. It could be clearly seen through the video that they looked at each other for a long time before slowly speaking.

"Answer the base, the Union spacecraft..."


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