With Lin Yang's interruption, Zhao Zizhen and Yuan Zhihe glared at each other and entered the laboratory one after another without saying anything more.

Yuan Zhihe took some of the plant seeds brought back from Tiangong Base one by one, placed them in culture vessels, and said at the same time:

"Classmate Lin, some of these plant seeds have been extinct on our blue star for many years, and some are products of alien planets."

"However, whether they are extinct in the past or aliens, they are not suitable for the current local climate of our planet and are almost impossible to grow."

"We have tried many methods but cannot solve this problem. If we want these seeds to grow smoothly, we must either simulate the ecological environment of Tiangong Base or improve the seed genes."

"But if you want to simulate the ecological environment of that Tiangong base, you have to get specific parameters. This involves the core data of that ecological base, which is probably unrealistic. Therefore, the only thing left is to improve the seed genes."

At this point, Yuan Zhihe rubbed his hands in embarrassment: "Unfortunately, none of our experts and academicians at the Ecological Institute can do this, so I have to shamelessly trouble you, Mr. Lin."

"Of course, we also know that it is important to engage in scientific research to enhance national strength, but if these rare plants can bloom and grow again in our land of Shang and Xia, it will also have a very good effect on the domestic ecological environment..."

Hearing this, Lin Yang immediately smiled and said: "Dean Yuan does not need to explain. Whether he is engaged in scientific research, ecology, or agriculture, he is all contributing to the development of the country, but in a different direction. I am concerned about these seeds." I’ll find a way.”

Yuan Zhihe's eyes lit up immediately when he heard this, and he looked at Lin Yang more fondly: "Classmate Lin's level of thinking is just different, ten thousand times better than that old guy Song, who always thinks that he is engaged in scientific research. He’s a head above the rest of us.”

"When I asked him to help tell the two astronauts to get some seeds for us, I yelled at him before he agreed."

"Uh..." Lin Yang was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to answer the question.

He didn't know there was such an episode.

"Hey, it's all in the past, so I won't mention it anymore. I'll ask you, Mr. Lin, to help improve these seeds. If you need us to use them, just ask!" Yuan Zhihe smiled again.

"Okay, I'll do some research first and tell Dean Yuan if I have any clues." Lin Yang agreed.

Helping improve seed genes is a piece of cake for him.

There is no need to find system exchange technology for this matter.

Yuan Zhihe also said that the reason why they could not start improving seeds.

It's because the current environment on Blue Star simply cannot allow these seeds to grow to a certain level.

If you want to improve, you need a mature body for reference.

There are a lot of mature bodies in Tiangong Base!

For Yuan Zhihe and others, they could not go to the Tiangong base to study closely, but for him, he only needed to tell the housekeeper No. 1.

This does not mean transporting the mature plants in the Tiangong Base to Blue Star, but taking the ecological environment parameters of the ecological environment zone in the Tiangong Base, and then comparing them with the current domestic ecological environment to directly make preliminary improvements.

But naturally this matter cannot be done in front of Zhao Zizhen and Yuan Zhihe.

Therefore, Lin Yangcai said symbolically that it would take some time.

Yuan Zhihe naturally agreed to this, and finally told Lin Yang not to be too anxious, as their ecology center could afford to wait.

After sending Yuan Zhihe away, Zhao Zizhen couldn't help but sigh: "It has to be Mr. Lin. To be honest, I wanted to study some of these seeds before."

"But I only mentioned it to Old Man Yuan, and he almost wanted to fight for his life with me. But now he feels free to put a lot of seeds directly in your place, Mr. Lin."

Lin Yang was a little surprised, then smiled and said: "Then Dean Zhao, why don't you take some of it away now and say that the laboratory has been robbed?"

"..." Zhao Zizhen was stunned for a long time, then waved his hand awkwardly and said:

"No, no, let's forget it. This is the experimental center of our National Academy of Sciences. If there is a thief here, it will make people laugh if we tell it. Old Yuan has to fight with me."

He looked at Lin Yang, and there was something he was embarrassed to say.

That is, Lin Yang is a being who goes to other countries to steal things as if he is in an uninhabited land.

It's not an exaggeration to call him the King of Thieves.

Speaking in front of the king of thieves about being thieves...

Although Lin Yang asked him to speak, he was too embarrassed to open his mouth!

Lin Yang saw this and smiled: "Then I will study these seeds first."

"Okay, then I won't disturb you, classmate Lin." Zhao Zizhen turned and left directly.

After Zhao Zizhen left, Lin Yang did not study the seeds in the experiment, but returned to the small apartment arranged for him.

There were monitors in the experiment, and it was not easy for him to directly block those monitors.

After returning to the apartment, Lin Yang contacted Butler No. 1 and asked him to send a copy of the data parameters of the ecological zone.

"By the way, Butler No. 1, are there robots in the base that protect the ecological zone? Why don't you ask those agricultural robots to improve the seed genes according to the current environment of Blue Star so that they can grow on Blue Star? .”

Halfway through his conversation with Butler No. 1, Lin Yang suddenly remembered that there were millions of robots in Tiangong Base, covering all aspects. Instead of trying to improve them himself, it would be better to leave them to those robots.

Butler No. 1 immediately said: "Okay, Mr. Commander, there is no technical difficulty in improving those seed genes. It can be done."

"Then improve all the plant seed genes, then put them on the Apocalypse spacecraft and have them delivered." Lin Yang said.

"Okay, Mr. Commander, I will follow your will."

Butler No. 1 bowed and went to find the robot to start improving the seed genes.


Only five minutes later, another message came from Butler No. 1.

"Mr. Commander, all the plant seed genes have been improved and put on the Apocalypse spacecraft. At the same time, we have detected that Bumei and Kitty Hawk have launched new material transport devices. The above are the additional ones you requested. resource."

"The efficiency is quite fast." Lin Yang muttered.

"Mr. Commander, they also sent a message simultaneously, saying that the resources you need are being transported to Tiangong Base. We hope to have a call with you as soon as possible." Butler No. 1 said again.

Lin Yang raised his eyebrows: "They are quite impatient."

"Sounds quite urgent." Butler No. 1 answered.

"Now that the supplies have been transported, tell them to call in five minutes. I want to see what they want to do with their insistence on talking to me!"

Lin Yang's eyes flashed slightly.

Thank you to all the brothers and sisters for reading and supporting me. I give you a thumbs up.

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