Chapter 133 (Happy New Year’s Day!)

The two astronauts also looked at each other, and then suppressed the shock and asked: "Your Excellency Butler No. 1, can you contact Mr. Commander at any time now?!"

What Butler No. 1 just said was really shocking.

After entering the base just now, everyone saw that there were only robots inside, and everyone subconsciously felt that this base might have been forgotten by the extraterrestrial civilization.

Otherwise, such a high-end ecological base would not even have a single person stationed there, and only a robot butler would be responsible for the operation of the base.

But now, the words of Butler No. 1 are very frightening.

It would be a bit scary if the mysterious commander could be contacted at any time and the other party could return to the moon base at any time.

This means that the extraterrestrial civilization may have been silently monitoring the Blue Star.

The thought of being watched all the time at home makes one feel chills running down his back.

After all, a high-level civilization would never spy on a low-level civilization for no reason, right?

The next moment, under the nervous gaze of the two astronauts and everyone watching the live broadcast, Butler No. 1 smiled and said:

"Of course, this is the ecological base established by Mr. Commander. As the steward of the base, I naturally have to report the situation of the base to Mr. Commander at any time."


Hearing the confirmed answer from Butler No. 1, everyone's heads were buzzing again!

Butler No. 1 can actually contact the commander at any time!

This is hard not to be surprised!

Being able to contact him at any time means at least that the human civilization where Mr. Commander lives still exists.

The other party's civilization can build such a powerful ecological base on the moon across the galaxy, and it has never been discovered by Blue Star.

This civilization level is much higher than Blue Star!

With such a powerful civilization lurking beside the bed, how can it make people calm?

"Excuse me, Sir, will Mr. Commander return here often?"

Then, the two astronauts' throats quivered and asked another extremely critical question.

It would be slightly better if you just keep in touch and the other party cannot return at any time.

But if you can return at any time, you have to take countermeasures.

At the same time, countless netizens and official officials became nervous again when the two astronauts asked questions.

Although the discovery of extraterrestrial civilization is something to be happy about, it proves that humans on earth are not alone in the universe.

But when it came time to come into contact with advanced extraterrestrial civilizations, everyone was a little inexplicably nervous and not yet mentally prepared.

Therefore, everyone is expecting a negative answer from Butler No. 1.

However, the words of Butler No. 1 ruthlessly shattered everyone's hopes.

"Yes, Mr. Commander just returned here not long ago. If he wants, he can return here at any time."

In an instant.

Following Butler No. 1's answer, the whole world fell into silence.

Extraterrestrial civilizations that can be contacted at any time, and people can return at any time!

This made everyone break into a cold sweat.

It can return to the moon at any time, but it has never taken any action against Blue Star. What does this extraterrestrial civilization want to do?

"Made, are these people from this extraterrestrial civilization using us as food in captivity?"

After being silent, some netizens couldn't help but think in the direction of dark theories.

After all, what we have seen so far is enough to prove that this extraterrestrial civilization is much more powerful than Blue Star. If we want to conquer Blue Star, it will definitely be a matter of minutes.

But it has never been revealed on Blue Star in these years.

Even if the other party hadn't taken the initiative to expose it this time, the two astronauts would have never had a chance to discover this ecological base.


At this point, no one could tell that the mechanical arm that appeared behind the two astronauts was definitely revealed on purpose.

"What a shame. The mechanical team said before that they detected that the two astronauts were moving too slowly, and their supplies were not enough to last until Tiangong Base was discovered, so they came to take them to Tiangong Base."

"Now that I think about it, it's clear that they came out to pick up the two astronauts to the Tiangong base on purpose!"

"Yes, they should have taken the initiative to expose the mechanical arm to attract attention. However, it turned out that the two astronauts were probably not able to follow the exposed footprints until they discovered the Tiangong base, so they sent the mechanical team to pick them up directly. base!"

"This extraterrestrial civilization has not been exposed for so many years, but now it appears on its own initiative. Could it be that it feels it's time to harvest us?"

The more netizens discuss it, the more they feel that this extraterrestrial civilization must have ulterior motives for actively exposing it.

"Although, there is a problem that I can't figure out. The technology displayed by this ecological base is far beyond ours. Even if we come directly to attack, we have no power to fight back. If we are really used as food rations in captivity, You can harvest it anytime you want, why do you have to go in such a long circle?”

"This... I don't want to understand either. Please reply to the boss downstairs."

"... Let me state first that I am not a big shot, but I think there are too many possibilities, so many that there is no need to analyze them."

"Why isn't it necessary?"

"You still can't understand this? Didn't the person above make it very clear? This extraterrestrial civilization is so powerful that we have no room to resist. So in the face of absolute strength, we can only let others lead us. If the nose is gone, what will happen even if you know the other person’s intention?”

"Yes, if we are really being kept as food rations, there is really no need to waste time thinking about these messy reasons when the gap in strength is so huge."

"For example, if we want to kill a chicken now, the chicken knows that we are going to kill it, but does the chicken have the qualifications and ability to resist?"

"So, instead of wasting your brain cells here wondering why the other party has not been exposed for so many years and now takes the initiative to show up, it is better to use all your energy to take the opportunity to learn more practical techniques from this ecological base."

"Okay, that makes sense..."


Discussions among netizens eventually died down.

Because the difference in strength is indeed too big.

If this extraterrestrial civilization really has malicious intentions, even if it knows the motive, it can at most just be a fool.

Of course, from the current point of view, the other party has not shown any malicious intent, so netizens quickly continued to focus on the conversation between Butler 1 and the two astronauts.

Because what can really show the general attitude of this extraterrestrial civilization is to see whether the commander will agree to bring plant seeds back to astronauts.

Although, even if you agree, it may not necessarily represent the other party's true attitude and intention, but at least you can see something.

Then, under the gaze of thousands of netizens, Butler No. 1 pressed something on the robotic arm that looked like it was transmitting a message.

After a while, Butler 1 raised its head and said to the two astronauts:

"I'm happy to tell you that Mr. Commander has learned about your request and expressed his willingness to donate some plant seeds to you for free!"


These words immediately stunned the two astronauts and everyone watching the live broadcast.

Free of ?

Did they hear it correctly?

Thank you to the beautiful sister Linger Acridine for the reward of 1666 coins and the big brother Dajier for the 588 coins. Thank you to the big brother of book friend 20231019331113 and the big brother of book friend 20231212161617505 for the reward.

I wish all my brothers and sisters a happy new year and prosperity, and I bow to you!

Once again, I wish all my brothers and sisters a Happy New Year!

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