"The meaning is different!"

Fatty He chuckled.

"The one I gave to my classmate's boss is the longevity card, and the one I gave to the commander is the curse card."

"When I was burning incense, I wished the classmate a long life in my heart, and then cursed the commander to die soon!"


Lin Yang was numb, completely numb!

Is this okay? ?

While wishing myself a long life, I also cursed myself for an early death!

Is there a bug in co-authoring it?

Even life and death?

Lin Yang's eyes became even weirder.

"No, Yoko, what kind of look are you looking at that makes me feel so upset?"

He Ming finally noticed something was wrong with Lin Yang's eyes.

"It's nothing, you did... great!"

Lin Yang glared at him, and then asked: "Where did you quietly place that tablet?"

"Hehe, in our secret base!" Fatty He came over and said in a low voice.

"Secret base? The abandoned small warehouse of Qinjia Factory in Chengdong District?" Lin Yang blinked.

"Yes." Fatty He nodded.

Lin Yang immediately knew that the small warehouse was where He Ming's factory used to store goods.

However, after He Ming's father expanded the factory, the location of the warehouse was a little off, so he put it aside for the time being.

But it became a gathering place for him and Fatty He.

Especially Fatty He. In the past, he provoked his father to whip him with a bamboo whip and refused to let him into the house after the whipping. Fatty He ran to the small warehouse and even made a bedding to spend the night!

Then he would go home pitifully the next day, saying that he had been homeless all night, and that Dad He would give him a sum of money to compensate him if he felt distressed!

Over and over again, the small warehouse became Fatty He's favorite place.

Lin Yang thought, then made up his mind, turned around and threw the tablet away.

Neither does the Immortality Card!

Zhang Fang couldn't help laughing after hearing what Fatty He said: "Classmate Xiao He really likes that idol of yours. He even put up the longevity cards."

"Hey, Aunt Zhang, I spent a lot of money to buy that longevity tablet from the Internet. I heard that some Taoist masters have blessed it, so it's okay to use it to worship living people." He Ming said proudly. .

The corner of Lin Yang's mouth twitched, and just when he was about to speak, his mother said directly: "Although you have good intentions, but according to the tradition here, it is generally better for living people not to enshrine tablets, which is somewhat unlucky. .”

"Since that classmate is your idol, you should try to avoid this kind of thing from happening. After all, he has done a lot of good things for us that benefit the country and the people, so it is better to avoid it."

"Oh..." Fatty He suddenly became thoughtful.

Lin Yang gave a thumbs up and was about to say that his mother is wise, but before he could say anything, Zhang Fang added:

"Classmate Xiao He, you can remove the tablets of your idol, and then put a few more curse tablets for the commander. I also think what you said makes sense. He is an alien after all, so he should die as soon as possible!"

A drop of cold sweat broke out on Lin Yang's forehead.

What are these words?

He turned to look at his mother in disbelief: "Mom? Aren't you superstitious?"

"What kind of superstition is this? This is the traditional culture of our ancestors!" Zhang Fang glared at him.

Then, without waiting for Lin Yang to refute, he added: "I think Xiao He's consciousness is very high. You should also learn from others. Later, you can also get a few tablets to curse the commander, and multiple people to curse multiple powers! "

"..." Lin Yang was in a mess!

Let him also set up a tablet to curse the commander?

Curse yourself?

"I'm really convinced. I think it's necessary to solemnly emphasize to you that you must believe in science and reject superstition!!" Lin Yang said almost through gritted teeth.

Zhang Fang ignored him.

He Ming said: "Aunt Zhang, I think what you said makes sense. Then I will go back and remove the tablets of the classmate's boss, and then add a few more tablets to curse the commander!"

"... Fatty, I advise you to be kind!" Lin Yang glared at He Ming through the rearview mirror.


And He Ming responded to him with a mean smile.

Then, the atmosphere in the car fell into an eerie silence.

Fatty He kept muttering, planning to complete a few more tablets to curse the commander.

Lin Yang stared at him dimly.

Half an hour later, the car drove into the community.

"Okay, we're home, classmate Xiao He. It's almost dawn, why don't you go back and just sleep at my house for the night."

Zhang Fang said to He Ming.

"Okay, Aunt Zhang, I didn't plan to go back tonight. I'll sleep like this until I wake up at noon tomorrow, so I can go directly to have a big meal with Yangzi!" He Ming laughed again.

A night of silence.

Lin Yang woke up early the next morning.

His current physique has been strengthened by genetic medicine and is several times stronger than that of normal people. A short rest of one or two hours can restore full energy.

Fatty He was still sound asleep.

Instead of calling Fatty He, he went out to buy some breakfast and contacted Zhao Zizhen at the same time.

School starts in two or three days, and of course he won't go to that junior college.

It's not that he looks down on junior college, but it's that once you go to school, you won't be free.

He needs to have enough free time to control himself.

So after thinking about it, he chose to have a showdown with Zhao Zizhen and tell Zhao Zizhen his true identity, otherwise he would still be exposed if he didn't go when school started.

But the premise is that his identity should not be announced to the outside world for the time being, and only relevant internal personnel should know it.

In this regard, Zhao Zizhen directly and excitedly assured him:

"Classmate Lin, don't worry, we will definitely keep your confidentiality confidential to the end! Moreover, we also thought so at the beginning. For your safety, your identity will not be announced to the public for the time being to avoid malicious targeting by certain foreign forces."

"Yes." Lin Yang nodded, and then said: "Get me an admission notice from any university in Kyoto, so that I have a legitimate reason to go to the imperial capital, so that we can work together later, otherwise my mother will worried."

"Okay, this is natural! Don't worry, I will arrange these little things for you!" Zhao Zizhen was extremely excited.

After waiting for two months, Lin Yang finally returned to China!

He also took the initiative to confess his identity to them. Zhao Zizhen was so excited that he almost jumped up on the spot.

The moment Lin Yang hung up the phone, he immediately discussed with Ye Guhong how to arrange Lin Yang's enrollment.

Ye Guhong was also very excited. Lin Yang's move showed his absolute trust in them. Thinking of Lin Yang's previous contributions to the country, he immediately said:

"Although his identity cannot be announced for the time being, we must still try our best to give him the honor he deserves. Although he said that any university in the imperial capital is fine, but if you want to give it, give it to the best!"

"The best?" Zhao Zizhen was stunned.

Kyoto University and Huaqing University are both the best!

If this was given to one of them but not to the other, there would probably be some trouble!

Ye Guhong looked at Zhao Zizhen's expression and reacted, and immediately smiled and said:

"Then let's tell both of their universities and let Old Man Liu and Old Man Wei go grab the person by themselves. Whoever can grab it will get it. This way, we won't be blamed."

"...or will you deflect the conflict!"

Zhao Zizhen gave Ye Guhong a thumbs up directly.

Then, the offices of the presidents of Kyoto University and Huaqing University received a notice at the same time.


"Turn down all matters for me!"

"I have an urgent need to go out of town!"

Instructions came from the offices of the two university presidents almost at the same moment.

Thank you all for reading…

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