Send gold and rare resources to Tiangong Base!

When the people who were not beautiful and Kodaka-chan heard this, they quickly asked: "Mr. Commander, is our cooperation concluded?"

"When the supplies arrive, the commander will contact you again."

Lin Yang did not give any positive response, but ended the call directly.


The moment the call ended, the two managers, Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan, picked up the things at hand and smashed them out, anger filling their bodies.

"It's too much!"

"This damn alien commander is so deceptive!!"

"Damn, greedy devil!"

The two of them smashed and cursed like crazy for several minutes before finally venting their anger and stopping.

Then, the unattractive person in charge stared at Kodaka-chan with scarlet eyes and said angrily:

"It's all your fault. Saying that greed is the breakthrough may not necessarily be a bad thing for us!"

"Well now, this damn commander doesn't even give you an accurate word, but we have to pay for supplies and a lot of gold!"

"If he regrets it later, how will we make up for our losses?!"

Kodaka-chan seemed to know that he was in the wrong, so he suppressed his anger and said, "We didn't expect this damn commander to be so greedy!"

"And cooperating with him is something we both decided together. You didn't object before, but now it's all our fault. Isn't it a bit inappropriate?"

"Humph, if you guys hadn't proposed it, we wouldn't have thought of cooperating with him at all!" the unattractive person retorted.

These words annoyed Kodaka-chan's people a little, and they immediately said angrily: "Then why didn't you just say that you won't cooperate?"

"You..." The unattractive person in charge was instantly furious, "If I told you, do you think that greedy commander would only target us and let you go?"

"Don't forget, we are now cooperating in depth. In the eyes of others, our two countries are one!"

Kodaka-chan's people fell silent immediately.

Because, what the person in charge is not pretty is right.

In the situation just now, if they dare to say non-cooperation, not to mention whether they will suffer retaliation, just being cut off from their resource trading qualifications with Tiangong Base is an unbearable price at present.

Then, the quarrel was temporarily terminated. The person in charge of Kodaka-chan took a deep breath and said proactively: "That's it. Let's send the gold and supplies to the Tiangong base first. This commander's greed is beyond imagination. We need to do a good job in the first step." Second-hand preparation, build an interstellar mining ship as soon as possible, and then get rid of dependence on him!”

A murderous look flashed in the eyes of the unattractive senior executive: "Sooner or later, we will get back this loss today!"

On the other side, Lin Yang is in a good mood now.

After talking to Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan, they extorted a large amount of resources and a large amount of gold from them.

This feeling is simply too good!

And he could tell that Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan were rushing to talk to him, trying to win over him.

They thought he was a greedy alien and wanted to use resources to win him over and make him abandon his domestic bias.

I have to say that these two countries have some ideas.

If he was really an alien, he would probably be really moved by the humble gestures of Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan.

After all, if there are two more powerful countries acting as thugs for him for no reason, who would easily refuse such a good thing that comes to his door?

But, he is from Shangxia!

Descendants of Yan and Huang!

It's impossible to cooperate with them just for the sake of two more losers!

Although you can pretend to agree, it is not necessary at all.

After all, in terms of armed forces, China will soon be able to build an aerospace carrier, and its combat power can dominate the world.

When it comes to mining resources, he has a lot of robots at his disposal.

There is absolutely no need to cooperate with Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan.

Even hypocritical cooperation is not necessary!

Anyway, as long as they want to exchange materials and technology from their own Tiangong base, they can only obey their own requirements.

It doesn't matter whether we cooperate or not.

If you don't cooperate, they still have to listen to you, but if you cooperate, you still have to stand up for them.

No matter how you say it, it is more cost-effective not to cooperate.

So just now he didn't care at all what people who weren't beautiful and Kodaka-chan thought.

Try to show yourself as greedy and domineering as possible!

Completely putting himself above both of them.

After all, an alien with advanced technology couldn't really talk to them on an equal footing, right?

Just when Lin Yang was reviewing the situation, the message from Butler No. 1 suddenly came.

"Mr. Commander, Bumei and Kodaka-chan's people have launched a new material delivery device. They asked me to tell you that they have delivered the resources you just requested and hope that you will give a reply regarding cooperation."

"Haha, their movements are quite fast." Lin Yang smiled, and then said leisurely:

"You tell them that these gold and resources are the price they have just paid for wasting my commander's time, and they are also the price for their two countries to continue to exchange supplies with Tiangong Base. If they want to cooperate with me, this is not enough! "

He had no intention of cooperating with Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan.

Just to kill them!

Butler No. 1's mechanical eyes flashed, and he nodded: I understand, Mr. Commander, and the Apocalypse spacecraft asked if I would give you the seeds now. "

"Send it over." Lin Yang waved his hand and gave the coordinates.

The distance between the moon and the blue star is very close, so just traveling back and forth does not consume much energy.

While he was waiting to collect the genetically modified plant seeds.

In the joint office building of Bumei and Xiaoyingjiang, the sound of smashing items was heard again, accompanied by bursts of roars!

"This damn commander is playing tricks on us!"

"He has no intention of cooperating with us!"

"It's just a waste of his time to deal with it, and it's also the price of not cutting off our exchange of supplies with Tiangong Base. They're all excuses!"

"This greedy damn alien!"

"I want him dead!"

The top management of Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan are extremely angry!

A large amount of gold and rare resources were exchanged for just this sentence. They couldn't swallow this breath at all!

"How is the research on our secret weapon going? Is it ready for use?"

Suddenly, the unattractive senior executive turned his head and spoke with a sinister expression.

A voice came from the corner: "Already in the debugging stage."

"Very good, when the debugging is completed, we will shoot at the Tiantian Palace base!" The person in charge of Not Beautiful looked murderous!

When Kotaka-chan's people heard this, they were instantly frightened: "Attack Tiangong base? Are you crazy?"

"Hmph, there are always mistakes when debugging weapons, right?"

The person in charge, who was not pretty, spoke nonchalantly.

"We can't swallow this breath. When the time comes, we will say that the coordinate lock is wrong and apologize to him first. If he gives up here, it means that he currently does not have enough power to attack us!"

"This is too risky. What if someone launches a direct attack?!" Kotaka-chan's face was cold.

Thank you brothers and sisters for reading, I wish you all prosperity and good health!

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