A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 140 You won’t really enshrine my tablet, right?

People who are not beautiful really have an explosive mentality!

They had been wanted for so long and found nothing, and now they were directly picked up by the country.

It was like an invisible slap, hitting them hard on the face.

Throughout the next day, the staff of the Unbeautiful Official Building could hear the sound of breaking things coming from some offices from time to time.

It is enough to see how angry some people are.

A domestic airport.

"Huhu, the air in China is better. I feel a sense of intimacy when I breathe in it."

Lin Yang stood at the exit, looked at the stars above his head and took two deep breaths.

Of course he wasn't on the carrier.

That was what Zhao Zizhen and the others did deliberately. On the one hand, they announced the good news to the country and reassured everyone. On the other hand, they also told the world that no one could stop him from returning home!

For him, he would not hesitate to use aircraft carriers to escort him. This is an attitude!

He himself took a flight back under a false identity.

Although he has only been abroad for two months this time, Lin Yang still feels a little sad to be standing in his hometown.

Looking back at these two months, it feels like two years have passed.

Bind the system, and then take cultural relics everywhere, go to the small cherry blossoms, go to the beautiful ones, and even go to the moon...

Looking back on this series of events, he was filled with emotion.

Like a dream.

"Son! Here, come here!"

The next moment, a familiar shout interrupted Lin Yang's thoughts. When he looked up, he saw his mother Zhang Fang waving to him not far away.

He Ming was also waving to him.

"Mom, and Fatty, it's so late, so you don't have to pick me up."

Lin Yang pushed the suitcase and walked over.

"Stop talking nonsense and get in the car quickly. It's almost dawn. Go back and have a good sleep." Zhang Fang scolded with a smile.

"Yangzi, you're finally back. I almost fell asleep." He Ming took his luggage and put it in the trunk, and then got in the car together.

Lin Yang was sitting in the passenger seat, Zhang Fang was driving, and He Ming was in the back seat...showing off!

Yes, showing off.

"Hey, Yoko, look at my phone! Huyue Phone!! It's the one I told you about last time, the phone made by my classmate. How about it? It's cool, isn't it?"

He Ming couldn't wait to take out his mobile phone and started showing off.

Judging from his appearance, it was obvious that he had been looking forward to this moment for a long time.

Lin Yang glanced at it symbolically, nodded, and said perfunctorily: "It's quite beautiful..."

"...Look at your tone, hey, you don't have it yourself, are you pretending to be calm?" He Ming smiled strangely.

"You had to pick me up in the middle of the night just to show off this to me right away, right?"

Lin Yang could see at this time that the fat guy was pretending to pick him up because he wanted to show off that the phone was real.

"Yangyang, why are you talking to classmate Xiao He? I have stayed here to pick you up until now. You must cherish this friendship!" Zhang Fang couldn't help but interrupt after hearing this.

"Ahem, it's okay, Aunt Zhang, Yoko and I are both close friends. This is how we usually communicate, and we are used to joking."

Then, before Lin Yang could explain, He Ming opened his mouth to defend him.

Zhang Fang glared at Lin Yang lightly when he heard this, did not continue talking, and focused on driving.

Lin Yang turned to He Ming and said, "It seems that your phone is just a regular version. I remember there is an upgraded version."

"Ahem, the upgraded version is a limited edition. I didn't grab it. It would be great to have a regular version. If you don't believe me, ask auntie how popular Huyue mobile phones are in China now. You two Yue may not even know about it abroad.”

Fatty He said a little unconvinced.

Zhang Fang nodded slightly when he heard this: "Classmate Xiao He is right. This brand of mobile phones is indeed very popular now, and the price is not expensive. However, the production quantity was too small at the beginning, and it is difficult to get one."

"That mysterious classmate is very good. He is engaged in electricity and affordable mobile phones. You two go to college and study hard. You will follow that classmate's example and contribute to the country in the future!"

He Ming raised his eyebrows at Lin Yang proudly, and Lin Yang rolled his eyes at him.

As for hearing the last two sentences, the two of them looked at each other in a tacit understanding and automatically ignored this kind of paternalistic habitual instruction.

However, regarding Zhang Fang's words about the powerful classmates, He Ming, the fat guy, turned into a brainless fan and said excitedly:

"By the way, Yoko, you may not know it just after you got off the plane, but the classmate's boss is back, and it was us who dispatched the aircraft carrier fleet to escort him. This row is really huge, and it's really worthy of me. idol!"

"..." Lin Yang suddenly glanced at He Ming strangely, "Why do you sound more like you are praising yourself?"

"Hehehe, it is precisely because of having high-quality fans like me that idols can feel the pressure to become better!"

Fatty He said without blushing and his heart not beating.

Lin Yang was speechless. This fat guy was so thick-skinned that ordinary people couldn't compare to him.

Zhang Fang couldn't help but laugh: "Classmate Xiao He, you have to work hard to become more outstanding. My Yangyang family may have to rely on you to make ends meet in the future."

"...Mom? What are you talking about? In your heart, am I, your precious son, so useless?" Lin Yang's face was filled with questions.

Zhang Fang turned around and glared at him gently: "With your learning ability, if you can find a job to make ends meet after graduation, your mother will be very happy!"

"...What are you talking about?" Lin Yang was speechless.

He Mingze chuckled: "Don't worry, Aunt Zhang, if I have something to eat, I won't let Yangzi starve to death. When I inherit my father's factory, I will give Yangzi a general manager, hehe .”

"No, when the time comes, just find him a job as a gatekeeper so that he can make a living. Arrange a manager. I'm afraid he will destroy your factory."

Before Lin Yang could speak, Zhang Fang spoke quickly.

Lin Yang immediately rolled his eyes, this is indeed her own mother!

Then, he cleared his throat and said quietly: "I said I am that classmate, do you believe me?"

"You? If you were one ten thousandth of a millionaire, your mother and I wouldn't be waiting in the wind to pick you up at the airport in the middle of the night!" Zhang Fang scorned directly.

He Ming also rolled his eyes: "I am on an aircraft carrier now. If you can get on the aircraft carrier, I will believe you."

"Well, alas, to be honest, no one believes it yet." Lin Yang pretended to sigh.

"Believe me, don't make fun of my idol all the time! I don't allow anyone to blaspheme my idol!" Fatty He waved the phone in his hand.

"Yeah, I didn't believe you when you said you were his brainless fan on the phone before, but now I believe it..."

Lin Yang looked at Fatty He's appearance and suddenly wanted to see Fatty He's expression when he knew his true identity.

Then he seemed to remember something, his face suddenly changed, and he asked seriously:

"Damn fat man, you can't really enshrine my... er, the tablet of that classmate's boss at home, can you?"

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