A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 159 Let me, Commander, see if you are qualified to cooperate!

Lin Yang was very familiar with the ways of Westerners such as Bumei and Xiaoyingjiang.

Regardless of the sincerity they say now, they even wish to become their appendages.

But this is just because the two countries are not strong enough for the time being, and they are not sure what the level of their own armed forces is.

If they knew that they were indeed short of energy and could not send the Apocalypse spacecraft and a large number of robots to invade for the time being.

They are afraid that they will fall out faster than turning over the book!

When I need you, I'd love to be your bitch.

When it is no longer needed, people who are not pretty and Kotaka-chan will definitely be able to turn against someone and even stab them in the back.

It can even be said that this is the villain gene in their bloodline inheritance.

The reason why he is so humble now is just because he still wants to take advantage of his own advanced technology.

It is more reliable to expect them to surrender from the bottom of their hearts than to expect dogs to speak human words.

Then, Lin Yang spoke in an incomprehensible tone: "Aren't you afraid of being accused of defecting to aliens and causing resistance by doing this?"

"Mr. Commander, your technological civilization far exceeds ours, and you have not made any attacks on us. You are completely friendly, and you are willing to exchange resources with us and lead us towards a more advanced technological civilization. We at Blue Star are grateful. It’s too late, so how can I turn you into a hostile position?”

Kodaka-chan and the unattractive person smiled and said:

"We at Blue Star have been eager to enter interstellar civilization for hundreds of years. We have finally waited for a morning star like you. You are our guide to enter interstellar civilization!"

"Please rest assured that if anyone dares to make such remarks, then he is a heretic who hinders our Blue Star from integrating into the interstellar civilization family, and will be tolerated by the entire planet!"

Lin Yang was immediately convinced.

In terms of shamelessness, it has to be Westerners like them!

You can say this!

Mad, if he hadn't been a real alien, he would probably have really grown up in this invisible flattery at this time.

I have to say, who said that Westerners can't flatter people and don't understand the world?

It's just that no one deserves to be treated like that.

When it comes to flattery, this kind of invisible flattery and praise is quite high.

It's almost like calling him a god.



Look at their words!

Not too high-end, okay?

If this is direct flattery on the surface, which is a bit too obvious, then the phrase "heretic" is a hidden killer!

To directly accuse all those who oppose him as heretics is to treat him as God!

This kind of invisible flattery is the most deadly!

For a moment, Lin Yang didn't know how to answer the call.

This group of high-level officials who are good at playing with people's hearts are really not something ordinary people can handle when they really do it.

A few words can make you float without even realizing it.

However, fortunately, Lin Yang is not an ordinary person.

Immediately, he replied indifferently: "But as far as this commander knows, there is also a powerful Eastern country on your Blue Star. If you want to achieve your goal and monopolize resources, it may not be that simple, right?"

These words made the eyes of those who were not beautiful and Xiaoyingjiang flicker. They did not expect that Lin Yang would take the initiative to mention Shang Xia.

Then, the two exchanged a look, and the person in charge of Kodaka-chan said directly:

"Mr. Commander, we also want to ask you, does that Eastern country have a close relationship with you?"

This issue is actually what they are most concerned about.

But I didn’t dare to ask directly at first.

Now that Lin Yang has taken the initiative to bring it up, they will just follow the trend!

In their opinion, Lin Yang was so greedy, and they were respectful enough and willing to offer sacrifices for free, which would definitely touch a greedy heart.

Lin Yang took the initiative to mention Shang Xia, perhaps because he was already impressed by their conditions, and now he may just want to take the opportunity to order more things.

So they have no worries.

"Haha, they do have something to do with this commander." Lin Yang answered ambiguously.

"Oh? Just a little?"

Kodaka-chan and the unattractive person felt that they had grasped the key point.

It's just a bit of a relationship, not very close!

Everyone in the two countries was immediately happy.

Lin Yang changed his tone and said coldly: "Since you want to cooperate with me, then let me see if you are qualified enough to cooperate with me!"

"What... do you mean? How do I qualify to cooperate with you?"

The people who were not beautiful and Kodaka-chan frowned immediately.

"Haha, didn't you just say that your two countries are the two most powerful countries on Blue Star, monopolizing more than 80% of Blue Star's rare resources?"

"But what you paid for these transactions should be less than a fraction of that. Let me, Commander, take a look at your warehouse to see if you really have that many resources!"

Lin Yang said directly:

"If so, and give the resources to this commander, I will believe what you just said!"

"If you don't or refuse to make offerings, then it shows that you are not sincere, and I will think that you are wasting my time and amusing me. Then I will cut off the connection between Tiangong Base and Tiangong Base from now on. Resource trade between your two countries!”

"And be prepared to bear the wrath of this commander!"

Lin Yang's avatar was a warrior wearing armor. As he spoke, the huge armor shook, showing a strong sense of oppression.

The expressions of those who are not pretty and Kodaka-chan suddenly changed!

They just said that because they just wanted to prove their strength, but they never thought that they would actually hand over all rare resources to Tiangong Base for free!

But now, they never expected that the greed of this alien commander was far beyond their imagination, and he would take away all their rare resources with just one mouth!

This made them unable to sit still for an instant!

Because this was not part of their plan!

If all rare resources were really handed over to Tiangong Base for free, they wouldn't be able to build many of their own spaceships.

Even if they can act in the name of alien commanders later, without sufficient force to support them, why should they integrate the West and dominate the world?

They subconsciously wanted to refuse, but Lin Yang's words behind him made them dare not speak easily.

Although they have always believed that the alien commanders on the moon do not have enough energy to invade Blue Star, so they exchange resources with the major countries of Blue Star.

But if they really offend the other party, who knows whether this greedy alien commander will take revenge on them at all costs!

After all, greedy people have one thing in common, that is, they are small-minded!

Lin Yang's last sentence indeed proves this point!

This put them directly in a dilemma. It was neither open nor silent for a while.

The think tanks of the two countries almost collapsed in an instant.

They never imagined that the cooperation they were trying to obtain would actually bring them to the edge of falling into the abyss!

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