A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 138 Is the aircraft carrier really coming? !

Lin Yang was really confused.

Send an aircraft carrier to pick him up?

Are you sure you are here to pick him up instead of preparing to do something?

Once the aircraft carrier makes any movement, I am afraid that the world's attention will be focused on it.

"Ahem, no kidding, we are serious." Zhao Zizhen said seriously.

"Seriously?" Lin Yang couldn't help but rolled his eyes, "Are you serious about doing something?"

"That's not true, we are worried about your safety!"

Zhao Zizhen shook his head slightly and explained the reason for doing so:

"Now, the immigration management over there in Not Beautiful is very strict. Two days ago, we were only allowed to go through one-on-one inspections for yellow people. But starting from two days ago, all people entering and leaving the country are being inspected one-on-one. It was released later.”

"Although, we believe that with your strength, classmate, it is easy to forge a false identity through the Internet, but the management over there at Not Beautiful is too strict now. In order to arrest you, they even conducted a search on all the people's identity information that they have access to. Update, if you are not careful, an accident may occur.”

"So, after we discussed it, we thought it would be better to launch the aircraft carrier directly and put some pressure on them to distract their attention and create opportunities for the students to leave the country."

"Of course, if you want, classmate, you can board the aircraft carrier directly and we will escort you!"

"..." Lin Yang froze on the spot and fell silent.

Fly an aircraft carrier to pick him up?

Give him a chance to leave?


Isn't it a bit too exaggerated?

"Well, Dean Zhao, I don't think it's necessary. It's too exaggerated to dispatch an aircraft carrier. We have no intention of doing anything now. I have a way to return to China."

After a long silence, Lin Yang spoke.

Although he was really moved by the idea of ​​flying an aircraft carrier to pick him up, it was really not necessary now.

This is too exaggerated.

Although, he also really wanted to do something.

But now, it's really not that time yet.

Not to mention that the aerospace carrier has not yet been built, the number of domestic aircraft carriers alone is not as beautiful as that of the United States.

There are also some gaps in other aspects of configuration. It has only been two months since he provided the technology to the country, which is not enough to directly make up for such a big gap!

Zhao Zizhen said indifferently: "It doesn't matter. Now the whole world knows that the commander of the extraterrestrial civilization on the moon is close to us. If we did this before, it would definitely be difficult to end easily, but now, even if the aircraft carrier presses the enemy, they will resist it." Most of them only dare to condemn them verbally."

"...Is this okay?" Lin Yang suddenly cursed.

After all, it turned out that he was using his power to do this?

"How's it going? Classmate, let's pick you up!" Zhao Zizhen spoke again, with excitement in his words.

It sounds like they really want to bring the aircraft carrier over to pick him up.

"This...I don't think it's necessary, but if you've already decided, that's up to you, but I'll still take the opportunity to go back." Lin Yang said.

"Okay, then we will drive the aircraft carrier over. When you board the plane, we will go over and put a little pressure on them." Zhao Zizhen laughed.

Lin Yang's expression suddenly became weird: "Dean Zhao, if you want to know which day I took which flight home, just tell me directly. There is no need to go around in such a big circle..."

If you let him know when he boards the plane, wouldn't that be equivalent to indicating which flight he will take back home?

"Ahem, well... if you don't want to say anything, classmate, we will never ask you."

Zhao Zizhen blushed, and then quickly added: "The main thing is that now domestic netizens know whether you are beautiful or not, and they are worried about your safety. We want everyone to know that you can return to China safely."

"Oh... that's it, then... let's take it the day after tomorrow. There are three flights back to China in the morning of tomorrow, and I've already booked one of them."

After hearing this, Lin Yang thought for a while and told Zhao Zizhen the approximate time of his return to China.

"Okay, the day after tomorrow in the morning, we will fly the aircraft carrier over and you board the plane back to China!" Zhao Zizhen said immediately.

"No, are you really going to bring the aircraft carrier over?" Lin Yang was really shocked.

"Of course, it is very necessary to create opportunities for you to board and leave the country!"

Zhao Zizhen said solemnly: "Your safety is more important than anything else!"

"...Okay, as long as you are happy." Lin Yang spread his hands.

At this time, he could tell. He guessed that Zhao Zizhen and the others came with the aircraft carrier. On the one hand, they wanted to pick him up and create opportunities for him. On the other hand, they also wanted to take the opportunity to test the reaction of Western countries.

Then leave it to them.

What Zhao Zizhen said just now makes sense. Since he can now take advantage of the Tiangong base commander's skin, he must take advantage of it.

"Okay, then in the morning three days later, our aircraft carrier will arrive in the other side's waters on time and will stay there until you land safely in China!" Zhao Zizhen said.

"Okay, I'll contact you when I land in China."

Lin Yang responded and immediately hung up the phone.

In fact, he could have the Apocalypse spaceship come over and deliver him directly to the country in one second.

However, the Apocalypse spacecraft does not have much energy now, and it is better to save whatever it can, so Lin Yang still chooses to take a flight back home.

Then, he sent the ticket booking information to his mother and told Fatty He.

Both of them said at the same time that they wanted to pick him up at the airport!

Lin Yang did not refuse.

Three days passed by in a blink of an eye.

In the past three days, Lin Yang did not continue to steal cultural relics in Bumei.

Because the system has said before that if Western countries are allowed to voluntarily hand over national treasures and cultural relics, the rewards they will receive will be doubled.

Therefore, he is prepared to wait for the domestic space carrier to be successfully built, let the space carrier cruise, and let other Western countries take the initiative to return national treasures and cultural relics.


What should I do if they just refuse to hand it over?


When the space carrier group is built, Lin Yang really hopes that they can refuse to return the national treasures and cultural relics!

Then you have a fair and upright reason... to do something!

In the morning, Lin Yang boarded the plane on time.

At the same time, the domestic aircraft carrier fleet also began cruising.

Directly shocked the world!

Not only people in Western countries were confused, but even domestic netizens were dumbfounded.

What is this going to do?

Aircraft carriers are currently synonymous with the strongest armed forces on Blue Star. They usually wish they could become invisible!

But now, the cruise is open to the public!

Make no secret of it!

Everyone is trembling in their hearts!

Domestic, what does this mean?

All social media were suddenly filled with topics about aircraft carrier cruises, which were trending!

Everyone was shocked by this sudden situation.

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