"Hello, may I ask, is this Lin Yang's home?"

Hearing this, Zhang Fang subconsciously turned around and said, "Yes, I am his mother, and you are..."

Looking at the few people in suits and leather shoes in front of him who seemed to have extraordinary temperament at first glance, Zhang Fang was a little confused.

After hearing Zhang Fang's words, Liu Songzhou immediately stepped forward and introduced himself: "It turns out to be the parent of classmate Lin. Sorry, I am Liu Songzhou, the president of Huaqing University in the imperial capital. This is my business card."

With that said, he handed his business card to Zhang Fang.

Kazuyuki followed closely and said: "I am Kazuhiro, the president of Kyoto University, and this is also my business card."

"Ah? Huaqing University? And Kyoto University?" Zhang Fang was immediately confused.

It can be said that these two universities are known to everyone in Shang Xia.

Now the principal has come to visit in person? ?

Zhang Fang took the business card and took a look at it blankly. The texture was very good and the workmanship was very high-end. It didn't look like a liar.

Looking at the information from the two people above, Zhang Fang was shocked.

The presidents of Huaqing University and Kyoto University personally came to visit. This is...

However, before she had time to recover, she heard several more self-introductions.

"Hello, I am He Ming, the principal of the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics. This is my business card. Please take a look."

"Hello, classmate Lin, mother, I am You Jingwu, the president of Imperial University of Ecological Science and Technology. Please take a look at my business card."

"And me, I am Fang Zhouyao, the president of the Ministry of Defense University..."

Listening to each of these self-introductions, Zhang Fang was shocked and said almost subconsciously: "Several principals came to visit in person. Did my Yangyang make any mistakes at school?"

"Hahaha, Lin Yang's mother, Mr. Lin hasn't enrolled in school yet, how can he make any mistakes? Don't get me wrong."

Liu Songzhou explained quickly.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Fang instantly realized that what he just said was logically wrong.

These are the top top universities in the country, and her precious son is not even qualified to enter their school, let alone make mistakes in their school.

Then, Zhang Fang said with some embarrassment:

"I'm sorry, I didn't react at the moment, so I wonder if you guys are here...?"

"We are here to invite Lin Yang to enroll. This is the admission notice from our school."

Liu Songzhou took out a beautiful admission notice from the briefcase he carried and handed it to Zhang Fang.

Xu Guzhi and others also took out the admission notices from their respective schools and handed them to Zhang Fang.

"Ah? Admission notice? For Yangyang??"

Looking at the several admission notices from top universities that appeared in his hand in an instant, Zhang Fang was stunned again.

She couldn't even believe what she heard, and quickly looked at the admission notice.

Then he was stunned again.

Because the word "Lin Yang" is clearly written in the column of the student's name on these admission notices!

"Here, here, are you guys looking for the wrong person? Doesn't my Yangyang have the same name as someone else?"

After reading the admission notice one by one, Zhang Fang suppressed the shock in her heart and handed the notice back with some reluctance.

Our own people know their own affairs.

She knew what her own son was like.

It's almost half my life to get into a junior college this time.

Top universities such as Huaqing University and Kyoto University are beyond comparison with his own son.

Not to mention having the principal come to snatch people away in person.

This is simply impossible!

Therefore, although she was very reluctant to give up, Zhang Fang was still prepared to return the admission notice to several principals.

The man named Lin Yang on the admission notice could never be her son.

They definitely have the same name and the principals misunderstood them.

"However, if the admission notices from top universities look good and have good texture, you can make a lot of money if you can touch them."

While returning the admission notice, Zhang Fang felt a little emotional.

It is impossible to expect your brat to get an admission letter from such a top university in this life.

However, due to this strange combination of circumstances, Zhang Fang felt that he had made a lot of money by being able to read the admission notices from the top universities in the country.

Although this could not be his son's, he had finally received the admission notice from this top university.

No regrets!

However, Liu Songzhou and others did not get the admission notice again, but said with a smile: "Mother Lin Yang, we found nothing wrong, and we did not have the same name as anyone else. This is the admission notice of your son Lin Yang! "

"Ah?" Zhang Fang exclaimed in surprise, and then said in disbelief: "You, what did you say? Did you find the wrong person? Are you sure you didn't find the wrong person? Are these definitely for my Yangyang?"

"No! With so many of us here, it's understandable that one or two people are looking for the wrong person, but we can't all look for the wrong person, right?"

Liu Songzhou still said with a smile: "So, Lin Yang's mother, you can accept these admission notices with peace of mind!"

"This...is this really for my Yangyang?"

Zhang Fang was completely confused now. After getting confirmation from Liu Songzhou and others, she couldn't help but look at the admission notice and blurted out:

"Isn't my Yangyang a bit unworthy?"

These are all the top universities in the country. How can this brat deserve to be admitted?

"Haha, Lin Yang's mother was joking. With Lin's ability, our university is not worthy of him." Liu Songzhou spoke again.

Xi Guzhi and others also agreed one after another.

They all understood Zhang Fang's shock.

After all, I had basically figured out some of Lin Yang's previous situations on the way here, and the score in the college entrance examination was indeed not very high.

For an ordinary parent, it is normal for an ordinary parent to have difficulty reacting to such a surprise.

So they all waited patiently for several minutes, giving Zhang Fang enough time to accept the matter before they asked:

"Mother Lin Yang, I wonder if classmate Lin is at home now? Can you introduce us to meet him?"

Hearing this, Zhang Fang came back to her senses and said quickly: "I'm really sorry. Principals, I was just talking and forgot to invite you to come in. Please come in!"

"It's okay. Don't be polite, Lin Yang's mother. Isn't classmate Lin Yang at home?"

As Liu Songzhou spoke, he glanced into the room.

It stands to reason that if Lin Yang heard such a loud noise at the door at home, he would definitely come out.

So, he asked this question.

"Well... I'm really sorry. This brat probably went out to eat with his classmates. I'm going to call him to come back."

Zhang Fang took out her cell phone and prepared to make a call.

However, he was stopped by Liu Songzhou: "Don't bother Mr. Lin to come back. If it's convenient, please ask Lin Yang's mother to tell us which restaurant Mr. Lin Yang is eating at now? We can just go find him."

"Yes, classmate Lin Yang just came back from abroad last night. He is probably thinking too much about the food at home. Food is important, so we can just go find him so as not to delay his meal."

Xu Guzhi also followed suit.

This immediately made Zhang Fang's movements to make a call come to an abrupt halt, and his eyes were filled with a deep look of disbelief.

What did she hear?

These principals of top universities not only rushed home from the imperial capital in person, but also went to look for them in person for fear of delaying Lin Yang's meal? ?

Is she dreaming?

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