Chapter 134 Make a... friend?

"Hug, I'm sorry, Mr. Butler No. 1, what did you just say?"

"Do you think Mr. Commander is willing to give us the seeds of these plants for free?"

After the shock, the two astronauts trembled and came back to their senses. It seemed that they couldn't believe what they heard and couldn't help but confirm it.

"Haha, yes, Mr. Commander said it will be given free of charge, and you don't need to pay any price in exchange." Butler No. 1 nodded with a smile.

" is this so embarrassing?"

After confirming that it was indeed a free gift, the two astronauts didn't know what to say for a while.

They had thought a lot in the past few minutes and considered countless possibilities.

But what he didn't expect was that the other party not only agreed to give the plant seeds, but also gave them to him for free!

Could it be that the civilization where Mr. Commander lives does not have any ill intentions toward Blue Star?

Butler No. 1 put away the communication device on the robotic arm again and said with a smile: "Mr. Commander said that he is also very interested in your civilization. If you don't mind, these plant seeds can be regarded as making friends. .”

"Make, make friends?"

This sentence directly made everyone stunned.

Such a powerful extraterrestrial civilization actually wants to make friends with them? ?

Forget it if you don’t mean any harm, but you want to make friends instead? ?

"This this……"

The two astronauts immediately stuttered because they had no idea how to answer the question now.

Domestically, Ye Guhong, Zhao Zizhen, Song Changming and others immediately held an emergency joint meeting.

Analyzing the intentions of Butler No. 1’s words.

A powerful commander of an extraterrestrial civilization wants to make friends with them. This feels a bit unreal no matter how you say it!

After all, a strong person is unlikely to take the initiative to make friends with a weak person, right?

This is like an adult holding a rocket grenade, no, more accurately, it is like a special soldier holding a rocket grenade, or a special soldier from an exotic country, taking the initiative to make friends with a child who has no strength to restrain himself.

It’s hard to believe that this has no other purpose!

The think tank is already analyzing Butler One frame by frame.

But unfortunately, Butler No. 1 is a very advanced robot, and its true psychology cannot be analyzed from its movements and expressions.

"Can't you come up with some analysis?" Ye Guhong frowned.

"Sorry, Mr. Ye, this Butler No. 1 is too intelligent, and it is also a mechanical life form. Our facial micro-expression expert is completely useless."

The head of the think tank was a little ashamed.

But then, he added: "Although it cannot be analyzed through facial micro-expressions, we have thought of the most likely possibilities."

"Tell me about it." Ye Guhong tapped on the table.

"First of all, the technological level currently displayed by this extraterrestrial civilization is indeed higher than ours. There is no doubt about this."

"And that mysterious commander took the initiative to make friends with us. From a psychological point of view and realism, it is a bit unreasonable and unreasonable."

“But we don’t rule out the following possibilities.”

"First, this extraterrestrial civilization does not have any ill intentions toward us. The reason why it has not been exposed in these years may be because it does not want to interfere with our normal technological development."

"Second, maybe this extraterrestrial civilization was really powerful in the past, but now it may have been hit by a more powerful technological civilization. They may be busy fighting or recuperating now, so they have no time to pay attention to us."

"Third, the civilization that Mr. Commander lives in may have suffered a devastating blow, and he is a survivor and fled to us."

"He probably has no other backup now, and most of the energy and weapons have been used up due to the escape, leaving only this ecological base for recuperation."

"Although the technology in this ecological base far exceeds ours, it obviously requires energy support. The remaining energy may not be enough to send these robots to invade us."

"So, after he recuperated, he chose to expose himself and then tried to make friends with us in this way in exchange for some needed resources."

"Fourth, after excluding the above possibilities, there is a very low possibility that it is because we are too weak. He may simply want to tease us, just like we tease crickets or other pets."

"Fifth, it is not ruled out that this Mr. Commander may have some twisted or perverted psychological habits. He really treats us as food in captivity. He gives us hope first, and then gives us despair when we think everything is fine. To satisfy some of his special fetishes.”


The person in charge of the think tank mentioned about twenty or thirty possibilities in total.

Ye Guhong, Zhao Zizhen and others were heard frowning.

When the person in charge finished speaking, Ye Guhong rubbed his forehead as if he had a headache and said slowly:

"There are so many possibilities. It's better to just do what netizens said and not consider his purpose for doing this."

"Since the other party has not shown any malice now, but wants to make friends with us, let's accept this kindness for the time being."

"Okay, Mr. Ye, we also recommend doing this first and waiting for the other party's subsequent actions. With more information, we can more accurately infer the other party's intentions."

The head of the think tank nodded slightly.

"Then tell the two astronauts and let them express their gratitude and say that we are honored to have a friend like Mr. Commander!"

Ye Guhong gave the final instructions.

Inside the Tiangong base.

The two astronauts immediately conveyed Ye Guhong's words.

In this regard, Butler No. 1 kept his smile unchanged and said slowly: "Then I will take the two gentlemen to get plant seeds first. There are many types of seeds, and you can choose by yourself."

"Thank you so much, and thank you Commander for the gift!"

The two astronauts quickly thanked them.

Then Butler 1 changed the direction of the aircraft and went to the material warehouse of the ecological base.

When the warehouse where plant seeds were stored was opened, thousands of containers were revealed, in which different plant seeds were stored.

When they saw the plant seeds with names on them through the live broadcast, the experts at the ecological institute widened their eyes for a moment, and then each of them breathed heavily.

"Oh my God, are those ancient fern seeds?!"

"And there are hundreds of species!"

"There are also dozens of seeds for opening up!!"

"Oh my god, I want this, I want that! I want them all!!"

The experts and academicians of the Ecological Institute had their eyes turned red when they saw it, and they wanted to rush into the screen immediately and get all the seeds.

Then they directly connected with the two astronauts and reported the names of the plant seeds they wanted.

The two astronauts were also reporting in real time.


As the number of plant seeds that the experts at the Ecological Institute wanted began to gradually increase, the two astronauts immediately became dizzy!

Then the voice couldn't help but become much weaker.


Happy New Year to everyone!

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