A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 131 Extraterrestrial civilization, human civilization? (Second update)

"Is this, is this the strength of extraterrestrial civilization?"

"My dear swan, we haven't had any hallucinations, have we?"

"This base is actually a sci-fi futuristic city?"

"Damn it, before the astronauts entered, I thought about countless possibilities, but I never thought that this base would actually be a modern city that is even more sci-fi than the future cities in sci-fi blockbusters!"

"There are so many robots..."

As the two astronauts entered, everyone was stunned by the situation inside the ecological base.

Towering modern buildings, robot teams patrolling in low-altitude aircraft, and super green plants everywhere!

Everything is beyond everyone's imagination!

No one can imagine how advanced the technology is to build such a future city on the barren and barren moon!

In the space base, all the relevant experts looked at the scene in the Tiangong Ecological Base. They were shocked and felt a little desperate.

The technology and technology involved in the scenes within the Tiangong Ecological Base that are visible to the eye are far beyond what can be explained by the current technological level of the entire Blue Star.

This dampened the passion and enthusiasm of the experts who were just gearing up to study the alien civilization base.

If the gap in scientific and technological levels is not big, we can still study it, but to this extent, it really hurts the confidence of these experts.

Song Changming looked at the changes in everyone's expressions and said:

"Everyone, although the current gap is a bit large, this is also our goal and direction! I believe that one day, we can reach this level or even surpass it!"

These words brought everyone back to their senses, and immediately an expert smiled and said:

"Haha, Dean Song, we were just a little stunned for a moment. The gap in technological level is indeed very big at present, but it does not make us really despair. We, the sons and daughters of Shang Xia, will never stop because of difficulties. Have you been there before?"

"That's right, as scientific researchers, what should we be afraid of? The more advanced these technologies are, the greater our improvement will be when we gnaw them down and understand them thoroughly!"

"Yes, this is a research direction that is just around the corner. This will only stimulate our motivation!"

After the experts and academicians came to their senses, they burst into laughter.

Of course they don't really feel hopeless.

The thought at that moment was just the human body's instinctive psychological reaction caused by the instant shock after seeing the scene inside the Tiangong Ecological Base.

The children of Shang and Xia are never afraid of difficulties and challenges!

The more advanced this technology is, the more excited they will be!

Inside the Tiangong Ecological Base.

The two astronauts were also shocked by the sight in front of them.

They didn't expect that the inside of the ecological base would look like this!

Both of them were very shocked.

He stayed where he was and said nothing for a long time.

Butler No. 1 smiled and said: "Two gentlemen, Tiangong Base is an ecological base with a complete ecosystem inside. You can take off your heavy spacesuits. There is no difference between here and on your blue star."


The two astronauts exclaimed in unison.

Is there any difference between here and on Blue Star? ?

Did they hear it correctly?

"You two gentlemen, don't be surprised. The word "ecology" in the ecological base is not just for fun. It is an all-round ecological base city and an ecological city suitable for human habitation."

Butler No. 1 smiled slightly again.


The two astronauts couldn't help but look at each other again, and both saw the shock in each other's eyes.

Then, one of the astronauts first tried to turn off the oxygen circulation system in the spacesuit, opened the helmet and tried to breathe.

After confirming that there was indeed an oxygen system in this ecological base, he nodded slightly towards the other person.

Then the two of them took off their spacesuits completely one after another.

This detail also moved netizens one after another.

The two astronauts did not take off their spacesuits at the same time, obviously to prevent these robots from being hypocritically well-intentioned, so that at least one of them could continue to hold on as long as possible and deliver more information back to the space base.

The astronaut who took off his protective suit first must have tried it with death in mind.

This kind of cooperation and action is touching.

After the two astronauts took off their spacesuits, Butler No. 1 said again: "If you two gentlemen don't need to rest, I can take you on a complete tour of this base city."

The two looked at each other and nodded: "Thank you, we don't need to rest."

"Okay, gentlemen, please follow me."

Butler No. 1 nodded with a smile, then reached out and pressed a button on the mechanical arm.

A few seconds later, an aircraft that resembled a circular cable car stopped directly in front of them.

"This is a sightseeing aircraft in the ecological base. You two can ride it. I will take you to visit the entire base."

Butler No. 1 entered the car first.

The two astronauts looked at the aircraft first, and then stepped into it one after another.

The aircraft slowly started to take off at a relatively slow speed, and then slowly moved towards other areas of the base city.

Then due to the change of perspective, looking from top to bottom, the entire base city looks more sci-fi.

The two astronauts looked at each other slowly. It seemed hard to imagine that now they were riding in a city aircraft and flying over the city, just like in a science fiction blockbuster.

Then, the two of them seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly turned to look at Butler No. 1 and said politely:

"Sorry, I don't know what to call you yet?"

"Just call me Butler No. 1."

"Butler No. 1?"

The two were startled.

This name sounds like it's just a housekeeper?

"Aren't you the person in charge of this base city?"

The next moment, the two of them spoke in surprise.

"Haha, of course I am not the person in charge of the base. I am just the steward of the base. My existence is only responsible for the daily operation and maintenance of the base. The supreme authority of the base belongs to Mr. Commander."

Butler No. 1 explained with a smile, and then added another sentence while the two looked shocked:

"As robots, we are tools created by Mr. Commander and exist to serve mankind."

This sentence directly caused the expressions of the two astronauts to change in shock.

Such a smart robot is just a tool created?

The two immediately looked at each other.

Because before that, they almost thought that the extraterrestrial civilization on the moon belonged to a group of intelligent mechanical lifeforms like Guanjian 1.

But I never thought that a robot with independent intelligence like Butler No. 1 would be just a created tool!

For a moment, both of them were speechless.

They were really shocked.

Also shocked were the netizens who watched the live broadcast and the experts at the space base!

"Holy shit, when Butler No. 1 first came out, I thought it was a real mechanical life. After all, it communicates just like normal people. Didn't I expect that it was just a created tool?"

"What kind of powerful technological civilization can create such an intelligent robot?"

"And Mr. Commander, isn't he also a human being?"


Everyone was shocked by Butler No. 1's casual words.

Although the words are short, the information revealed in them is simply shocking.

A mysterious commander who exists to serve mankind!

Just these two sentences make people unable to help but think about it!

Could it be that this extraterrestrial civilization is also a human civilization?

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