"Mr. Commander, the newly landed spacecraft is called the Union Lunar Probe. It is not a manned spacecraft. The other party has attached an image and communication equipment to it, hoping to exchange it for technology to improve the lunar landing spacecraft and some lunar resources."

Butler No. 1 replied.

"Soyuz lunar probe?"

Lin Yang was a little surprised.

Judging from the name of this detector, it is obviously not beautiful or Kodaka-chan.

It should be an attached product of the Union manned spacecraft technology.

"They move very quickly."

Then Lin Yang smiled.

Judging from the time, they should have launched the detector at the same time that the domestic spacecraft returned.

And also cautious enough.

It only sent a detector to test it, but did not directly carry people.

Obviously, they did not dare to take risks again until they understood Tiangong Base's attitude towards them.

"It seems that they have also guessed that the disappearance of the Union manned lunar landing spacecraft must be related to the Tiangong base."

Lin Yang muttered and asked slowly: "What resources do they want to exchange for? Show me the list."

"Okay, Mr. Commander, I will pass the list to you right now." Butler No. 1 responded.

Soon, Lin Yang saw the supplies Bu Mei and Xiaoyingjiang wanted to exchange.

All are rare resources, and most of them are needed to build a moon landing spacecraft.

The amount required is also quite large.

"The appetite is not small, haha, it seems that they really want to build more spaceships." Lin Yang took a look at the list and saw some intentions of Bu Mei and Xiaoyingjiang.

The last manned Union spacecraft should have consumed a lot of rare resources from both countries. After the spacecraft disappeared, they now want to regain these resources through the Tiangong Base to make up for the losses.

"So, Mr. Commander, do you want to exchange with them?" Butler No. 1 asked.

"Change, of course. Didn't I say during the last global live broadcast that anyone is welcome to go to Tiangong Base to exchange resources."

Lin Yang's tone was faint, and a coldness flashed in his eyes: "It's just the price of exchange, it depends on whether they can bear it!"

"Mr. Commander, what conditions do we want to put forward to the other party?" Butler No. 1 was a little confused about what Lin Yang meant.

"I will also send you a resource list later. The materials on it are required at three times the price." Lin Yang said.

"If they want to exchange for a rare resource they want, they have to pay three times the amount of other resources in exchange."

"Also, don't give them everything they want at once. Choose a few relatively scarce items and ask for them at five times the price."

A look of thinking appeared on Butler No. 1's face: "Mr. Commander, do you want to kill them severely?"

"That's right." Lin Yang nodded.

The last time I asked Butler No. 1 to say in front of a global live broadcast that everyone is welcome to go to Tiangong Base to redeem supplies, he was determined to trick everyone in the West.

At three times the price, that's just the beginning.

He has already thought about it. If the price is too high at the beginning, the Western guys may not be willing to give it up.

Therefore, start with three times, gradually get stuck with the resources they need the most, and then slowly and harshly.

"Then the technology to upgrade and improve the lunar landing spacecraft should be given to them?" Butler No. 1 asked again.

"Also, but only for junior ones, and for technology-related things, making them pay ten times the resource price in exchange for them," Lin Yang said.

"Ten times? Will they agree? According to the search, the resource storage on Blue Star does not seem to be abundant anymore. It does not seem cost-effective for them to exchange some basic technologies at such a high price." Butler No. 1 again Showing thinking.

"Haha, don't worry, they will change it." Lin Yang was confident.

Now that there is so much pressure from the country, Bumei and Xiaoyingjiang must find other ways out.

Judging from the fact that they are so eager to exchange a large amount of materials for building spacecraft and upgrade technology for the spacecraft, the two countries may not only want to land on the moon, but may also want to try to land on other planets.

Therefore, even if it costs ten times, the two countries will definitely exchange it.

Because they have no choice.

With the current scientific and technological strength of their two countries, if they do not exchange for more advanced spacecraft technology from the Tiangong Base, it would be a foolish dream to land on other planets in the solar system.

Therefore, even if they knew that the price of Tiangong Base was high, they would still grit their teeth and exchange it.

Unless they are willing to watch their two countries be quickly surpassed by their own countries.

However, this is obviously impossible for Bu Mei and Xiaoyingjiang.

"Okay, Mr. Commander, there is one more thing. They have expressed their greetings to you and hope to have a communication with you." Butler No. 1 said again.

"Communicate with me?" Lin Yang frowned slightly and then said, "Ignore them for now."

"Okay, then I will contact them according to your instructions, Mr. Commander. If there is any new progress, I will report to you at any time."

"Go ahead."

Lin Yang waved his hand, cut off the communication, and then quickly compiled a list of supplies and passed it to Butler No. 1.

The supplies needed on the list are all lacking in domestic construction of space carriers.

Of course, in order to avoid being noticed by the two countries, some unnecessary things were added to confuse the audience.

Then he called Zhao Zizhen and walked home.

Zhao Zizhen answered the phone almost instantly.

Lin Yang went straight to the topic: "Dean Zhao, what specific problems did the Ecological Institute encounter that required improvement of seed genes?"

"I'm not sure about the specifics. It's probably that those seeds were originally extinct plant species on our planet. After experiencing the vicissitudes of climate changes, those plants are now unable to adapt to the current environment and cannot grow."

"So the Ecological Institute hopes to get help from you, classmate, to help them improve the genes of plant seeds so that extinct plants can rejoin the existing ecosystem."

Zhao Zizhen answered quickly.

"Oh, I understand. Let's wait until I go to the imperial capital."

Lin Yang probably understood what was going on.

"Okay, then we are looking forward to the arrival of Mr. Lin." Zhao Zizhen smiled.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yang asked the system directly: "The system will help the Ecological Institute improve seed genes and allow those extinct plants to join the existing ecological environment. Is this the condition for completing the academician's dream mission? "

"Yes, host."

Lin Yang understood immediately and walked home quickly.

At the same time, angry roars were heard one after another from Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan's official building.

"Damn aliens, they are blackmailing!"

"This is Chi Guoguo's blackmail!"

Today I will add another chapter. Thank you to all the brothers and sisters who support reading National Treasures.

Special thanks to the big brothers and sisters who gave rewards before!

I wish you all good fortune and bow to you all!

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