A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 130 Welcome to the Tiangong Moon Ecological Base!

Heavenly Palace!

Looking at these two large gilt characters carved in Shang Xia font, every netizen in China felt a shiver from their souls.

Before the astronauts arrived at the base, everyone thought of countless possibilities.

Everyone is imagining what a base of extraterrestrial civilization would look like!

However, no one expected that the base of extraterrestrial civilization would be named after Tiangong!

It would be okay if it was just the word "Tiangong".

But the problem is that the word "Tiangong" is written in the seal script of Shang Xia!

And, that's not all!

On the entrance side of the base, there is also a Soaring Dragon Pillar!

It is the five-clawed golden dragon shape of Shang Xia!

There is even a sentence engraved on the pillar!

"Have a good ride in the wind, and see the mountains and rivers in the sky thousands of miles away!"

When they saw this sentence, the excitement of netizens reached its peak!

"Oh my god, am I not dazzled? This sentence should be from a poem by Xin Qiji, right?!"

"Yes, you read that right. I learned this in high school. The meaning of this phrase is that I want to fly thousands of miles into the sky and overlook the great rivers and mountains of the motherland!"

"Oh my god, is there really a previous era of scientific and technological civilization, and this so-called extraterrestrial civilization on the moon is actually left behind by our predecessors from the Shang Xia in the last civilization era?"

Some netizens spoke tremblingly.

The word "Tiangong" has a unique meaning of Shang Xia, plus the golden dragon shape that can symbolize Shang Xia.

There are also words from ancient Shang and Xia poets!

This all shows that this extraterrestrial civilization base is likely to be inextricably linked to Shang Xia!

This is really impossible not to make people excited and think more about it!

This topic also immediately received a large number of replies and discussions from netizens.

Because before this, many people suspected that Blue Star might have had another brilliant civilization a long time ago.

Now, the emergence of the Tiangong base has once again pushed this topic into a hot search.

The thought that the extraterrestrial civilization on the moon is most likely something left by their ancestors makes netizens so excited that they can't sleep!

My soul is trembling!

However, this topic quickly received refutation from a large number of people in the West!

"It's just a name. Why do you say it was left by you Shangxia people?"

"That's right, maybe this extraterrestrial civilization is just too lazy to give a name and just picked one at random. There is no previous civilization at all!"

"That's right, fellow Shang Xia guys, don't be complacent with yourselves. The owner of that poem was only more than 700 years ago, and there was a far-fetched era of technological civilization more than 700 years ago!!"


Everyone in the West is trying their best to overturn this statement.

Because this is very detrimental to their entire Western countries.

If you agree with what domestic netizens say, then the moon will really become the inherent territory of Shang Xia.

Therefore, under the instruction of Western officials, there was an overwhelming amount of comments to refute domestic netizens in an instant.

There is only one theme, and that is that no matter what, we cannot leave such an impression on ordinary people.

Otherwise, even if Western countries land on the moon again in the future, they will have no legitimate reason to compete for lunar resources.

Naturally, the little thoughts of Western officials cannot be hidden from domestic netizens.

Immediately, some netizens laughed.

"Even if there is no previous civilization, even if it is just a name randomly chosen by an extraterrestrial civilization, it proves that people like our Shang-Xia culture and are willing to get close to us. Are you angry?"

"Hahaha, Westerners, you'd better save your energy. Whether you are willing to accept this fact or not, in short, the word "Tiangong" is enough to prove that this base is more or less related to our Shangxia. You can't be jealous. !”

"That's right. Anyway, it's named after our Shang Xia culture. Before you find enough evidence to overturn it, there's nothing wrong with saying that the moon has been our territory since ancient times, right?"

"Yes, Westerners, we know you are in a hurry now, but don't be anxious yet..."

Although netizens were excited, they also realized from the content of this sentence that it was unlikely that this base was left behind by the previous civilization.

But no matter what, everything here is closely related to the ancient culture of Shang and Xia.

that's enough!

Inside the space base.

Song Changming also gave the latest instructions after the experts were excited:

"Everyone, be prepared. This is the base of an extraterrestrial civilization. All the information inside is very important to us. After the two astronauts enter the base, everyone must record everything in the base!"

His expression was rather serious, because the two astronauts had just quietly conveyed a message back that the scanners in their hands could not scan the data of Tiangong Base.

The technological level of Tiangong Base is too much beyond that of the scanner, so the scanner cannot work.

Therefore, everything the two astronauts saw must be recorded now and analyzed later.

"Don't worry, Dean Song, as long as those robots don't block the camera equipment carried by the two astronauts, we will record all the scenes we can see without missing a beat!"

A group of experts are also gearing up and very excited.

Preparations and related equipment are already in place!

Just waiting for the two astronauts to enter the Tiangong base.

Entrance to the Lunar Tiangong Base.

The two astronauts were also shocked when they saw the word "Tiangong" and the Tenglong column next to it and the words engraved on it.

The two stared at the word "Tiangong" for a long time, then turned their heads with some difficulty, and then looked at each other.

After staring at each other for half a minute, the two finally regained their composure.

The shock and impact of seeing the written language and mother tongue of my hometown on the moon is indescribable!

They opened their mouths, wanting to say something, but they couldn't form orderly words for a while.

They have many questions to ask but don't know what to ask first.

Just when the two were silent, the entrance to the Tiangong Base suddenly opened.

A smiling robot walked out of it, smiled at the two of them, and said:

"Friends who have come from afar, welcome to the Tiangong Lunar Ecological Base."

It was GuanJian 1. Following the words, it made an inviting gesture, inviting the two astronauts to visit the Tiangong ecological base.

"Tiangong... moon... ecological base?"

The two couldn't help but look at each other again.

The moon, ecological base!

They all grasped these two key words keenly.

The full name of this base of extraterrestrial civilization is not Tiangong Base, but the words moon and ecology are added!

This means that this may be just a foothold established by this extraterrestrial civilization on the moon.

And it is not the base camp of extraterrestrial civilization!

Thinking of this, both of them became faintly excited again.

The extraterrestrial civilization on the moon seems to be more powerful than previously thought!

Netizens and experts at the space base were equally excited.

A powerful extraterrestrial civilization that can span the stars is about to reveal part of its true face!

Especially experts and academicians in the aerospace field are even more excited. The more powerful this extraterrestrial civilization is, the more things China can learn from it!

After all, in terms of the level of technology currently displayed by this civilization, it far exceeds that of Blue Star.

If there was really malicious intent, Blue Star would be powerless to resist.

Therefore, before the other party shows any malicious intent, the stronger this civilization is, the more domestic gains it will gain!

For a malicious extraterrestrial civilization, the weaker it is, the better. But if there is no malicious intent, the stronger it is, the better!

This principle is very simple!

next moment.

The two astronauts entered the ecological base at the invitation of Butler One.

The scene inside immediately caused an uproar around the world!

First of all, I wish you all a happy New Year. I wish all the brothers and sisters a happy New Year, all the best, and may you be rich and healthy in the new year!

Bow to everyone!

Thank you to book friend 20231230013649698 and book friend 20231215011252400 for their rewards. You two have spent a lot of money. I wish you a fortune and I bow to you!

Thank you to all the brothers and sisters who have always supported the national treasure. I bow to everyone!

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