The Union spacecraft is missing!

These words made everyone stunned for a moment.

Such a big spaceship is missing?

Song Changming's eyes became a little strange, and he asked: "Classmate spacecraft, you said that the Union spacecraft disappeared, what is the specific situation?"

"Answer the base, we don't know the specific situation. Just when we were about to land on the lunar surface, the strong streamer hit the Union spacecraft. The burst of white light blocked our sight. At the same time, the accompanying strong electromagnetic storm also caused all the monitoring equipment to Offline."

"By the time we were able to see clearly what was going on outside, the Unity spacecraft was gone."

The answer from the classmate spaceship was even more confusing.

That's a spaceship. It's gone just as soon as it's gone?

In the space base, everyone's expressions became strange.

Zhao Zizhen and Ye Guhong also looked at each other.

A good spaceship disappeared inexplicably like this, which made people feel a little chilly.

"Classmate spaceship, how are you doing now? Has the spacecraft been affected, and does it still have the ability to return?" Song Changming asked again.

"Answer the base, our spacecraft is safe and sound and can complete its mission of exploring the moon and return as scheduled."

"Then you should be careful. There is very likely to be an unknown force on the moon. If there is any abnormality, please return as soon as possible." Song Changming warned.

"Received, we will now start exploring the lunar surface as planned."

The two astronauts on the Classmate spacecraft saluted and began to gradually leave the spacecraft carrying exploration equipment for lunar exploration.

At the same time, Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan were in complete disarray.

Their big Union spacecraft was just gone? ?

"The two astronauts from Shang Xia must have concealed some important information!"

The unattractive senior executive stared at the domestic live broadcast and said coldly:

"It is absolutely impossible for our spaceship to disappear inexplicably!"

Kodaka-chan's people were also staring at the live broadcast. After hearing this, they were silent for a moment and said slowly: "That's for sure. With the global live broadcast now, their people will definitely not tell the real inside story."

"Damn it, why didn't that stream of light attack Shang Xia's spaceship!" The senior executive slammed the table angrily.

"Now is not the time to be angry, we have to find a way to know what exactly happened at that time!"

Kotaka-chan's senior executive turned to look at the unattractive person and said slowly:

"Now only the two astronauts from Shangxia know the situation at that time, so I think we need to contact Shangxia officials."

"Huh? Contact Shang Xia?" The face of the top management at Bumei changed. "If you contact them now, doesn't it mean you are begging them?"

"Yes! But I have to beg! We must know the specific information about the missing spacecraft!" Kotaka-chan's senior executive stared at the unattractive person with a cold face.

Not pretty, the senior executive's eyes darkened.

Looking for Shang Xia?

This is hard for them to accept!

For hundreds of years, others have always begged them, so how could they ever ask others for help?

Not to mention, the one I want to ask for is no one else, but Shang Xia!

This makes people who are not beautiful even more uncomfortable!

After a long silence, the unattractive senior management spoke reluctantly: "Even if we beg, they may not be willing to tell us the real situation."

"It's one thing whether they say it or not, but we have to ask." Kotaka-chan said firmly.

Then looking at the reluctant expressions on everyone's face, he added: "You don't want to beg, so do we?"

These words made the unattractive senior management collectively silent, and then hummed: "Even if they are willing to say it, I'm afraid they won't tell us for free."

"For the Union spacecraft, it is worthwhile and necessary to pay some price!" Kotaka-chan's people emphasized.

Finally, after five minutes of discussion, Bu Mei and Kotaka-chan reached an agreement.

Contact Shang Xia in the name of both countries.

Domestic, different administration.

Ye Guhong and Zhao Zi were actually on the line with Song Changming when they suddenly received a report saying that Bu Mei and Xiaoyingjiang had received a joint call.

This immediately shocked Ye Guhong and the others, and immediately their faces showed surprise.

"The two countries actually called together?"

The three of them looked at each other, all very surprised.

Then, Zhao Zizhen laughed: "They can't sit still anymore. I'm afraid the call is to ask us about the details of the disappearance of their spaceship."

"Hey, there will be a day when they beg us. I really want to see how they look now." Song Changming couldn't help but laugh.

This is the first time that people who are not beautiful and Kodaka-chan can come together to ask for help!

I have to say, this feeling is quite refreshing!

Ye Guhong pondered: "Their call this time must be that our astronauts have an internal encrypted conversation with us and want to obtain specific information about the disappearance of their spacecraft."

Speaking of this, Ye Guhong looked at Zhao Zizhen and Song Changming: "If we say there is no, they will not believe it, but if we say there is, we really have nothing to provide."

Zhao Zizhen frowned: "Anyway, we really don't have any, so let's tell the truth, but I think before telling the truth, we can take the opportunity to knock them off something!"

Hearing this, Song Changming also chuckled: "Old Zhao is right. It's rare that they beg us. If we don't take the opportunity to give them a hard blow, we would be really sorry for ourselves."

"As long as we tell the truth, whether they believe it or not is their own business!"

"..." Ye Guhong glanced at the two of them speechlessly, thought for a moment, and nodded: "I'll deal with them first."

Afterwards, Ye Guhong quit the connection and went to connect with Xiaoyingjiang and other unattractive people.

And this connection lasted ten minutes!

Ten minutes later, Ye Guhong hung up the phone with a bit of joy and rejoined the internal communication channel with Song Changming.

"Lao Ye, how was the conversation?"

Zhao Zizhen and Song Changliang asked immediately.

Ye Guhong showed a meaningful smile and said three words: "Guess!"

On the other side, Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan were already furious.

"Damn Shang Xia! They actually want our rare resources worth three billion!"

"Forget it, in the end they said there was no internal connection at all! It's really unclear how the Union spacecraft disappeared!"

"This is three billion resources!"

The unattractive senior manager angrily picked up a chair and threw it on the table.

"This is blackmail!"

"This is Chi Guoguo's blackmail!!"


"This is a scam!!"

Kodaka-chan’s people were also furious.

After Ye Guhong connected their connection just now, he had been vague about the Union spacecraft.

They promised enough resources, and then Ye Guhong said that there was no internal connection at all!

Isn't this a scam? !

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