A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 126 Shameless and unattractive (Thanks to Brother False Face for the 10,000-coin reward)

Moon surface.

The two astronauts on the Classmate spacecraft suddenly received a frantic call from the domestic space base. It was obvious that they were a little stunned, but they immediately started to leave the place.

At the same time, the two of them seemed to feel the changes behind them, and while running, they looked back.

This sight made the two of them pause in their steps.

"That, that's..."

"Robotic arm?!"

"Moving robotic arm!"

The two astronauts looked at each other, and their shocked voices were heard through the live broadcast.

"Classmate spaceship, please leave quickly!"

In the space base, Song Changming was still shouting.

The sudden appearance of a moving robotic arm on the moon is really amazing.

In order to ensure the safety of the two astronauts, evacuating as soon as possible is the wisest decision.

But the two astronauts did not leave. Instead, they hesitated and replied: "Report to the base, we did not feel any aggression on this robotic arm. Maybe we can try to take a closer look."

"What? Close observation?" Song Changming and others were shocked for a moment.

"Yes, this robotic arm has no intention of attacking us." the astronaut replied.

"This..." Song Changming hesitated.

During the previous moon landing, the Union spacecraft suddenly launched an attack. If Lin Yang had not been prepared for it, the spacecraft and two astronauts would have been lost.

Now seeing this unknown mechanical arm again, Song Changming felt from the bottom of his heart that he should be safer.

Although the robotic arm suspected of extraterrestrial civilization may be the most significant discovery of this century, the safety of the two astronauts is more important.

But the two astronauts had already made their decision and slowly approached the robotic arm, saying at the same time:

"Report to the base that this robotic arm is suspected to be the product of extraterrestrial civilization. This is our most likely opportunity to get close to extraterrestrial civilization. We cannot give up and verify whether extraterrestrial civilization exists. Even if we pay for it, it is worth it!"

The words of the two immediately aroused the awe of netizens.

It also made Song Changming unable to continue persuading.

This is the spirit of science and the spirit of exploration!

They are living up to that spirit!

Verifying the existence of extraterrestrial civilization is a matter of concern to the fate of the entire human race.

Now the two astronauts are taking risks for the human race!

Seeing the two astronauts slowly approaching the robotic arm, Song Changming took a deep breath and solemnly said: "Please take care!"

"Please rest assured, the base, no matter what the result is, this is an extremely precious opportunity, and we will pass real-time data back."

The two astronauts answered equally solemnly.

In the live broadcast room, as the two astronauts gradually approached the robotic arm, the expressions of netizens became more solemn.

Within the different management bureau.

Ye Guhong, Zhao Zizhen, Tang Wensheng and others were discussing whether to shut down the live broadcast.

After a good live broadcast of the moon landing, a suspected extraterrestrial civilization was discovered. This was unexpected.

"If I turn off the live broadcast now, I'm afraid it will cause dissatisfaction. I didn't turn it off the first time just now, and it's not appropriate to turn it off now." Zhao Zizhen said with a frown.

Tang Wensheng also said: "Everyone has seen the existence of the robotic arm, and I personally feel that it is inappropriate to turn off the live broadcast."

"Old Song, what do you think?" Ye Guhong looked at Song Changming.

Song Changming stared at the live broadcast screen and said slowly: "I think if there really is an extraterrestrial civilization, the people should also have the right to know. If you turn off the live broadcast now, it will only make everyone speculate randomly. It is better to show it openly and openly."

Hearing this, Ye Guhong nodded slightly: "Then continue the live broadcast, but the detailed data of the robotic arm should not be announced."

"Understood, guys from Western countries can't sit still now. We're doing them a good job by not turning off the live broadcast and letting them watch. They won't have to think about the key data." Song Changming chuckled.

The live broadcast continues.

On the moon, the two astronauts had already approached the robotic arm and took out the scanning equipment to start scanning. The scanned data was transmitted back to the space base in real time.

