A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 137 Should we send an aircraft carrier to pick you up?

Just when Lin Yang was thinking about when to go back, He Ming also sent him a message.

"Yangzi, school is about to start in a few days. Everyone has to go to college in different places. There will be very few opportunities to see each other again in the future. Therefore, the class unanimously passed a resolution after voting to hold a farewell party. Can you hurry up? Are you coming back?"

"Farewell party? Is there still a vote? When did the vote happen? Why didn't I know?" Lin Yang was immediately startled.

"Uh... that's what I asked just now. The squad leader and several class committee members asked one by one. Didn't you receive it?" He Ming sent a voice message.

"...No." Lin Yang shook his head.

"This..." He Ming was also stunned for a moment, and then he seemed to understand something, and started to curse: "Fuck, these brats, I dare you to ask them only to ask the classmates who are good at studying and rich, no wonder they are not here Ask openly in the group.”

After scolding, He Ming seemed to be afraid that Lin Yang would feel uncomfortable, so he comforted him: "Don't take it to heart. If we break the party, if they don't yell, I won't go either!"

"...I don't care, you can go if you want." Lin Yang shrugged.

He didn't have the time to take such a small thing to heart.

"I won't go. In fact, those gangsters have never looked down upon me. It's just that my family has some money and they treat me like a cash machine. I always take the majority of the money for parties."

He Ming's tone was firm.

"Just because I didn't say it before doesn't mean I didn't understand it. It's just that I was in the same class before and I wanted to copy their papers."

"Now that you have graduated, you still have a party with them, and you have the money to be the bastard. When you come back, why don't we two go have a seafood dinner?"

"Then it's up to you..." Lin Yang blinked.

This kind of thing is trivial to him now, and it's not worth wasting another second of his time to think about it.

"Then when will you come back?"

He Ming heard that Lin Yang's tone was really casual. He really didn't feel uncomfortable about this matter, so he didn't continue talking about this topic. Instead, he asked and said at the same time:

"Brother, although I didn't get admitted to a good university out of town, my dad donated a large sum of money to our local university and got involved. I have to register when school starts in a few days. If you don't come back, you'll have to wait. You can’t see me until next holiday.”

"Ah? Isn't the university very relaxed? Besides, you are local, so you can meet up anytime you want, right?" Lin Yang muttered.

"It's lenient, but through some complicated relationship, my dad found a professor who is a relative of mine. He usually gives me one-on-one tutoring on weekends and so on, and I'm not allowed to leave school..."

He Ming said bitterly: "This is more strict than high school!"

"...Your dad is really willing to spend money on you. He donates money to the school, and also finds connections to get professors to give up their weekend breaks to give you one-on-one tutoring lessons. This money must be spent a lot." Lin Yang couldn't bear it. He grinned.

It was a bit hard for him to imagine how much money it would cost for a university professor to give up his personal life on weekends and give Fatty He one-on-one tutoring lessons...

And it is estimated that it is not possible to rely solely on money, and it will definitely involve unblocking a lot of relationships.

This is another huge expense.

At this time, he just wanted to sigh: Big dogs are good!

"Hey, I definitely spent a lot of money, but I don't know the exact amount, so I don't dare to disobey my dad's orders easily. With so much money thrown out, if I don't obey, he will really kill me. The leg was broken.”

He Ming also grinned, and then asked: "What about you, if you don't study abroad, will you really go to the college you applied for when you come back?"

"What if?" Lin Yang smiled.

"Damn, it's really unfair. Your score is one or two points higher than mine. Now I want to go to undergraduate school, but you can only go to junior college. Hey, where is the justice!" He Ming suddenly laughed mischievously. .

"Damn it, you really got an advantage and acted like a good boy, didn't you? Believe it or not, I can make you drop out of school with just one word!"

Lin Yang could imagine Fatty He's lewd smile through the screen, and suddenly thought of teasing this guy.

"Tch, do you think you are the boss of your classmates? Or the alien commander on the moon base? You even asked me to drop out of school. My dad donated so much money, and the principal didn't even dare to say that!" He The fat man is very shy.

"Do you believe me when I say I'm a classmate?" Lin Yang softened his tone and said leisurely.

"You? A classmate's boss? I laughed. If you were a classmate's boss, then I would be Qin Shihuang!" Fatty He said directly.

"...Okay, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you. I'll go back in two days."

Lin Yang rubbed his forehead. He was too poor-tongued to be compared to this damn fat man.

"On what date? I'll pick you up at the airport!"

He Ming instantly became excited when he heard that he would be back soon.

"Oh, I'll take a look at the air tickets and send you a message when I decide." Lin Yang said.

"Okay! You must come back before I report to school. There are only five days left. It's up to you. If you can't make it, you won't be able to eat the feast I invited!" He Ming warned quickly.

"... Don't worry, I will definitely eat up all the money you stole from your father..." Lin Yang was speechless.

"Hehe, I have 12,000 yuan now. Even if I go to the Palace Hotel for a meal, it will be enough. I will suffocate you by then." He Ming continued to babble.

"Twelve thousand? You stole that much money from your father?" Lin Yang was shocked.

"Go, go, don't talk nonsense. I only stole 6,000 yuan from my father. The remaining 6,000 yuan was the first month's living expenses he gave me and the money he gave me to buy clothes, shoes and tutoring materials." He Ming Instantly debunked the rumor.

"...There's no difference, right?" Lin Yang asked back.

"Of course I do. If I'm discovered, I'll definitely get beaten lightly. Okay, I won't tell you anymore. Just book a ticket and come back."

Fatty He seemed to have someone calling him, so he quickly hung up the voice call.

"This damn fat guy..." Lin Yang shook his head and sighed, then opened the ticket booking software.

I really have to go back.

There are only five days left until the day to register at the university. If he doesn't go back, he will be easily exposed when the new students are enrolled.

Although I didn't intend to hide anything when I went back this time, I always took the initiative when choosing the time to expose myself.

Almost as soon as he finished reading the air tickets and was about to book a flight to return home in three days, an email came from the National Academy of Sciences, asking if he could have a call with him.

Lin Yang dialed the phone number over there without thinking: "Dean Zhao, what's the matter?"

"Ahem, well... it's nothing important. It's just that the summer vacation is just a few days away. When do you plan to come back, classmate, and how will you come back? You are now in the beautiful territory, and they are still looking for you. If you want to come back, , let’s send an aircraft carrier to pick you up.”

Zhao Zizhen originally planned to be polite, but after thinking about it, he said it bluntly.

These words instantly confused Lin Yang: "Send an aircraft carrier to pick me up? Dean Zhao, are you kidding me?"

Thanks to the 1,666-coin reward from the beautiful sister Linger Acridine and the rewards from Brother Qingniu Ruoqi and Brother Hellcat, which saved my brother and sister money. I wish you all the best and prosperity! I bow to you!

I would also like to thank all the brothers and sisters who have been accompanying me in reading and supporting me. I wish everyone a prosperous new year! Bow to everyone!

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