Space base.

The classmate spacecraft slowly opened the hatch, and the two astronauts slowly walked out under the gaze of everyone.

As the first people to land on the moon in China, every move of the two people attracted much attention.

Under the live broadcast of the official account, the two took off their spacesuits and accepted a brief interview with the official media.

Mainly I asked about the situation and feelings about the Lunar Tiangong Base.

Then the two went to receive relevant physical examinations as soon as possible to ensure their health.

The experts from the Ecological Institute had been waiting nearby for a long time. They directly took the plant seeds brought back from the Tiangong Base and rushed back to the laboratory for experiments.

"I'm really impatient." Song Changming muttered, and asked someone to move the live broadcast camera, and then took out the lunar resources presented by Butler No. 1.

This move immediately caused Western countries to curse.

Because when Butler 1 presented lunar resources before, the robots directly transported the things to the Classmates spacecraft, and they didn't even see what they were.

Now I want to take advantage of the live broadcast to see it, but the result is not as expected.

Then, some foreign IP guys protested in the live broadcast room, asking Song Changming to release specific information on lunar resources.

In response to this, Song Changming just smiled contemptuously: "Labour and management are not stupid, let you see? Are your brains broken?"

This rude response immediately aroused criticism from everyone in the West.

I think that as the dean of the Domestic Aerospace Academy, his response is simply disrespectful and disrespectful.

But Song Changming didn't care at all.

Unlike Zhao Zizhen, he also has to take care of his identity as an official spokesperson. If aliens were not discovered on the moon this time, he would not appear in the live broadcast at all.

He doesn't care at all what is said about him online.

But his rough and direct attitude has attracted the love of domestic netizens.

"Hahaha, as expected of Dean Song. I like this fiery temper. Western guys should understand that they have to have a sense of boundaries in everything they do. This is a secret. They can see it just by looking at it!"

"That's right, that's right, I want to see everything, I want everything, and I don't even see if I am worthy of it!"

"Hey, double standards and moral kidnapping are still easy to play with in the West. When they brought back the first handful of earth resources from the moon, they kept it tight and did not leak any information to the outside world. We think They didn’t even give me a glance, but now they want to look at our resources. I really don’t know where the shame comes from!”

Although Song Changming's response aroused public outrage in the West, it inadvertently gained a large wave of fans in China.

On the other side, Yuan Zhihe and the experts from the Ecological Institute, who had obtained the lunar plant seeds, frowned.

Because after preliminary data analysis experiments and cultivation, these plant seeds are almost unable to grow normally in the current Blue Star environment.

It was hard for everyone to get extinct plant seeds or even alien seeds but not be able to cultivate them.

"In the Tiangong ecological base on the moon, these plants are growing well. It seems that we have to find a way to get some environmental information about the plant area of ​​that ecological base, otherwise these seeds will be wasted."

An old expert spoke.

"Or, there needs to be new technology to improve the growth genes of these plant seeds so that they can adapt to the current Blue Star environment. But we can't even cultivate them, so we don't know how far they can grow. If we want to It's too difficult to directly modify genes."

Yuan Zhihe looked at the test data, was silent for a moment, and said, "Let me find a way."

At the same time, at the entrance of the Palace Hotel.

"Manager Yang, I'm really sorry that the meal cost you money."

Lin Yang looked at Manager Yang who escorted them to the door and said a little helplessly.

For the meal just now, Manager Yang refused to accept payment, insisting that the hotel charge the bill, which made him a little embarrassed.

Manager Yang said with a smile: "Classmate Lin is so polite. It is our honor for you and the principals to dine in our restaurant. You are a talented student in our city. It is rare for you and several principals to come to our restaurant for dinner. If you still Let them pay, and if word gets out, others should scold us at the Palace Hotel for not supporting education at all."

"...Well, I'd like to thank Manager Yang again." Lin Yang sighed and didn't insist on paying anymore.

He could also see what Manager Yang was thinking.

Several principals from the top universities in the country were eating in the restaurant at the same time, and he was a student that several principals could snatch away at the same time. It would be better than any advertisement to spread the word.

From this meal, they only made a profit but not a loss.

"Then I will send it here. Classmate Lin and classmate He, please walk slowly. You are always welcome to visit our Palace Hotel again." Manager Yang said politely again.

"Alright, definitely."

Lin Yang nodded slightly and immediately left with Fatty He.

As for Liu Songzhou and others, when they were having dinner just now, he felt that it would be inappropriate to refuse anyone on the spot, so he agreed with them that they would give him two more days to think about it, and when he arrived in the imperial capital, he would go directly to the chosen school to report.

This way everyone won't be too embarrassed on the spot.

Although Liu Songzhou and others were very sorry, they still left knowingly after introducing the advantages of their own schools.

So now, only he and He Ming are left.

However, before he could drag Fatty He, who was still in shock, out of the hotel.

As soon as he reached the fountain at the entrance of the hotel, a figure suddenly flashed in front of him and shouted to him: "Yangyang, it's really you!"

"Uh...Uncle He, why are you here?" Lin Yang was startled.

The visitor was none other than He Ming's father, He Zhong.

Fatty He on the side was startled when he saw his father suddenly appear, and subconsciously hid behind Lin Yang.

"You bastard, are you so afraid of me? Did you steal my money again?"

When He Zhong saw He Ming's little move, he immediately laughed and cursed.

From the looks of it, he obviously knew all about He Ming's little moves on weekdays.

Fatty He shrinks his neck and is about to quibble, but hears his father change his tone and say to Lin Yang:

"Hey, Yangyang, a friend of mine was eating here just now and said that he saw you and Mingming there, and that he was personally robbed by the presidents of several top universities in the imperial capital. I didn't believe it at first, but they also sent me When I saw the secretly taken photos, I rushed over immediately, but to my surprise, they turned out to be real."

"Ah? So Uncle He has been here a long time ago?" Lin Yang was startled again.

"Haha, yes, I've been waiting here for a long time." He Zhong laughed.

"Then why didn't you tell us or go up?" Lin Yang asked doubtfully.

"Hey, I saw you were eating with those principals, so I didn't dare to disturb you."

He Zhong smiled again, and then under Lin Yang's surprised eyes, he sighed heavily and said:

"Don't look at your Uncle He. I have opened several big factories now and have some money in my hands. But in the eyes of educated people, I am a nouveau riche and cannot be looked upon by others!"

"Besides, I am the president of a top university in the imperial capital. The gap between me and others is too big. If we are not on the same level, it would be embarrassing to go over there."

"This... why did Uncle He say this?" Lin Yang frowned slightly.


Next to him, He Ming's eyes widened for a moment and he looked at his father in disbelief. He seemed to have never expected that his father would actually say such a thing!

"Surprised why I said that, aren't you?"

He Zhong glanced at the two of them, and when they both nodded, he sighed again and spoke slowly.

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