What did they hear?

This robot from an extraterrestrial civilization actually speaks Chinese!

Speak the mother tongue of Shang Xia!

This gave everyone in the country a feeling of being shocked all over.

Whether it is netizens watching the live broadcast or experts at the space base.

My whole body was numb at this moment.

Then, everyone stared at the live broadcast for fear of missing any details in the next frame!

On the moon, the two astronauts were also stunned after hearing the robot speak.

The robot in front of me can actually speak the native language of Shang and Xia!

This made the two of them suddenly excited after a brief daze.

"You, no, you, you can speak our language?"

The two clenched their fists and spoke with some expectation.

If they had no auditory hallucinations, then they would be able to communicate without any barriers!

How can this not be exciting?

The robot nodded slightly: "Yes, gentlemen, we can have barrier-free communication. Now please board the aircraft first. We are ordered to invite you to visit our base."

"Very good!"

The two astronauts high-fived excitedly, and then their eyes widened: "You, what did you say? Invite us to visit your base?"

The two of them were stunned on the spot!

This extraterrestrial civilization directly invited them to visit the base?

Did you hear that right?

"Yes, we have found that the movement speed of the two gentlemen is slow, and the supplies they carry are not enough to support our base, so we come to invite you two."

The robot answered in the affirmative.

This directly made the two of them even more excited.

Visit the base of an extraterrestrial civilization!

Still invited!

An unspeakable excitement rushed directly to my head!

Then, the two looked at each other and jumped onto the aircraft.

They have already made up their mind that no matter whether it is dangerous or not, they will try their best to explore as much information about extraterrestrial civilizations as long as they have the opportunity.

Not to mention that these robots haven't shown any malicious intent yet.

Therefore, even if they step into the abyss next, they must follow these robots to the base of extraterrestrial civilization!

The next moment, after the two people jumped on the aircraft, a ray of red light flashed on the aircraft again, and it flew directly close to the ground.

The other robots were running at a speed similar to that of the aircraft.

"This...is really an aircraft!"

The two couldn't help but marveled.

"Yes, this is our primary patrol aircraft. The fastest speed is about ten times the flying speed of your large passenger aircraft on Blue Star."

The robot nodded and introduced directly.

"However, when flying at high speed, you cannot resist the pressure of the external environment. Your spacesuit is too inferior and cannot withstand rapid navigation, so this is a slower cruising speed."

Hearing this, the two of them were even more shocked, and couldn't help but look down at the aircraft at their feet.

It’s unimaginable that this little thing can be so fast!

Then, the two of them seemed to have thought of something, and asked again: "You just said that you were ordered to invite us. I don't know who ordered it?"

"Sorry, you two will know when we get to the base. We are patrol robots and are only responsible for obeying orders. If you have other questions, you can ask our commander after arriving at the base."

However, the robot did not directly answer their questions.

"Okay, how long does it take to arrive at your base?"

The two were not disappointed and asked another question.

"About half an hour."


The two astronauts were even more excited when they heard that it only took half an hour to reach the alien base.

"You're welcome. If you two feel uncomfortable during the flight, you can stop and adjust at any time."

The robot warned politely.

"Okay, thank you again." The two responded.

The robot did not answer any more, but stretched out its mechanical arm in front of the two of them. The entire mechanical arm turned into a screen just like what Butler No. 1 had shown in front of Lin Yang before.

There is a moving red dot on it, and a stationary green dot.

"The green dot is where our base is, and the red dot is us who are moving. You can watch the distance between us and the base in real time."

The robot finished adjusting its arms and spoke again.

This operation immediately stunned the two astronauts.

Because this technology is really...

So advanced! !

And it wasn't just the two astronauts who were equally stunned.

Everyone who watched the live broadcast was stunned again!

A robot that can communicate!

A small but incredibly fast aircraft!

A robotic arm that can be directly transformed into a screen!

Each of these is shocking.

Not to mention, there are bases for extraterrestrial civilizations!

And the commander in the robot's mouth!

The information revealed made everyone's scalp numb.

Looking at the live broadcast, the scene is approaching the alien civilization base.

It can be said that at this moment, everyone in every country in the world is shocked by it.

The alien civilization that we have been pursuing suddenly appeared.

It didn’t give anyone the slightest bit of defense!

No one can stay calm!

Unlike ordinary people who were simply shocked, the senior officials of Western countries were very uncomfortable.

Because those who come into contact with extraterrestrial civilizations are not people from their Western countries!

As the first Blue Star country to come into contact with extraterrestrial civilization, it is conceivable that it will definitely have great advantages.

In fact, if alien civilization develops a favorable impression of the country as a result, they would not dare to think about the consequences!


In Bu Mei territory, a sound of smashing things suddenly came from the official building, accompanied by an angry roar.

"damn it!"

"Damn Shang Xia!"


"Why should these damn Shangxia people take all the good things!"


"It should have been the opportunity and glory that belonged to our not-beautiful empire!!"

The unattractive senior executives almost broke their teeth.

Also angry were Kotaka-chan's top brass.

This time, their spacecraft and astronauts from their two countries also landed on the moon at the same time!

But not only did their joint spacecraft and astronauts disappear inexplicably, but extraterrestrial civilizations appeared!

If they could just barely accept that the spacecraft and astronauts were missing, the moment the robot appeared, the top management of both countries really broke through!

The first opportunity to contact extraterrestrial civilizations was at least shared by their two countries!

But now, they can only watch as this opportunity is completely occupied by the country!

This makes them feel uncomfortable and angry!

After all, the emergence of extraterrestrial civilization means a new era and new opportunities.

A small lead may become a crucial factor in the future.

One of them is a major country in the world and the other is a superpower, but now they can only miss this advantage.

This makes them even want to kill people!

However, unlike the anger of Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan, the country is now excited!

An extraterrestrial civilization that speaks Shang-Xia language!

And he was so polite!

If we can take the opportunity to acquire some technology from extraterrestrial civilizations, or simply establish good diplomatic relations with them, it will be an opportunity for the country to take off!

Within the aerospace base, there are also the Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Military Sciences.

Now all relevant experts are analyzing the data quietly passed back by the two astronauts at the same time!

Whether it is the data of the robot or the data of the aircraft, the experts are blushing with excitement!

And what shocked everyone from head to toe was...

Half an hour later, when the two astronauts arrived at the base.

Look at the magnificent ecological base standing on the surface of the moon.


Every Shangxia person!

They all couldn't help but exclaimed.

Because, at the entrance of the majestic ecological base.

The word "Tiangong" is actually engraved in Shang and Xia characters!

See this name with unique oriental cultural charm of Shang and Xia.

Everyone's body trembled!

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