A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 153 The fanatical Wang Guang builds the road to space!

"My...idol, it's me, I'm Wang Guang!"

Wang Guang didn't notice Lin Yang's small movement of taking a step back, but moved forward more enthusiastically, the heat in his eyes turning into fanaticism.

If Lin Yang hadn't placed the suitcase in front of him, he would have rushed up to give Lin Yang a bear hug.

"...Are you Wang Guang?" Lin Yang breathed a sigh of relief. He thought he had encountered a pervert as soon as he got out of the car.

"Hey, it's me, it's me. The teacher asked me to come to greet you. I have finally met you."

Wang Guang was very excited and was going to push Lin Yang's suitcase as he spoke.

"I can just do it myself..." Lin Yang couldn't bear the boy's enthusiasm.

"Hehe, okay, okay, hehe, idol, let's go in first and talk. The teacher said, don't reveal your identity." Wang Guang rubbed his hands and lowered his voice.

"You lead the way."

"Yeah, come with me. It's not convenient for the teachers and others to come out to greet you in person. They are already waiting inside. Don't be surprised."

Wang Guang led the way, his face flushed with excitement.

Lin Yang was a little puzzled: "Wang Guang, you seem to be very excited?"

This kid is leading the way, but he's almost like a monkey. He takes three steps and jumps twice.

"Hey, hey, don't be offended, Idol. I'm so excited to see you that I can't help it." Wang Guang touched his forehead in embarrassment.

"...That's not necessary. I'm not a weirdo with three heads and six arms. You'd better calm down." Lin Yang muttered in a low voice. This kid looked a bit scary now.

"Ahem, okay, idol, I'll try to be calmer." Wang Guang became even more embarrassed.

"Don't call me idol. My name is Lin Yang. You can call me by my full name or classmate Lin."

This was the first time for Lin Yang to be shouted at by an idol in front of his face, and he felt a little uncomfortable.

"How is that possible? I don't think I'm worthy enough to call you my idol by your full name!"

Wang Guang is not as steady as a researcher at all, and now he is as excited as a... primary school student.

"...Is this worthy? It's just a name." Lin Yang was speechless.

"That's not okay. You are my idol, my only idol. You should let me call you my idol, otherwise I will feel guilty when I call you by your name." Wang Guang said with courage.

"...Okay, it's up to you." Lin Yang sighed.

He now somewhat understands why those very famous celebrities always bundle up tightly when going out.

If you meet a fan like Wang Guang, it would be a bit overwhelming.

But looking at Wang Guang's enthusiastic look, he couldn't help but wonder, if fat guy He Ming knew his identity, would he be crazier than Wang Guang?

After all, this kid actually set up a sign to honor himself!

It feels like he should be more fanatical than Wang Guang, right?

But when he thought about how this damn fat man would rush towards him like crazy after knowing his identity, Lin Yang's heart trembled.

It's better not to tell this damn fat person yet.

And if you want to say it, you can’t say it face to face.

Otherwise, He Ming might be able to spit on him.

"Idol, here we come."

When Lin Yang was thinking wildly, Wang Guang spoke up, interrupting his thoughts.

Then, he saw two middle-aged men with extraordinary temperament standing at the door of the office, looking at him with smiles, and said one after another: "Classmate Lin, welcome to the National Academy of Science and Technology. Please don't take offense if you miss me from afar." .”

Hearing the voice, Lin Yang could tell who was who without the two of them introducing themselves!

"Dean Zhao, I didn't expect you to be more energetic than you sounded on the phone, and Dean Chu is much more dignified than I thought."

Lin Yang took the initiative to speak and accurately stated the identities of the two people.

When I used a technology scanner to steal technology from the Not Beautiful Aerospace Institute, I opened an internal connection once.

He remembers every voice.

After the words fell, Zhao Zizhen burst out laughing: "Classmate Lin is really dazzling."

Chu Tiankuo touched his forehead and grinned: "How can I lose my dignity?"

He had tried his best to keep smiling and looking kind.

After entering the room and taking a seat, Lin Yang looked at the time and asked, "Isn't Dean Yuan here yet?"

"It's still on the way. It may take a while. Those plant seeds are very precious to him and he is afraid of accidents." Zhao Zizhen replied.

Lin Yang nodded and said no more.

Zhao Zizhen and Chu Tiankuo looked at each other and said:

"Classmate Lin, just now the steward of the Tiangong base on the moon took the initiative to contact us to exchange supplies. The resources exchanged can be used to build the space carrier. Once the resources arrive, we can officially start work."

"Isn't that good?" Lin Yang smiled.

"It's very good, but at the same time, the robot butler also exchanged a lot of resources from us. We feel it is necessary to prevent the commander of Tiangong Base from attacking us after getting the materials to restore the invasion force."

Zhao Zizhen said again.

"What does it mean?" Lin Yang asked back.

"We want to make some preparations to prevent invasion. Classmate Yi Lin, do you think the alien commander will attack us?" Zhao Zizhen asked, looking into Lin Yang's eyes.

Lin Yang blinked and looked directly at Zhao Zizhen: "How can I say this? I don't know the commander either. Who can guess what the alien is thinking."

The two looked at each other for more than ten seconds. Zhao Zizhen suddenly looked away and laughed:

"That's right. No one can guess what aliens think. So based on what you see, Mr. Lin, how do we start building fortifications?"

Lin Yang shook his head: "I don't think it is necessary to build defense projects first. After all, the aliens' technology is so advanced, and the defenses we built cannot withstand their attacks. Instead of wasting time and resources on this, we should be more proactive. "

"Take the initiative? What does Mr. Lin mean?" Zhao Zizhen and Chu Tiankuo both looked over.

"The aliens who have the moon now can provide us with resources. Of course, they are taking the opportunity to enter the interstellar era. Sooner or later, the resources on the Blue Star will be exhausted. Don't say too far away. There are a lot of resources on the planets near our solar system alone. For mining." Lin Yang spoke.

"So, why not use this opportunity to completely enter the interstellar era? Aliens want to use us to obtain resources. We can also use alien resources and technology to build more advanced spaceships and enter other planets to mine resources."

"As long as there are enough resources, and nuclear fusion technology provides energy, and we have enough spaceships, even if we can't defeat them, we can still escape in the future. It's better than staying where we are and being beaten passively, right?"


Zhao Zizhen and Chu Tiankuo were both startled, and then they both asked: "Does Student Lin have any specific ideas?"

"Of course." Lin Yang nodded, "I think both deans must have heard this sentence."

"What words?"

“If you want to be rich, build roads first!”

“If you want to be rich, build roads first?”

Zhao Zizhen and Chu Tiankuo were stunned again.

Of course they had all heard this, but they didn't understand what Lin Yang meant when he said this.

"Yes, build roads!"

Lin Yang nodded and gave a positive answer, then looked up at the sky and said leisurely:

"But this road is not an ordinary road, but a heavenly road!"

"To be more precise, it's a road to space!"

"The road to space? What does Mr. Lin mean?" Zhao Zizhen and Chu Tiankuo were even more confused.

How to build roads in space?

Lin Yang smiled slightly and said four words: "Space Elevator!"


Zhao Zizhen and Chu Tiankuo were instantly shocked. They stood up immediately and looked at Lin Yang in shock.

Did they hear it correctly?

What did Lin Yang say he wanted to build?

Space elevator?

Isn't this a joke?

Thank you, brothers and sisters, for reading

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