A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 128 Chinese-speaking extraterrestrial civilization? (Thanks to sister Ling'er for the 1

At this moment, as long as they are watching the live broadcast, everyone around the world is full of shock!

Because, through the live broadcast, you can see that twelve robots suddenly appeared behind the two astronauts.

Then, he walked towards the two of them

The streamlined body was glowing with silver metallic luster, and he approached the two astronauts with neat steps!

Each robot looks like a well-trained soldier, holding a weapon with a faint blue light in its hand.

At first glance, it looks very advanced and very difficult to mess with!

The powerful sense of oppression, even across the screen, makes people subconsciously hold their breath and become nervous.

"Is this an alien?"

"What do they want to do?

Domestic netizens were even more worried because these twelve robots directly surrounded the two astronauts.

In the aerospace base, the eyes of Song Changming and the experts from the aerospace institute were solemn as never before.

Because they can see at a glance that the construction technology of these robots is simply exquisite.

None of the future robots currently in concept on Blue Star can compare.

The connection between bones and various joints is as smooth as when in motion. This technical level is at least a hundred years ahead of the current Blue Star.

And this is only something that can be seen on the surface.

Just these two technologies on the surface, if there are no accidents, may not be solved within decades.

Not to mention the other technologies on the robot that you can't even see.

"Dean Song, what should we do now?" An expert from the technical department handed over an analysis report and asked at the same time.

Song Changming glanced at the report and frowned: "Can't you even analyze the surface material to find out what kind of material it is?"

"Yes, but it is certain that it is a super impact-resistant material. Even if all the current satellites and lunar probes are mobilized to impact, these robots may not be harmed."

The expert sighed: "If they have malicious intentions towards the two astronauts, we basically have no possibility of successful rescue."

"In this case, don't act rashly to avoid irritating them. Observe first to see what their purpose is."

Song Changming spoke while contacting the two astronauts.

Above the moon.

Twelve robots surrounded the two astronauts. Although both of them were a little visibly panicked at first, their eyes were full of excitement.

Such an advanced robot is definitely the product of an extraterrestrial civilization!

They are about to come into contact with extraterrestrial civilizations!

Then, the two began to try to communicate with these robots and started making gestures.

Seeing this, Song Changming twitched the corner of his mouth and quickly warned: "Classmate spaceship, please stay calm and don't anger these mechanical beings."

"Answer the base, we don't feel they have any intention to attack, maybe we can try to communicate."

The two astronauts replied excitedly.

Although they were surrounded by robots, the two of them didn't have much fear.

Because they really didn't feel the robot's intention to attack them.

And being able to encounter such advanced mechanical life on the moon is enough to show that the technological level of this unknown extraterrestrial civilization on the moon is indeed higher than that of Blue Star.

If these robots really had ill intentions towards them, there was no point in being afraid.

So the two astronauts were very open-minded.

Rather than being afraid, it is better to explore as much information as possible about this unknown civilization.

Therefore, in the live broadcast, netizens saw the two astronauts almost using their hands and feet to gesture, and at the same time trying to communicate with these robots in different languages.

It looks quite funny.

It’s just that none of the netizens can laugh.

Everyone knew in their hearts that these two astronauts were gambling with their lives in exchange for the opportunity to contact extraterrestrial civilizations.

If the bet fails, you will have to pay the price with your life.

In the space base, Song Changming and all the experts did not continue to talk to the Classmate spacecraft, and they all watched silently.

Working together for the aerospace industry, they have a clearer understanding of what kind of thoughts the two of them have now making these moves.

"Look, a robot has reacted!"

Suddenly, someone exclaimed.

In the live broadcast, a robot walked up to the two astronauts and stared at them. Some blue light flashed in the eyes of the robot. At the same time, you could clearly see the robot's eyeballs flashing for a moment. A large amount of data flow flashed through, as if it was distinguishing or accepting some information.

"Is it analyzing the language and body movements of the two astronauts?"

Some people couldn't help but speculate.

"No matter what you are doing, as long as you don't attack directly."

"Yes, as long as there is no attack, it doesn't matter if the language is temporarily different. As long as there is the intention to communicate, a bridge of communication will be established sooner or later."

More netizens breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as these advanced mechanical beings have no intention of directly attacking astronauts, then everything else is possible.

Today, we may really have to witness the miracle of the emergence of extraterrestrial civilizations.

In the space base, Song Changming and a group of experts also relaxed a lot.

As long as there is an intention to communicate, then everything is easy to talk about!

Above the moon.

The two astronauts also felt a lot more at ease, and then they kept changing their methods to try to have a preliminary communication with the robot in front of them.

However, no matter how much they used all the language and body movements at their disposal, they did not get any further feedback from the robot.

This made the two of them a little disappointed.

However, just when the two of them were a little confused about what to do next, they saw the robot in front of them take out a triangular metal stand from behind, which was about the size of five or six people fighting at the same time.

As soon as the stand was taken out, the robot pressed a button in the middle of the stand, and then a red light flashed across the entire stand, floating directly a few inches above the ground.

Then the robot jumped up directly, and at the same time, it stretched out its mechanical arm towards the two astronauts, seemingly inviting them to come up.

"Is this, let us stand up?"

The two looked at each other, both a little surprised, and their eyes were fixed on the floating triangular metal bracket.

This thing actually floated directly above the ground, which shocked both of them.

Netizens were also shocked when they saw this.

"Is this an aircraft?"

"There is no power device in sight, and it is directly in a hovering state. This is definitely an advanced aircraft!"

"But how is this done? It looks like magnetic levitation, but we haven't seen any magnetic levitation tracks on the moon!"

"Unscientific, so unscientific..."

"No, buddy, aliens are here, so why are you talking about modern science? This must be another advanced technology that we can't even imagine!"

Countless netizens looked at the aircraft and started talking.

The experts in the space base were also extremely shocked!

Because even they can't understand how this is done!

"This technology may be hundreds of years ahead of us."

After a period of analysis, an expert in related fields spoke in despair.

Just now, they all thought that maybe the civilization on the moon would not be too strong.

Otherwise, Blue Star should have been invaded long ago.

But with the emergence of robots, this idea has dissipated a lot.

Now that I see this hovering technology that I can't even understand, this idea of ​​luck has completely disappeared.

Being able to create such advanced robots and such flying technology.

How could the civilization level be so low!

However, this shock is only the beginning.

Just when everyone was still shocked by this triangular aircraft.

Something even more shocking happened...

The robot making the invitation gesture suddenly spoke after hearing the words of the two astronauts, and a synthesized mechanical voice spread throughout the world through the live broadcast.

"Yes, owners of Blue Star Civilization, please board the aircraft."

In an instant, everyone's scalp went numb!

Because this robot can not only speak.

The language spoken is still...


Everyone in the country instantly looked at each other!

Special thanks to Sister Ling'er for the 15,000-coin reward. Xiaohu is really flattered. My sister has spent a lot of money. I wish her good luck every year and make a fortune. I would like to thank my sister again for the 10,000-coin reward. I bow to my sister!

Thank you for the 1666-coin reward and silence from Brother Don’t Write Cursive Script. Please don’t lose your 1666-coin reward from Brother and the reward from Brother Happy and Book Friends 20231230137 at the next stop. I wish you all good luck, abundant wealth, and great wealth. , bow to the elder brother!

I would also like to thank all the brothers and sisters who have always supported and accompanied the national treasure. With your support all the way, Xiaohu feels very happy. I wish everyone a prosperous and prosperous life. I bow to you all!

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