A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 139 Aircraft carrier escort, what a big show!

Everyone was stunned by the domestic aircraft carrier cruise!

News media around the world went crazy to capture the footage of the aircraft carrier cruising for broadcast.

This is the first time in China that an aircraft carrier has been shown in all directions, and it has not refused to be photographed by drones.

Therefore, some powerful news media directly dispatched a large number of drones to shoot at the allowed distance.

What's more, some powerful international super radio stations even use helicopters to relay reports in real time.

It can be said that the largest traffic on the entire Internet at this moment is all concentrated in the live broadcast rooms of various platforms for aircraft carrier cruises.

Looking at the huge and majestic hull, as well as the clearly visible backup fighters on it, etc., there are also frigates accompanying it.

Completely shocked the entire network.

"Shang Xia, what do they mean?"

Senior officials from Western countries were equally shocked!

Although they usually make small moves, no one has ever thought of really doing something big.

But now, domestic aircraft carrier formations are cruising directly, and every move affects their hearts!

Western countries are puzzled as to why China suddenly dispatched an aircraft carrier fleet to patrol.

Domestic netizens also don’t understand what this means.

"I'm really confused. What do you want to do? Why do you directly dispatch an aircraft carrier formation?"

"This is our highest armed force. Other countries are eager to directly achieve physical invisibility to prevent technology exposure. It's better for us to cruise directly on the sea with great fanfare. Are we really not afraid of being photographed by others?"

"Yeah, let alone an aircraft carrier, even patrolling ships usually try to avoid being photographed. Now this is really puzzling!"

Netizens watched the aircraft carrier fleet cruising mightily on the sea. Although the picture was indeed exciting, it was really difficult to understand the purpose of it!

However, some netizens have different views.

"Well, I have a small guess. Although the aircraft carrier is top secret, don't forget, some time ago it was officially announced that a classmate has provided us with the manufacturing technology of the aerospace carrier and the transformation and upgrading of the aircraft carrier. technology!"

"So, I boldly speculate that we must have made great progress in the transformation and upgrading of ordinary aircraft carriers, and we have a complete plan for manufacturing an aerospace carrier."

"Therefore, those ordinary aircraft carriers are no longer top secret, they are all in the past. Now we are not afraid of being photographed at all. It doesn't matter even if we are photographed. These are ordinary aircraft carriers, and it doesn't matter if they are photographed. "


These speculations instantly silenced netizens, and then aroused countless approvals.

"Damn it, don't tell me, it's really possible. Otherwise, with our always low-key style, we definitely wouldn't be so high-profile."

"Hahaha, then this is so cool. The aircraft carriers have been upgraded. It's time to sneak out, otherwise they will all become rusty..."

"Hey, give the world a little shock."

"But even so, I guess there must be something important, otherwise the aircraft carrier would not be dispatched for an unreasonable cruise."

"Major events? Apart from the discovery of aliens on the moon, there hasn't been much international news lately. Are there any other major events that warrant dispatching an aircraft carrier for a cruise?"

"Then I don't know..."


Domestic netizens from all walks of life have opened their minds and discussed intensely.

Then as time passed, the global attention not only did not decrease, but became higher and higher.

Because originally everyone thought that domestic aircraft carrier cruises might end in one or two hours.

But I never thought that this patrol would last for fifteen hours!

The cruise lasted nearly a day, and we cruised from morning to early morning before slowly returning!

It’s incredible to cruise for such a long time!

If it weren't for the domestic aircraft carrier group not taking any other actions until the end of the cruise, people in Western countries would have thought that China was going to do something!

It wasn't until they saw domestic aircraft carriers starting to return that people from various Western countries heaved a sigh of relief.

No one knows how they got here today.

Almost from the moment I received the news in the morning, I was sweating the entire time watching it.

"This damn Shangxia, what kind of medicine is being sold in the gourd? They took out the aircraft carrier and cruised for a day and then returned as if nothing happened!"

Everyone in the West is very depressed.

They had been very anxious all day today.

And domestic netizens completely stole the show on the Internet today.

After all, which country in the world with aircraft carriers dares to unabashedly pull out its own aircraft carrier fleet for a cruise like China does, so that people can see clearly!

This kind of confidence that is not afraid of being photographed or being taken advantage of to steal technology makes netizens proud!

"Hey, what a pity. Are we about to return home now? Even though I've been watching it for a whole day, I still can't get enough!"

"Me too, it would be nice if I could cruise a few more laps, hehe."

Seeing the aircraft carrier fleet beginning to return under the vast darkness, many netizens felt a little reluctant.

However, this reluctance soon turned into unprecedented excitement and excitement.

Because, as the fleet's course was adjusted, after the aircraft carrier turned around, a huge red banner suddenly appeared on it.

Above the banner, there are several large golden characters flashing!

"Welcome our fellow classmates to return home!"


The moment they saw this banner, everyone's heads suddenly exploded.

What did they see?

Classmates, have you returned to China?

“Fuck, fuck, fuck!!”

"Isn't it because I'm dazzled by riding a horse?"

"Welcome the big classmates back to China?? Could it be that...the aircraft carrier is cruising today to pick up the big classmates??"

"Oh my god, aircraft carrier fleet pick-up?"

"Hey, what kind of noodles is this?"

“Isn’t this row of noodles too big?!”

"Made, the price is a bit big, but my classmate is worth it!!"

"That's right, the big classmate deserves this kind of recognition!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu When can I use such a good arrangement? I’m so envious..."

"Nima, you're upstairs. Although it's night now, I don't allow you to have such a night dream!"

"This is an aircraft carrier escort! My scalp is numb!"

“I usually wouldn’t even dream of doing this!!”

All netizens were shocked by the huge display at this moment!

The aircraft carrier fleet cruised for a day, just to escort the classmate to return home!

It’s simply exciting!

But everyone in the Western countries was shocked!

That mysterious classmate actually returned to Shangxia? ?

And it was picked up by a domestic aircraft carrier!

This made them all tremble with fear!

I had been on tenterhooks all day, but I didn’t expect that it was just to pick someone up!

"Damn, damn, damn!!"

"You know these damn Shangxia guys will never dispatch aircraft carriers for no reason!"

"In order to pick up people, they actually used an aircraft carrier! Damn it!!"

What is slightly different from the sudden relaxed mood of people in other Western countries is that the unattractive senior executives are instantly angry to the point of explosion!

Thanks to Brother Send Flowers E Ting Yu/Yueye Yiyi, Brother Xinchan, Brother Hellcat and Brother Book Friend 20240101554_BC for the reward. Several brothers have spent a lot of money. I wish you a lot of money and wealth. I bow to you guys. !

I would also like to thank my brothers and sisters who have always supported subscribing and reading. I wish everyone good luck and prosperity every year!

I bow to you!

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