A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 127 Even if you die without regrets! (Ask for monthly ticket)

Zhao Zizhen cursed.

Netizens were even more furious.

"I mean, global sharing? Why do you Westerners have the nerve to say this?"

"That's right, when you got the first handful of supplies from the moon, why didn't you talk about global sharing?"

"It's so funny. When I had the advantage, I just said that the one with the strongest lunar resources would be the winner. Now that I no longer have the advantage, do I just say that the lunar resources have to be shared?"

"If you and Kodaka-chan get the robotic arm first this time, will you still say such things?"

"I would like to advise you, some countries and people in the West, not to have double standards in your conduct!"

Netizens fought back one after another.

Some radicals said:

"Don't say it's impossible to share data with you, even the moon belongs to our Shangxia!"

"Yes, the moon has been our inherent territory of Shang Xia since ancient times!"

"Do you deserve to share our own things with you?"


These remarks naturally caused people in Western countries to once again quarrel with domestic netizens.

"Damn Shangxia guys, what qualifications do you have to say that the moon belongs to you? What evidence do you have?"

"Yes, the moon has never belonged to any country or individual!"

"The moon belongs to mankind, and everything on it belongs to all mankind!"

For a time, the whole Internet was in constant quarrel.

The live broadcast continues.

On the moon, two astronauts have fully scanned the robotic arm.

After seeing that the robotic arm was not aggressive, the two tried to move the robotic arm back to the spacecraft.

But of course the result is that the entire robotic arm cannot be moved.

This made the two of them report with some regret.

"Reporting to the base, the robotic arm is too heavy and the tools we carry cannot carry the load, but we found that the robotic arm seems to be performing excavation operations."

"Behind the robotic arm, there seem to be some footprints of different shades extending to the back of the moon. We have left a mark here and will follow the footprints to explore next."

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

"Classmate spacecraft, are you sure there are still footprints?" Song Changming's pupils shrank, "Can you confirm what species the footprints are?"

"Reporting base, unrecognizable, picture has been sent, please analyze."

Following the words, everyone saw through the live broadcast screen that there was a series of relatively unique footprints behind the robotic arm.

"These footprints... don't look like those of us humans."

"My dear, it looks like there are really aliens!"

"Oh my god, can we see what aliens look like with our own eyes today?"

"You two astronauts, be careful!"

Netizens temporarily stopped fighting with Westerners and became curious and nervous.

Because, today is very likely to witness history.

Song Changming and others were even more worried and asked the technical department to analyze the footprints.

But no useful information could be analyzed.

The only thing that is certain is that these are indeed not human footprints.

Song Changming took a deep breath, picked up the microphone and said solemnly: "Classmate spacecraft, please be aware that there may be unknown extraterrestrial civilizations and creatures on the moon. Please take safety precautions!"

"Received, please rest assured base. As a member of the aerospace industry, it is our mission and responsibility to explore unknown civilizations. If we can witness the emergence of extraterrestrial civilizations in our lifetime, we will die without regrets!"

The two astronauts spoke in a sonorous tone and moved quickly along the footprints, seeming to have no regard for life or death.

Looking at the two figures, netizens couldn't help but have tears in their eyes.

Because it is precisely because of these predecessors who are not afraid of life and death who ventured and explored in various fields that the current prosperity of scientific and technological civilization can be achieved!

Time passes little by little.

The two astronauts spent the rest of the time on their way, except for the occasional stop to rest and resupply.

Netizens stayed in the live broadcast room around the clock, for fear of missing the first moment of seeing extraterrestrial civilization!

During this process, a lot of discussions broke out on the Internet.

For example, are the extraterrestrial civilizations on the moon more advanced than the Blue Star? If so, why have they not sent any signals to the Blue Star in recent years?

If it is not advanced, then why have no discoveries been made during many lunar explorations?

In short, a large number of questions and doubts are filling the minds of netizens.

These problems also plague officials in various countries.

Just like Ye Guhong and the others, they were also very confused.

The smart team is already conducting a lot of analysis and issuing preliminary countermeasures.

at the same time.

Lin Yang received another message from Butler No. 1.

"Mr. Commander, after calculation, the two astronauts from your country are moving too slowly, and the supplies they carry may not be enough to support them in discovering the Tiangong base."

"Will you send out a patrol team to take them directly back to the base?"

"...Take it back directly?" Lin Yang's eyes flashed.

"Yes, Mr. Commander, their speed is too slow." Butler No. 1 replied.

"Okay, then you can send out a patrol team, but be sure not to reveal my true identity."

Lin Yang thought for a moment and gave a warning.

The reason why he did not inform the country that he built a base on the moon, the robotic arm on the moon, and the extraterrestrial civilizations they believe were all done by him, so that astronauts can land with confidence, is because he still wants to Beware.

Despite the promise made to him, he didn't want to gamble on human nature.

So when he was building the ecological base, he thought about it and created an additional identity for himself as an intermediary representative selected by extraterrestrial civilization to communicate with Blue Star.

His personal power is not enough to ignore the strongest armed force of Blue Star, nor is there enough energy for the Apocalypse spacecraft to overwhelm Blue Star.

Therefore, before that, giving yourself another unique identity is the best way.

In this way, even if your identity is completely exposed when you return to your country, you will have greater security.

As the only spokesperson who can contact extraterrestrial civilizations, this status is enough to prevent anyone from having bad thoughts towards him easily.

The reason why the ecological base is named Tiangong is also to show that he has a certain say in this alien civilization!

Anyone who wants to do anything against him must think carefully.

"Understood, Mr. Commander!"

Butler No. 1 responded.

At the same time, the patrol team set off.

Domestic, live broadcast room.

Not only did netizens not feel bored because of the astronauts' boring journey, but they became more and more excited.

Because the longer time passes, the closer we are to alien civilization.

However, a sudden news caused the enthusiasm of netizens to cool down by more than half in an instant.

"Report to the base, our supplies and oxygen can only support us for two more days at most. If we cannot see alien civilization within two days, we may need to return and log in again!"

The words passed back by the astronauts made netizens slightly disappointed.

After all, aliens are so close before our eyes.

Everyone hopes to see it soon.

Song Changming also sighed, but still said: "Everything is based on your safety. If the supplies are insufficient, return first..."

However, before he could say the word "return", his words stopped abruptly.

Whether it was in the space base or the netizens in the live broadcast room, everyone fell silent at this moment.

Everyone stared at the live broadcast with wide eyes, as if they were seeing a ghost.

Because, behind the two astronauts, at some point, a team of... robots suddenly appeared!

"That, that's..."

Everyone was shocked at this moment!

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