
Song Changming was immediately shocked, as if he couldn't believe what he heard, and rushed over quickly, confirming with wide eyes:

"Did the robot butler at Tiangong Base contact us?"

"Yes, Dean, it sent a message saying that it has some resources and asked us if we want to exchange them."

"You actually took the initiative to exchange resources with us?" Song Changming frowned, "Did you say what resources are?"

"This is the exchange list it sent. Dean, please take a look."

The next second, Song Changming's eyes widened: "These are almost all things that are missing in building an aircraft carrier or an aerospace carrier!"

"It seems so, but we are not very sure. We need to confirm with Dean Zhao of the Academy of Sciences and Dean Chu of the Armed Forces Department."

Song Changming nodded: "You have to confirm. Send a copy of the list. Remember to send a copy to Mr. Ye as well. I will go to them for a video conference now."

"Dean, if the exchange is confirmed, we need to transport the exchange materials immediately. We need you to be at the aerospace base. You just had something urgent to go out. Can you coordinate?"

"This..." Song Changming was startled for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "It's important. You keep in touch with that housekeeper No. 1, and at the same time start making preparations to land on the moon again. I'll be back soon."


After the explanation, Song Changming immediately started to connect.

On the other side, when Zhao Zizhen and others learned that Butler No. 1 took the initiative to ask whether to exchange resources and saw the resource list, they were all stunned for a while.

"Don't just be in a daze. Are these special resources that have been announced to be discontinued by Western countries a while ago and can be used to build space carriers?" Song Changming asked impatiently.

Zhao Zizhen and Chu Tiankuo looked at each other and nodded at the same time: "Yes, it is the part we are missing."

"This..." After receiving the confirmation, Song Changming was stunned again and murmured: "How could that housekeeper No. 1 know what we are missing? Isn't this a bit too coincidental?"

"It must have been monitoring us." Zhao Zizhen said, "But why it took the initiative to give us these resources in exchange is unknown."

Chu Tiankuo answered: "Is it really because you like our culture, favor us, and deliberately help us?"

Song Changming thought for a moment and said slowly: "Or is it because of Classmate Lin? We previously speculated that Classmate Lin's technology may come from the moon. Maybe it is for this reason that Butler No. 1 has always been more biased towards us?"

"It's... hard to say. There are too many possibilities, and there is currently not enough confidence to prove that Mr. Lin is related to the alien civilization on the moon." Zhao Zizhen and Chu Tiankuo both frowned.

Ye Guhong said slowly: "No matter what the reason is, in short, since it intends to help us now, then we will accept it. At least it seems that it will only be good for us, and there will be no harm."

"Well, Mr. Ye, I will inform Butler No. 1 that we have agreed to exchange resources with it?" Song Changming asked.

"Is it a one-to-one exchange?" Ye Guhong asked.

"Yes, one to one exchange." Song Changming nodded.

"I see that some of the resources in the exchange list are relatively common resources here, so let's give some more." Ye Guhong said again.

"Okay, I understand." Song Changming responded, "Then please transport the materials needed for the exchange as soon as possible. We are preparing to transport the materials."

"Is this going to be a manned moon landing or not?" Ye Guhong asked again.

"Manned landing on the moon consumes a lot of money. This time we are exchanging materials, so there is no need to carry people. We can just use a detector to send the resources there and then bring them back." Song Changming said.

"This is the first official transaction. Wouldn't it be rude not to send someone?" Ye Guhong frowned slightly.

"If it is simply to exchange resources for manned landing on the moon, the price will be too high. Butler No. 1 also said that we do not need to send people there." Song Changming explained.

"In that case, just do what Butler No. 1 said." Ye Guhong said no more.

Song Changming was about to respond, but his eyes suddenly changed, and then he said quietly: "I just received the latest news. Bumei and Xiaoyingjiang also launched a lunar probe and went straight to the moon. According to analysis, there is a high probability that the same will happen. To exchange supplies.”

"Oh? Their movements are quite fast." Ye Guhong, Zhao Zizhen and Chu Tiankuo all raised their eyebrows.

"If nothing else goes wrong, the two countries will still cooperate to provide half of the supplies. The preparations are really fast. It can also be seen that the Butler No. 1 is not only exchanging with us, but also with Western countries. It seems that they are also very Lack of resources." Song Changming said slowly.

"I hope that commander will not attack us after he has obtained enough resources." Ye Guhong sighed.

Countries on Blue Star can only exchange supplies with Tiangong Base, but Tiangong Base can exchange resources with all countries on Blue Star at the same time.

It can be imagined that the speed at which Tiangong Base obtains the required supplies is absolutely very fast.

This is really not good news.

If the alien commander at Tiangong Base was allowed to obtain enough resources and regain the ability to invade the interstellar world, Blue Star might be in danger.

Zhao Zizhen and others also sighed softly.

They all know the reason, but now they can't refuse to exchange resources with Tiangong Base.

They couldn't refuse the list of exchange supplies given by Butler No. 1.

All of the above are important resources needed to build a space carrier.

"I think we need to start preparing measures to prevent intrusion."

After a moment of silence, Ye Guhong said: "No matter whether this alien commander will invade us in the end, we must prepare for the worst."

"After all, even if he doesn't invade, since it has been proven that there are aliens in the universe, maybe one day in the future, there will be an invasion by other extraterrestrial civilizations. It is always right to be prepared in advance."

Zhao Zizhen nodded and was about to speak, but his eyes suddenly lit up in the next moment, he stood up and said, "Classmate Lin is here, let's go and greet him."

"Oh? Arriving so soon? Then, let's take the opportunity to tell him about our preparations to prevent alien invasion and see if he has any ideas." Ye Guhong's eyes flashed.


Zhao Zizhen responded and exited the video conference at the same time as Chu Tiankuo.

Song Changming sighed heavily when he saw this.

The moon suddenly had to exchange supplies with China, and he had no choice but to cancel the ticket he had just changed.

Now I can only watch eagerly as Zhao Zizhen and the others meet Lin Yang.

At the same time, Lin Yang had arrived at the gate of the Academy of Sciences.

The second before he got off the car, he received a message from Butler No. 1: "Mr. Commander, we have exchanged materials with Shang Xia according to your instructions. The resources obtained from the other two countries, except for the resources we need to build the mining spacecraft, All of them were exchanged with Shang Xia."

"It's done well. With this batch of resources, building the first space carrier should not be a problem."

Lin Yang's eyes showed some anticipation before he got out of the car.

"Hello, are you classmate Lin?"

As soon as Lin Yang got out of the car, he saw a young man wearing the work clothes of a major science institute approaching him with an enthusiastic face. The fiery eyes showed a bit scary.

"It's me, you are...?"

Lin Yang took a step back calmly.

This guy's eyes look a bit unserious.

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