A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 162 Hit the Tiangong base? Not Pretty and Kitty's Trial!

"If he attacks... hmph, I bet even if he fights back, he won't be able to use such a powerful method!"

A cold glint flashed in the eyes of the person in charge.

"Why do you think so?"

The person in charge of Kotaka-chan looked at him coldly.

"You have to know that if you lose the bet, it won't just be you who are not beautiful, but all of us will have to bear the anger of the other party, which may very well plunge us into an extinction crisis!"

The person in charge of Not Pretty immediately snorted coldly:

"He is so greedy for resources, but he doesn't come to invade, and he still wants to obtain them through exchange. He clearly lacks the ability!"

"Now I even doubt that he has the ability to enter Blue Star!"

Speaking of this, the person in charge of Not Pretty stared at the person in charge of Kotaka-chan and said coldly:

"Imagine if we now find an ordinary planet that is far behind our technological capabilities, but there are still a lot of resources on it that we need."

"So, what methods will you, Kodaka-chan, use to obtain those resources?"

"Are you going to exchange with those backward aborigines?"

Kodaka-chan frowned immediately and blurted out without hesitation: "Of course not, grabbing it directly is the quickest way!"

"That's right, but this alien commander didn't come to rob us. Instead, he used his high-tech technology and other resources to exchange with us. That's the problem!"

The person in charge of Not Pretty showed a confident look and continued to say coldly:

"This is enough to show that he definitely has not invaded our strength and confidence, at least not yet, and even needs our resources to complete the recovery of his power, so I conclude that he does not dare to really start a war with our entire planet now!"

"So, you want to test it out?" The person in charge of Kotaka-chan's eyes flashed slightly.

"That's right!" The person in charge of Not Beautiful nodded, "If the test is successful, and if he does not have the strength to invade, then we will make him pay back twice as much for what he lost and the anger he suffered!"

"If he fights back, we can also test out what level of power he currently has. Anyway, he doesn't dare to fight us. We can afford the cost of counterattack!"

Hearing this, the person in charge of Kotaka-chan's eyes flickered and hesitated a little.

Seeing this, the person in charge of Not Beautiful said directly: "What are you afraid of? We were just shocked by his alien identity before, and we had preconceived notions that he was extremely powerful!"

"But his greed and tyranny just now made me realize that such a greedy and tyrannical guy would be willing to make a deal with us. Don't you think it's suspicious?"

Kotaka-chan and everyone were startled.

The person in charge of Not Beautiful immediately struck another chord while the iron was hot: "All of this proves that he does not have the strength to invade us now, so we must test it!"

"If we succeed, we will even take the opportunity to kill him, or at least seize the Tiangong Base's technology!"

Kotaka-chan and everyone began to hesitate.

The person in charge of Not Pretty looked at Kodaka-chan and everyone started to get a little emotional, and then said:

"Do you want to have this damn alien on your head all the time?"

"If we don't take the initiative while he doesn't have the strength to invade us now, when he regains his strength, it will be too late to test him!"

These words instantly made Kotaka-chan no longer hesitate: "Okay, let's test it out!"

"Wise decision!" The person in charge of Not Beautiful immediately clapped his hands and showed a satisfied smile.

Kodaka-chan's person continued: "But this test must be carefully planned. You cannot launch an attack directly, otherwise it will be difficult to explain."

"That's natural. What's more, our weapons are not enough to knock down the moon directly from Blue Star. If we want to attack the Tiangong base, we have to bring the weapons there." The person in charge of Bumei said.

"You can't attack directly!" Kodaka-chan frowned and emphasized: "You can't directly launch a weapon attack, there is no room for maneuver!"

"What do you mean?" the person in charge of Not Beautiful asked.

"Since this is a test, let's get something like a bomb that can self-destruct. It doesn't have to be too powerful. Install it on the lunar exploration satellite. Then pretend that the lunar exploration satellite is out of control and hit the Tiangong base to see his reaction. !”

Kodaka-chan’s people immediately gave suggestions.

"It's too common for things like satellites to go out of control, and there are relatively reasonable explanations afterwards."

After hearing this, everyone exchanged some words, and the person in charge immediately said: "Okay, let's do it like this, launch a self-destructing lunar exploration satellite."

At the same time, domestically.

Lin Yang obtained the genetically improved plant seeds from the Apocalypse spacecraft, but did not directly notify Yuan Zhihe to get them.

Instead, he pretended to do research and waited two days before notifying him.

This alone has shocked Yuan Zhihe!

"Oh my God, classmate Lin, your efficiency is so fast. In just two days, you have already improved the seeds. It is incredible. You are simply a genius born to engage in plant research!"

Yuan Zhihe rushed over after receiving the notice and was amazed when he saw Lin Yang.

After the words fell, before Lin Yang had time to speak, Zhao Zizhen on the side suddenly became unhappy:

"Old Yuan, what does it mean to be a genius who is naturally suitable for plant research? What do you mean by this? Student Lin is a genius in all fields. Don't forget that before, Classmate Lin mainly focused on researching science and technology, helping you improve seeds. , it’s just a matter of convenience!”

"Well, you old ghost Zhao, I just want to praise Classmate Lin for his prowess. It's just a sentence. Are you guarding me like a thief?" Yuan Zhihe gave Zhao Zizhen a roll of his eyes on the spot.

"Humph, do you know exactly what I said?" Zhao Zizhen rolled his eyes in return.

"You are really petty. Classmate Lin has already said that if I stay in your university for now, will I still snatch him away?" Yuan Zhihe curled his lips.

"Stop talking nonsense, just leave as soon as you take the seeds." Zhao Zizhen waved his hand impatiently.

Lin Yang: "..."

He was a little stunned.

Zhao Zizhen was afraid that he would be abducted by another hospital accidentally!

"Classmate Lin, as you can see, Mr. Zhao is a small-minded person. After you finish studying technology, come back to our ecological garden. Otherwise, if you meet a guest, Mr. Zhao will follow you. This will not give you any private space at all. Well, if you come to our ecological garden, we will never do this!"

Yuan Zhihe rolled his eyes and ignored Zhao Zizhen, but turned to Lin Yang and laughed.

These words instantly made Zhao Zizhen very angry: "Yuan Zhihe, you old fool, your motives are indeed impure, you dare to say bad things about me in front of me, if only you could meet with Mr. Lin alone!" Please leave immediately! You are not welcome here!"

"Tch, just leave. If classmate Lin hadn't been here, I wouldn't have bothered to come to a place like yours!"

Yuan Zhihe waved his arm proudly, then turned to Lin Yang and smiled again, saying:

"Classmate Lin, I'm going to leave now. Thank you very much for helping us improve plant seeds. I'll treat you to dinner later, so you have to appreciate it!"

"...Okay!" Lin Yang finally had a chance to speak.

Zhao Zizhen had a dark face, looking at Yuan Zhihe's proud look and was about to curse, but Wang Guang suddenly rushed over and said hurriedly:

"Teacher, idol, something big happened, please watch the moon's 24/7 live broadcast room!"

"What happened?" Zhao Zizhen turned his head instantly.

"A lunar exploration satellite seems to be out of control and is heading towards the Tiangong base!"


Zhao Zizhen was instantly shocked.

Lin Yang's eyes also changed slightly.

Satellite out of control?

Hit the Tiangong base?

Thank you to book friend 20231204696504 for the 1666 coins reward. You have spent a lot of money. I wish you all the best and a fortune! I bow to you!

I wish all brothers and sisters who are readers of National Treasures will get rich this year!

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