A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 132 Isn’t this the place that was left behind? (Third update)

Extraterrestrial civilization, suspected to be human civilization!

This information shocked the world in an instant!

Inside the space base.

After discussions with a group of experts and discussions with Ye Guhong and Zhao Zizhen, Song Changming conveyed a message to the two astronauts.

I hope they can come up with as much useful information as possible while ensuring their own safety.

After all, the news that extraterrestrial civilization is suspected to be human civilization is too shocking.

If we can get a positive answer, then this time it will not only be as simple as discovering an extraterrestrial civilization, but also proving that there are indeed humans not only on the earth in the universe.

This is of vital significance!

In the Tiangong base, the two astronauts also spoke again after receiving the message from the space base:

"Your Excellency Steward No. 1, may I take the liberty of asking if the Commander you are talking about is a human being like us?"

In fact, they are also curious about these issues without the need for a message from the space base.

Butler No. 1 smiled and nodded: "Yes, Mr. Commander is a human being like you!"


Butler No. 1’s affirmative answer immediately made everyone’s heads buzz!

Extraterrestrial civilization!

Human extraterrestrial civilization!

This news is simply shocking news!

At the same time, it is also extremely exciting news.

After all, in the current perception of most people on Blue Star and in many science fiction blockbusters, alien civilizations are the existence of alien races.

Although, being able to prove that other human civilizations exist is not necessarily a 100% good thing.

But at least it means that the humans on Blue Star are not alone!

The simple word human, in the vast universe, is enough to make people feel infinite closeness in the first place.

After several minutes of shock, the two astronauts held back their excitement and asked again:

"So, Mr. Butler No. 1, don't you know Mr. Commander is in the base now? Can we meet with him?"

"Sorry, Mr. Commander is not at the base at the moment, but I will note down your needs and convey them to you if Mr. Commander comes back." Butler No. 1 replied with a smile.

Its words were a little disappointing at first, but when they heard the next sentence, the two astronauts were instantly surprised:

"Your Excellency Butler No. 1, will Mr. Commander come back here again?"

"Of course, Mr. Commander built this place, and of course he will come back here." Butler No. 1 responded affirmatively again.

This reply instantly excited the two of them.

When they heard Butler No. 1 say that Mr. Commander was away, they almost thought that the other party had left the solar system, or even the Milky Way, and that this place was just a forgotten civilization base, but they didn't expect that it was possible to come back!

This made the two of them excited and couldn't help but ask: "Your Excellency Butler No. 1, can you tell us some other information about Mr. Commander? For example, has Mr. Commander left our galaxy now? Or? A temporary outing, somewhere else on the moon?”

However, in response to this question from the two of them, Butler No. 1 refused with a smile: "I'm sorry, regarding Mr. Commander's personal situation, I can't reveal more to you two unless I get Mr. Commander's permission."


The two astronauts were stunned for a moment, as if they did not expect that Butler One, who knew all the other questions, would refuse to answer this question.

But soon the two of them figured out that since Butler No. 1 was created by the mysterious Mr. Commander, it was natural that he had no right to answer Mr. Commander’s situation.

Butler No. 1 continued: "Two gentlemen, now that we have arrived at the ecological zone, you two can focus on visiting our ecological base first."

Following the reminder from Butler No. 1, everyone realized that the spacecraft had now arrived at an area full of various vegetation.

"This is an ecological natural area within the base, but for the time being there are only a large number of plants and no animals to enjoy."

Butler No. 1 was explaining on the side.

Then everyone followed the shift of the two astronauts' perspectives and saw all kinds of towering trees and plants with strange shapes that they had never seen before.

"Wait a minute, what flashed by just now seems to be a plant that has long been extinct on our blue star!"

After seeing a large number of plants in the ecological zone through live broadcast, the experts at the Institute of Biology were all excited.

Because a lot of it is vegetation that has long since disappeared on Blue Star!

But now in the Tiangong Moon Ecological Base, it is thriving.

This directly made the old academicians of the Academy of Biology feel itchy in their hearts.

For the academicians of the Aerospace Academy who are engaged in scientific research, the technology in this ecological base fascinates them.

For the academicians of the Academy of Biology, these plants make them want to rush to the ecological base for close study.

Then, the dean of the Institute of Biology began to frantically contact Song Changming.

"Old Song, please pass a message to me and ask the two astronauts to ask if they can bring back some seeds of these plants?"

As soon as the connection was connected, Yuan Zhihe, the dean of the School of Biology, spoke impatiently.

This made Song Changming stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't laugh or cry: "Old Yuan, how can we have this time now? We can't even understand the technology in the ecological base!"

These words directly made Yuan Zhihe angry: "You old ghost Song, what do you mean by this? Your research on science and technology is for the development of the country and is of great use. I know it, but doesn't our research on biology have no use at all? "

"..." These words made Song Changming speechless for a moment, and then he said helplessly: "Okay, I'll convey this to you, but I can't guarantee whether it will be successful or not!"

"Hmph! You still have some conscience!"

Yuan Zhihe hung up the phone.

Song Changming shrugged, and then began to contact the two astronauts to convey Yuan Zhihe's words.

Within the ecological base.

After the two astronauts finished their introduction to Butler 1, they tentatively asked: "Your Excellency Butler 1, I wonder if there are other seeds of the plants here. If so, can we bring some back?"

After saying that, the two seemed to feel something was wrong, and quickly added: "Of course, we don't want it for nothing, we can exchange it for any materials, as long as you are willing."

This question made Butler No. 1's eyes flicker, and for the first time he did not respond immediately to the question.

This directly made the two astronauts and the experts and academicians of the Academy of Biology who were watching the live broadcast nervous.

Song Changming also had beads of sweat on his palms.

He has already made up his mind. If this matter offends Butler No. 1 and causes any accidents to happen to the two astronauts or if they are not allowed to visit the ecological base in the future, he will definitely run to the Biology Institute to cause a scene!

Fortunately, Butler No. 1 did not show any signs of anger, but after thinking for a while, he said:

"Sorry, gentlemen, I have no right to make the decision. I need to contact Mr. Commander. If Mr. Commander agrees, I can get you some seeds!"

This sentence made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

But the next second, when they realized what Butler No. 1 meant, everyone was shocked!

Butler No. 1, what did you say?

Can it now directly contact the mysterious Mr. Commander?

Could it be that the mysterious commander has the ability to contact the Tiangong Moon Base at any time, or to return to the Tiangong Moon Base?

At this moment, everyone on Blue Star looked at each other in shock!

Could it be that Tiangong Base is not a forgotten place?

Can the human controllers of extraterrestrial civilizations return at any time?

Third update, one more update

Thank you to the brothers and sisters who have been supporting the national treasure during this time!

Happy New Year to everyone!

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