five minutes later.

Lin Yang used system services to forge an avatar, blocked all geographical location information, pretended to be an interstellar call, and started his first communication with people who were not beautiful and Xiaoyingjiang.

"Hello, distinguished Mr. Commander, it is an honor to establish contact with you. The two of us would like to extend our lofty greetings to you on behalf of our respective countries!"

The person in charge of Bumei and Xiaoyingjiang bowed slightly to Lin Yang with an extremely polite attitude.

"Why are you so eager to find me?" Lin Yang said, his voice obviously changed.

He did not use pretentious words or arrogant attitude, it was just normal communication.

After all, he is not a real alien, and it is easy to spot the clues if he pretends to be sophisticated.

Although only the two responsible persons, Kodaka-chan and Bumei, appear on the screen, behind them, there are probably countless elite teams analyzing and recording this call.

Communicate in the most normal tone, which is the least likely to cause problems.

After hearing his words, the two looked at each other, and the unattractive person in charge said: "Dear Mr. Commander, your time must be precious, please forgive us for being so direct."

Lin Yang nodded slightly.

Upon seeing this, the unattractive person in charge said directly: "Mr. Commander, I would like to ask you, you seem to be lacking some of the rare resources of our Blue Star, right?"

"Speak directly about your purpose." Lin Yang said calmly.

These words made the two managers, Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan, stunned for a moment.

They thought they were direct enough, but they didn't expect that this alien commander was more direct than they thought.

It sounds like it's an unnecessary topic that I don't want to talk about.

Immediately, the two exchanged glances, and the person in charge of Kodaka-chan spoke:

"Mr. Commander, let's get it straight. You seem to be lacking in our own rare resources, and our two countries are the two most powerful countries in Blue Star."

"As long as we are willing, we can easily monopolize more than 80% of the rare resources of the entire Blue Star. We would like to reach a cooperation with you, Mr. Commander."

After saying that, the two looked directly at Lin Yang's avatar.

Lin Yang also gave a little reaction, raised his eyebrows, and said with a slightly interested tone: "Oh? Want to cooperate with me, commander? What kind of cooperation?"

"In addition to normal transactions, we can provide you, Mr. Commander, with an additional part of the rare Blue Star resources you need for free."

The person in charge of Kodaka-chan spoke immediately.

"Mr. Commander, you don't need to spend any other resources. You only need to publicly express that you have reached a cooperation agreement with our two countries."

Lin Yang suddenly smiled slightly: "Is this why you are so anxious to talk to this commander?"

"Yes." The person in charge of Kotaka-chan nodded.

"Do you want to let other countries in Blue Star know that you have gained cooperation and friendship from this commander, so that you can use this to enhance your country's international prestige and deter other countries?" Lin Yang looked at the two of them.

The two nodded in unison, and the person in charge of Kodaka-chan smiled and said: "We borrow your name, Mr. Commander, to monopolize Blue Star's local resources, and Mr. Commander, you can get the resources you need for free. This is the best of both worlds. .”

"Haha, you want to use my commander's power to dominate Blue Star, right?" Lin Yang smiled softly.

Now he has completely understood the real purpose why people who are not pretty and Kodaka-chan are willing to pay a huge price to talk to him.

To put it bluntly, the two countries want to use their own power to achieve their goal of dominating Blue Star.

Talking about monopolizing resources is just a hypocritical statement.

The reason why they are so anxious is probably because the domestic development momentum is too fast, which puts the two countries under tremendous pressure.

That's why after he put forward such outrageous call conditions, he agreed without saying a word and directly transported supplies to the moon base, and then talked to himself.

They obviously want to build a space elevator domestically, especially before building a space carrier, which will in turn put some pressure on the country.

As long as he agrees to this cooperation and makes it known, even if the country builds an aerospace carrier, he will not dare to take any action against the two countries easily.

In this way, the two countries do not need to consider the pressure from the country, and can even turn passivity into initiative, using the name of his alien commander to rectify the entire West first, and finally dominate the Blue Star.

This is the true thoughts and purpose of Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan!

If they pay such a high price to seek cooperation with themselves just to monopolize resources, then the two countries are really out of their minds.

As for Kodaka-chan and the two ugly guys, after hearing Lin Yang reveal their true purpose, they were not embarrassed. Instead, they said:

"We are willing to be your pawns, Mr. Commander, and serve you forever, Mr. Commander!"

"Haha, why do you think that this commander needs a weak partner like you?"

Lin Yang sneered softly: "Commander needs supplies. He can go grab them directly. Why should I cooperate with you?"

The person in charge of Kodaka-chan raised his head slightly and said slowly: "Mr. Commander's technological civilization is indeed powerful, but it seems that he does not have the ability to invade Blue Star yet. Otherwise, he should have attacked directly."

As he spoke, he looked into the eyes of Lin Yang's avatar and said calmly:

"And we are willing to help Mr. Commander restore your ability. For a powerful alien civilization like Mr. Commander, Blue Star is just a place worth mentioning. There is no need for you to waste energy on such a weak place. "

"We are even willing to become your subsidiary country, Mr. Commander, to manage Blue Star on your behalf."

Hearing this, Lin Yang narrowed his eyes: "Really? Are you so sure that this commander does not have the ability to invade your planet now?"

"Of course not. We just speculate that Mr. Commander, you may have encountered some accidents and temporarily lost some power. The reason why you did not invade our planet is because a planet as weak as ours is not worth your precious energy."

The person in charge of Xiaoyingjiang immediately started the flattering mode:

"And we are very willing to become your soldiers at this time, plundering Blue Star's rare resources for you and saving you precious energy!"

"Even after we integrate Blue Star's resources, we can go to other planets to mine materials for you and provide them to you!"

"We are happy to be your vanguard in this galaxy. This cooperation will bring no loss to you, Commander!"

The person in charge of Kodaka-chan becomes more confident the more he talks about it.

When it came to becoming a soldier of Lin Yang, I didn't feel any embarrassment. Instead, I felt a sense of honor.

It seems that he is really proud of this and is willing to become Lin Yang's thug.

Lin Yang, hearing these words, sneered in his heart.

Let’s not talk about whether Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan’s actions can be regarded as cheating on the planet Blue Star.

Their words alone are not worthy of trust!

Thank you to user 20230908805 for the reward. You have spent a lot of money. I wish you good luck and make a lot of money. I bow to you.

I also wish all the brothers and sisters who are reading, may we all become rich together!

Bow to everyone

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