A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 150 Just watch this kid since he was a child

The top management of Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan are going crazy.

After receiving the resource exchange conditions from Butler No. 1, I couldn't contain my anger at all.

"In exchange for the resources we need, we have to pay three times the other resources of the same value!"

"And the technology for upgrading the spaceship, one technology module requires ten times the resources to replace it!"

"Isn't this blackmail?"

"He basically took us for granted!"

The lungs of those who are not beautiful and Kodaka-chan are about to explode.

Originally, they thought that the exchange of resources with Tiangong Base was a one-to-one exchange, each getting what it needed.

But now the exchange price starts at least three times, some individual ones require five times, and technical modules require ten times the resources to exchange!

The price of this exchange was unacceptable to them.

However, after being angry, Bumei and Kodaka-chan both forced themselves to calm down.

A senior executive of Kodaka-chan said with a cold light in his eyes:

"Judging from the terms of exchange, the alien commander must also need a lot of resources, so he took the opportunity to kill us."

"Furthermore, we can also confirm that he has no ability to invade us for the time being, otherwise he would definitely come to rob us directly. This is good news for us."

"So?" The unattractive person frowned.

"So, we must hurry up and have the ability to freely cross the stars before he regains his ability to invade." Kodaka-chan's senior executive said.

"What do you mean, we continue to exchange resources with him?" The unattractive person had a glint in his eyes.

Kodaka-chan's people nodded: "We have no choice. If we only rely on our own technology, we may not be able to freely cross the stars within a hundred years."

"And now the resources on Blue Star are almost exhausted. We will be stuck in a bottleneck for a long time. We must have the ability to mine resources from other planets as soon as possible."

"Otherwise, Shang Xia will soon be completely surpassed. Don't forget, they have mastered nuclear fusion technology!"

"When they apply nuclear fusion technology on a large scale to produce energy, and with sufficient energy support, their spacecraft can easily travel to and from other planets to obtain resources. By then, the resources on other planets in the solar system will be available to them."

"If we continue to stand still, the gap with Shang Xia will only get wider and wider!"

"So, we have to exchange resources and technology with Tiangong Base. Although the cost is a bit high, as long as we can successfully enter other planets to mine resources, the current efforts will be nothing!"

These words caused the unattractive person to fall into a brief silence.

In fact, it's not that they don't understand this truth, it's just that for hundreds of years, they have always been the ones to slaughter others, and now they are suddenly reduced to being the targets of being slaughtered. This tone makes them a little bit unable to swallow.

Kotaka-chan glanced at the crowd and said calmly: "It's good to be able to pay some price in exchange for advanced technology. It's better than not having to change at all."

"You know, resources are valuable, but technology is priceless. If you are unwilling, our cooperation will end here."

These words immediately aroused dissatisfaction among the senior executives of Not Beautiful, which was tantamount to saying that they were short-sighted.

Immediately, the unattractive person snorted coldly: "When did we say we won't change? As long as we master more advanced spaceship technology, what we lose now will only be gained more in the future on other planets!"

"As long as you understand this, we will continue to cooperate according to the previous conditions. Our two countries will each pay half of the materials required for the exchange, and the materials obtained from other planets in the future will also be divided equally."

Kodaka-chan spoke calmly.

"Now, let's go prepare supplies."

At the same time, Lin Yang had also returned home.

To his surprise, there were many guests at home, some of whom were neighbors, and some of whom he had no impression of at all.

Now Zhang Fang is surrounded by these people, all of them are saying flattering words, and their eyes are scanning back and forth on the admission notices, full of envy.

Zhang Fang responded to everyone's flattery with a look of appreciation.

Then, his eyes glanced at Lin Yang who had just entered the door, and immediately shouted: "Hey, dear son, you are back. Are you tired? Mom will give you some tea!"

Following the shouting, everyone in the living room immediately turned their heads and watched Lin Yang talking nice things one by one.

"Our college student is back!"

"I have long said that Yangyang is an unusual child since he was a child. Sooner or later he will become a great talent. Isn't that right?"

"I have also concluded since I was a child that this guy Yangyang will become a great talent. Now he is directly competed by all the top universities in the country. It really makes the neighbors in our building look embarrassed!"

"Hey, Yangyang, I hugged you when you were a child. When you graduate and become successful, don't forget to take care of that brat of mine."

"That's right, there is also my girl. She has been close to you Yangyang since elementary school. Two days ago, she said that Yangyang you are the most handsome in our community. Look, my girl is afraid of Yangyang. You secretly agree, how about Auntie calls her over and you can have a chat?"

"Go, go, your girl only took two exams, but she is not worthy of a genius like Yangyang. But my girl is also from a top university in the country. How about Yangyang, you can add a friend to chat. ?”

"And my Nier is also from a first-class university. She has a gentle personality and handsome appearance. She is no worse than those big stars. Your mother used to say that if anyone can marry my Nier, but she has cultivated blessings in her previous life, and you two can't. Let’s talk?”


Listening to these words, Lin Yang's eyes instantly became extremely strange.

Ever since you were a kid, you thought he could become something great?

Have you known since he was a child that he is a genius?

Are you sure this is talking about him?

He almost wanted to laugh when he said it.

Who in the whole building doesn't know about his academic performance?

Counting down almost every time!

Usually some parents specifically tell their children not to play with him and stay away from him to avoid being infected and their learning will deteriorate.

Among them are the familiar neighbors upstairs and downstairs.

But now it's better, seeing that he is being snatched away by the principal of a top university, they all come up to him without blushing and say that he has been able to do it since he was a child!

Do you want it to be so real?

Lin Yang was a little helpless to complain.

The first words were good, but later they became more and more outrageous, and one after another they had to introduce girls to him as potential partners.

This is a bit too realistic!

In particular, he didn't even have the slightest impression of several neighbors who said this.

Obviously, we usually only live in the same community, not even in the same building. We have only seen each other a few times, but now they are all here together.

It's simply outrageous.

Thanks to book friend 20240108434 for the 588-coin reward, as well as book friend 20231205278 and book friend 20230819467 for the reward. You spent a lot of money. I wish you good luck and good luck! Bow to big brother!

Thank you to all the brothers and sisters who read, and I would like to bow to you all and wish you all a fortune!

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