Looking at the scan data transmitted back, Song Changming was sure at a glance that this was definitely not something that could be produced by any country on Blue Star!

"What? Is it really the product of extraterrestrial civilization?"

Looking at Song Changming's serious face, Zhao Zizhen couldn't help but ask.

Song Changming took a deep breath and nodded slightly: "It can be preliminarily concluded that this is not a product of our planet. Currently, no country can produce such a sophisticated mechanical arm."

"Is it really something from an extraterrestrial civilization?!"

These words directly shocked Zhao Zizhen, Ye Guhong and others!

"Yes, the results of this scanner will not be wrong. Last time we asked our classmates for technology scanner technology to make it. Although it is not as advanced as the scanner of our classmates, it will not make big mistakes." Song Changming confirmed again. .

In an instant, Zhao Zizhen and others fell silent.

Although, the previous exploration of extraterrestrial civilizations has never stopped.

Even eager to discover the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations.

But when the existence of extraterrestrial civilization was really confirmed at this moment, everyone's hearts were covered with a layer of mist.

An invisible sense of depression quietly enveloped him.

If the extraterrestrial civilization on the moon has malicious intentions, can Blue Star be able to deal with it?

While everyone was contemplating, a staff member came to report, saying that the people from Bumei and Kodaka-chan jointly called again, hoping that the country could share the relevant data of the robotic arm with them.

"Sharing data? What do they want from it?"

After hearing the report, Zhao Zizhen cursed directly.

Ye Guhong glanced at Zhao Zizhen with a strange expression, and said slowly to the staff: "Just say that I am not free now. If they want the data, it is not impossible. It depends on what price they can afford!"

"Okay, Mr. Ye."

The staff took the instructions and left.

Zhao Zizhen turned his head and looked at Ye Guhong in confusion: "Why do you want to share data with them? Do we lack that little money?"

"You old guy, you have a bad temper now." Ye Guhong first laughed and scolded, and then said leisurely:

"Who said I want to share data with them? This is just a rhetoric. Isn't it up to us to decide whether they are satisfied with their bid?"

"..." Zhao Zizhen was stunned for a moment, and then said quietly: "After all, he is a guy who is used to talking about the situation, and he is really good at fooling people."

"Haha." Ye Guhong couldn't help but smile.

On the other side, the faces of Bu Mei and the official officials of Kotaka-chan were getting uglier.

Naturally, they understood that this was a common official excuse.

China has no intention of sharing data with them.

"Damn Shangxia, if our spaceship hadn't disappeared, how would they have gotten the upper hand in this kind of thing!"

An unattractive senior executive cursed again.

Kodaka-chan's people said: "Now let all the detectors near the moon land, and at the same time send people to the moon again. We must also have first-hand information."

"Also, let people spread some pressure to go out. Shang Xia cannot be allowed to take this robotic arm as his own."

"The moon belongs to all mankind, and the same applies to everything on it. No country can monopolize it!"

"The products suspected of extraterrestrial civilization must be shared globally!"



When the remarks came from Western countries that lunar resources belong to the whole world.

Zhao Zizhen was the first one and couldn't help but curse again:

"They are really shameless. When they first had the ability to land on the moon, they didn't say this, saying that only those with strength will live there!"

"The first-hand resources and information they obtained on the moon were strictly concealed and refused to be shared with any country!"

"Now that their people can't seize the opportunity, it has become a global common resource again?"

Special thanks to Brother False Face for the 16,666-coin reward, which flattered Xiaohu. He spent a lot of money. I wish him good luck every year and make a fortune from time to time. Thank you again for your 10,000-coin reward. I bow to you!

Thank you to my brother, Little Perseverance, for your 1,666 coin reward. I wish you good luck in everything, great wealth, and great wealth. I bow to you!

I would also like to thank all the brothers and sisters who have always supported and accompanied the national treasure. With your support all the way, Xiaohu feels very happy. I wish everyone a prosperous and prosperous life. I bow to you all!

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