He Ming also opened his mouth so wide that he could swallow two eggs in an instant, and his whole body fell into a sluggish state.

What did he hear?

The presidents of Kyoto University, Huaqing University, Armed Forces University, Aeronautics and Astronautics University, and Ecological Science and Technology College personally invited his good friend to enroll? ?

Is this really a dream?

His somewhat dull eyes kept moving back and forth between the principals and Lin Yang, and his mind was a little down.

Other passers-by who were eating or watching the excitement in the hotel lobby were all shocked!

The battle to grab students after the college entrance examination every year is not new, but it is unheard of to alert several principals to personally grab students.

But now, their small place has welcomed the presidents of several of the top universities in the country!

For locals, Liu Songzhou and others are big figures who can only be seen on TV news!

However, now he is really standing in front of them, and with a very low profile, he invites the young man in front of him to join their respective universities!

It just feels unreal!

The security guards who were originally planning to approach and break up the fight were so frightened that they stopped in place and did not dare to come any closer.

Almost no one present questioned the self-introduction of Liu Songzhou and others.

Because they are also followed by staff from the local admissions offices of their respective universities!

Not to mention that you can often see photos of Liu Songzhou and others appearing in various activities in the news. The local admissions office staff are no strangers to people who often visit the Palace Hotel.

So the entire hotel lobby fell silent for a moment.

They all looked at Lin Yang with shock.

It's incredible to have several principals come here to grab people in person!

Lin Yang frowned slightly, looking a little speechless as Liu Songzhou and others introduced themselves one by one.

He just asked Zhao Zizhen to find a random university in Kyoto and send him an admission notice so that he would have a reason to go to the imperial capital.

But he didn't expect that Zhao Zizhen actually asked the presidents of these universities to come and invite him in person!

This is very different.

They are all the top universities in the country. If you join any one or not, you will easily let others down!

Looking at the earnest eyes of Liu Songzhou and others, Lin Yang sighed slightly in his heart.

Obviously, the principals in front of him should know his true identity.

Otherwise, with their status, it would be impossible for them to come in person anyway.

"Looking at how busy the principals are, they probably haven't had lunch yet, right? How about we eat together first?"

After a pause, Lin Yang spoke.

Several principals came personally, and it was really difficult to refuse easily.

Moreover, he also understood that Zhao Zizhen and Ye Guhong were probably afraid of being said by these people that they were not equal in their respective bowls of water, so they simply left the choice to themselves.


When Liu Songzhou and others heard Lin Yang's words, they were stunned for a moment, then looked at each other and said with a smile: "Since it is the invitation from classmate Lin, we have to be respectful and obey. We have been running all morning and we haven't eaten yet."

These words immediately caused everyone in the entire hotel lobby to look at each other.

They all looked shocked as if they had seen a ghost!

You know, with the status of Liu Songzhou and others, countless people who want to invite them to dinner are not qualified.

Now, because of Lin Yang's words, they all agreed.

This is simply unimaginable!

This is not just inviting one principal to dinner, but inviting several principals to have dinner together at the same time. How much dignity does this have?

Everyone couldn't imagine it at all.

He Ming finally came back to his senses, but when he heard this, he was confused again.

He looked at Lin Yang blankly, as if he didn't recognize his good brother at this moment.

Xie Lin and others at the elevator entrance seemed to be anchored by something at this moment. Even though the elevator had arrived, none of them could move.

The atmosphere in the hotel lobby was weirder than ever before.

Lin Yang turned to the hotel staff and asked, "Are there any private rooms? We don't have a reservation."

Since several principals agreed to eat, it would be better to eat in the hall.

With the identities of these people, they still have to have some privacy.

However, before the staff could answer, a middle-aged man trotted over and said excitedly:

"Yes! The Palace Hotel welcomes two classmates and several principals to come for guidance. Your arrival is an honor for our entire hotel! Please come with me. The box on the top floor has been prepared for you!"

Hearing this, Lin Yang turned his head and glanced at the middle-aged man's badge.

It was written on it as the general manager of the Palace Hotel, surnamed Yang.

"You're welcome, Manager Yang. Let's just have a casual meal. We don't need a nice private room."

Lin Yang glanced at Liu Songzhou and others and emphasized.

These people have special status. If the lunch is too luxurious, it will inevitably have some negative effects if word spreads about it.

When Manager Yang heard this, he immediately said: "I understand, I understand, please come with me!"

Then, he personally led the way, leading Lin Yang and others into the VIP elevator passage upstairs.

When entering the elevator, a group of people passed by Xie Lin and the others. They could clearly feel that Xie Lin and the others trembled all over and involuntarily moved aside.

From beginning to end, Lin Yang didn't even look at them.

After Lin Yang and several principals entered the elevator, several minutes passed before bursts of gasps of air suddenly came from the hall.

"Oh my God, what is the identity of that classmate just now? How could several presidents of Huaqing University come to snatch him in person?"

"He must be a peerless genius. I never thought that such a genius could appear in our city. It's so shameless!"

"Hahaha, today's meal is worth it. Seeing such a big scene, I will be proud of it when I go back!"

"Hey, it would be great if my traitorous son was treated like this!"

"How dare you think!"

"Haha, that's right, not to mention several university presidents coming to snatch people away in person, even if only one comes, it's like smoke coming from my ancestral grave!"

Everyone in the hall was filled with shocked discussions.

Although some people wanted to take the opportunity to ask for a business card, they were immediately frightened away when they thought of the identities of Liu Songzhou and others.

Everyone's eyes drifted back and forth over Xie Lin and the others intentionally or unintentionally.

The words that Xie Lin and the others mocked Lin Yang just now are still fresh in my mind, but now things have taken a huge turn of 360 degrees.

Although they would not take the initiative to say anything based on their status, the vague glances alone made Xie Lin and others feel uncomfortable. Then they did not even dare to eat, and a group of people ran out in despair. Palace Hotel.

At the same time, just as Lin Yang and the others were entering the box to eat, the Classmate spacecraft returned successfully.

The plant seeds and unique resources of the moon brought back shocked the world!

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