"Yangyang, you, Uncle He, and I are just catching up with a good era. The generations of my old He family are all from a single generation, and none of them have the talent for learning. I also struggled to go to middle school at that time."

"Fortunately, I encountered good times, and I made some troubles here and there, and made some money. But despite the superficial glory, in fact, the real big bosses were unwilling to cooperate with me at all. They thought I was not well-educated and said Go out and embarrass the company."

"Although my factory has continued to expand over the years, it is still out of reach in the eyes of the big and educated bosses. Some of them don't say it to their faces, but they make jokes behind their backs. It's just for the sake of money. On the surface, It’s just passable.”

"So, I worked hard to make money, donated money to houses at all costs, and asked people to find connections to spend money. I also wanted to let this little brat He Ming go to college, just to get rid of the illiterate nouveau riche of my old He family. Label."

Speaking of this, He Zhong glanced at Fatty He and couldn't help laughing:

"Haha, it's a pity that this little brat has followed the inheritance of my old He family. He really has no talent for learning."

"Dad..." He Ming looked complicated. Only then did he understand why He Zhong would rather spend so much money to send him to college.

But this reason made him feel uncomfortable.

He always felt that his father ran a big factory, made a lot of money, and was the envy of everyone.

But now he realized that his father still had such bitterness hidden in his heart.

"Don't look like that."

He Zhong immediately glared at Fatty He, then turned his head, looked at Lin Yang, and said seriously:

"Originally, I didn't have much hope. I just hope that this little brat can learn something in school so that he won't ruin the family business in the future."

"However, Yangyang, I just saw several principals personally snatching you away. I feel that this little brat is very lucky. Being able to make friends like you may be the biggest opportunity in this brat's life."

"So, Yangyang, Uncle He doesn't dare to have any other extravagant hopes. He just hopes that you will be successful in your studies in the future, and that you can take care of this brat Ming Ming more or less in society, so that he won't be bullied too badly. .”

He didn't even ask why Lin Yang was not good at studying before, but now the principals of several famous schools came to snatch people in person. Instead, he took out a thick envelope and handed it to Lin Yang:

"Yangyang, here is 100,000 yuan in cash. Although you can be competed by the principals, you will definitely have no worries about scholarships, but in a place like the Imperial Capital, consumption is high."

"This money is a little bit of Uncle He's kindness. Every semester from now on, Uncle He will transfer you one hundred thousand to use for favors and living expenses. If you are short of money, you can tell Uncle He at any time. I just ask you to take care of me in the future." Come on He Ming, Uncle He is begging you."

Lin Yang took a step back instantly, looked at He Zhong, and said seriously: "Uncle He, what you said is too outrageous. Fatty and I are good buddies, good brothers. If he needs it, I will definitely help him. There is no need to be so emphatic, and there is no need to give money, my relationship with Fatty is not about the money!"

"This..." He Zhong was stunned for a moment, and then wanted to continue to persuade.

Lin Yang was the first to say: "Uncle He, you have forgotten that my father's company encountered difficulties a few years ago and could not even pay wages. It was you who directly transferred a large amount of money without saying anything. I have kept this in mind. It’s here!”

"So you don't need to think too much. If I have a bite to eat in the future, the fat man will not be hungry. Don't say words like begging, that's too foreign!"

He Zhong was stunned for a moment, then he was silent for a long time, took back the envelope, and laughed:

"Okay, my little boy is lucky to have you as a friend in his life, so Uncle He won't waste your time. School is about to start. You have to report to school in the next two days. I guess you are busy, so I will I’m leaving first, but if you need help with anything, remember to tell Uncle He.”

"Definitely, Uncle He, walk slowly." Lin Yang waved his hand, looking at He Zhong's back, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

To be honest, he didn't expect that He Zhong, a big boss who looked good on the surface, would also have his own sad things and would say such things to him.

Even because they felt that there was a big gap in status, they only dared to wait outside for Liu Songzhou and others to leave before coming over.

This is really a sutra that every family has a hard time reciting.

When He Zhong walked away, Fatty He finally came back to his senses and said quietly: "Yangzi, I just realized today that my dad is not as good as he seems on the surface."

"Why do you think so much? You have earned your face all by yourself. The reason why Uncle He can build such a big family business is because of his ability!"

Lin Yang patted He Ming on the shoulder and said:

"If you don't want to disappoint Uncle He, study hard when you go to college, and come back to give Uncle He a good reputation in the future, and don't let Uncle He waste so much money in vain."

"Yeah." Fatty He nodded, then seemed to remember something, looked at Lin Yang, and asked:

"You're not really a classmate, are you?"

"Haha, I said I was, but the key is do you believe it?" Lin Yang smiled.

"I don't believe it." Fatty He replied resolutely.

"That's fine then."

"But I still don't understand why even Kyoto University and Huaqing University are coming to snatch you!" He Ming stared.

"Didn't I just say that when we were eating? When I was abroad, I met a domestic professional team and helped them solve a physical problem. The solution to that problem was the reason why they invited me."

Lin Yang once again used the same reason he used to fool his mother last time.

"...Although it is reasonable and well-founded, I always feel that it is not very true. You said that you helped other professional teams solve problems, but when you were in school, I didn't see that you had any special talent in physics. Every time you take the exam, Not even passed." He Ming muttered.

"That's called low-key, do you understand?"

"Low-key? Forget it!"

He Ming laughed out loud, shook his head hard and said:

"Come on, I'm too lazy to ask. Anyway, you are successful now. Brother, I am happy for you from the bottom of my heart. Remember to take me with you when you take off in the future."

Lin Yang just wanted to say that this damn fat guy suddenly became more sensible, but the next second, he heard He Ming say sadly:

"Why didn't you want my dad's one hundred thousand yuan just now? That's one hundred thousand yuan! A whole hundred thousand yuan!"

"Even if you don't want it, can't you give it to me after you take it!!"

Lin Yang: "..."

He had nothing to say, he really had nothing to say.

After two and a half seconds of silence, Lin Yang couldn't help it anymore, and knocked the fat man hard on the forehead, and said angrily:

"Are you out of your mind? You know that's one hundred thousand!"

"Don't you think about the consequences if things are exposed later! If you want to die, just die by yourself, don't drag me with you!"

"I just ate at the Palace Hotel without asking for money. I saved you 6,000. Aren't you satisfied? Huh?"

This damn fat man really dares to think!

Embezzled one hundred thousand!

If his family finds out later, not only will the fat man be beaten, but he himself will also be beaten by his mother!

"Peat, you just keep talking, why are you doing it? It hurts me so much, why don't you just pretend I didn't say it? I'm going home first, the dinner is over, see you during the winter vacation!"

Fatty He covered his forehead and ran away after his father.


Seeing Fatty He running away with his head in his arms, Lin Yang smiled knowingly and turned to walk home.

Mom, you should be very happy now, right?

"Didi, you have received a new email."

Suddenly, a prompt sounded, causing Lin Yang to pause slightly.

"The Ecological Institute wants to help study the plant seeds brought back from the moon?"

After looking at the email sent by Zhao Zizhen, Lin Yang received a message from Butler No. 1 before he could reply.

"Mr. Commander, we have detected that a new Blue Star spacecraft has landed. The other party is trying to exchange more advanced spacecraft construction technology with us. Do you want to exchange it?"

"Huh? New spaceship? Which country is it from?" Lin Yang was immediately startled.

Will a Western country land on the moon and exchange resources so soon?

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