That's when Liu Songzhou and Xu Guzhi received the message and set off.

On the Alien Management Bureau side, Ye Guhong faced a wave of pressure!


"Mr. Ye, you are not interesting enough. You just told Old Man Liu and Old Man Wei that the big classmates are coming to the imperial capital to study. Are our other schools not considered top schools?"

In the internal connection channel, several presidents of Kyoto University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, University of Ecological Science and Technology, and Ministry of Defense University connected with Ye Guhong almost immediately.

This inquiry made Ye Guhong dumbfounded: "I know that I can't hide it from you. Well, you can also rob people, but the bottom line is that this news is only known to you old guys and is not allowed to be spread to the outside world. Even one person, including your children, relatives and other relatives and friends!"

At this point, Ye Guhong's tone became serious: "If there is any leakage, don't blame me for being unkind, I will directly punish you with treason!"

"Okay, Mr. Ye, don't worry, we still understand this."

Several principals immediately made assurances one after another.

"Let's all go to the airport. I will arrange for someone there. You all sign the confidentiality agreement before leaving Kyoto. As for the rest, it depends on your own methods. Who can snatch Mr. Lin into the school depends on your respective abilities. ." Ye Guhong said slowly.


As soon as Ye Guhong finished speaking, busy signals of disconnection were heard in the channel. Several people directly exited the connection without even saying goodbye.

"These old guys... are really impatient." Ye Guhong shook his head and sighed.

He was not surprised that the principals of these schools knew that Lin Yang was coming back to enroll.

Because these schools are almost directed to provide elite forces to the Aerospace Institute, Ecological Institute and the Ministry of Armed Forces.

And Lin Yang's return must not be hidden from Song Changming, Chu Tiankuo, and Yuan Zhihe.

When Lin Yang comes to the imperial capital, they will also need to cooperate with all subsequent work.

Song Changming and others must have kept in touch with their respective schools.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the old guys from these schools know the news.

But the exposure of Lin Yang's identity only ends here.

Only the principals of these major universities and Song Changming and others knew about it.

Of course, this was done deliberately by Ye Guhong and allowed Song Changming and others to reveal it by default.

After all, if you choose one of the two, the options are still too small.

These schools are the top institutions in the imperial capital and even in the country. Who can Lin Yang choose depends on his own ability.

Sending more people will also better demonstrate the official's sincerity and sincerity.

"Hey, if you ask me, just send an admission letter to Mr. Lin, and then he can come directly to our university."

Zhao Zizhen was still in the channel and did not exit. At this time, he spoke with a bit of resentment.

In the past two months, it was their University of Science and Technology that contacted Lin Yang. Zhao Zi really wanted Lin Yang to come directly to the University of Science and Technology.

"What are you in a hurry for?"

Ye Guhong glared at Zhao Zizhen.

"It's not the time to show off to the public yet. It's better to say that several universities are going to grab students. After all, there is this kind of competition to grab outstanding students every year. We have secretly arranged a lot in the past two months. Whatever I can find any reason to fool him."

"But if your University of Science and Technology directly grabs someone, it would be equivalent to announcing that he is the boss of his classmates. Therefore, neither your University of Science and Technology nor Lao Song's Aerospace Academy can directly participate."

Zhao Zizhen waved his hand: "Of course I understand the truth, it's to put it, forget it, let's not talk about it until classmate Lin comes to the imperial capital."


Ye Guhong glanced at Zhao Zizhen with strange eyes, and the latter smiled and exited the video conference channel.

"Fat man, get up and eat."

On the other side, Lin Yang went home with breakfast and saw that his mother had already gone to work. He ate a breakfast and started packing the things he needed to bring to Kyoto.

Then after waiting for another two hours, seeing that He Ming was still sleeping at noon, he forcibly woke up the fat man.

"I don't want to eat...I want to...sleep..."

He Ming turned over and fell asleep holding the pillow.

"Get up!"

Lin Yang directly dragged the fat man up from the bed.

Setting up so many memorial tablets for myself while still wanting to have a good night's sleep is a wonderful thought.

"Damn it...Yangzi, have you turned into an alien on horseback? Why are you so strong?"

He Ming woke up immediately with fright, staring at Lin Yang as if he were seeing a ghost.

He was now being pulled up by Lin Yang with one hand.

This strength is so strong that it doesn’t look like a human being!

"If you sleep again, I will tell Uncle He that you stole six thousand yuan from him."

Lin Yang stared at He Ming with a faint voice.


These words instantly made Fatty He tremble and howl like a slaughtering pig: "Yangzi, you are simply not a human being. I stole money just to treat you to a big dinner. Do you still have any conscience!!"

"...You can continue to sleep." Lin Yang was silent, and then threw the fat man back on the bed.

Forget it, considering that this damn fat guy wants to treat himself to a meal even if he steals money, I'd better not argue with him for now.

He Ming's eyes widened: "I can't sleep here. I won't sleep anymore. Let's go to the Palace Hotel for a big meal!"

"...Go now?" Lin Yang was startled.

"It's already noon, it's getting late. I said I would treat you to a big dinner, so you must go!"

He Ming looked at the time, jumped out of bed, and started washing. While washing, he said:

"Originally I planned to go back in the evening, but I didn't go home last night. I have to report to school tomorrow. If I go back late tonight, I guess my dad will have objections, so I'll go now and break up after eating. Wait. See you during the winter vacation!”

"..." Lin Yang was speechless.

Half an hour later.

"No, Fatty, are you really going in? You can just go and eat at a roadside stall."

Lin Yang looked at the magnificent Palace Hotel in front of him and turned to look at He Ming.

This damn fat man actually wants to treat him to a big dinner? !

"When did I, Pangpang, say what I said? It must be here!"

He Ming went in directly.

"..." Lin Yang glanced at Fatty He's back, sighed slightly, and followed in.

at the same time.

That's when Lin Yang followed He Ming into the Palace Hotel.

Downstairs in his community, several uninvited guests were welcomed.

It was Liu Songzhou and others who came here from Kyoto to rob people.

"Classmate Lin, you live here, right?"

"Yes, this is it."

Looking up at the building number, Liu Songzhou asked the person next to him. After receiving confirmation, he walked directly inside.

Xu Guzhi and others also followed him upstairs.

Behind them were people from the local admissions offices of their respective universities.

Seeing several big guys rushing upstairs, the local people all looked at each other and then trotted after them.

They still haven't figured out why this classmate Lin allowed the big bosses from several top universities in the imperial capital to personally come to snatch him.

However, I don’t dare to slack off at all!

Upstairs, Zhang Fang had just come back from get off work. She had just taken out the key and opened the door to her room. Before anyone could enter the house, she heard a question coming from beside her:

"Hello, may I ask, is this the home of classmate Lin Yanglin?"

Thank you to the beautiful sister Ling'er for the reward of 1666 coins and to the book friend 20231107508_ca for the reward, which made my sister and brother spend a lot of money. I wish you two great wealth and all the best. I bow to you!

I wish all readers, brothers and sisters, good luck and good fortune in the New Year!

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