A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 163 Self-explosion satellite? Send money to the boy!

Moon's all-weather official live broadcast room.

Because of the existence of Tiangong Base, and Butler No. 1 did not say not to allow live broadcast.

Therefore, various countries now have dedicated official live broadcast rooms that broadcast live broadcasts at Tiangong Base 24 hours a day.

Originally, some time had passed since the discovery of the Tiangong Base, and everyone had little interest in it. They just took a look at it in their free time as a habit.

But today, the number of people in the live broadcast room is almost catching up with the first day of live broadcast.

Because, a lunar exploration satellite visible to the naked eye is hitting the Tiangong base!

When Lin Yang and Zhao Zizhen entered the live broadcast room at Wang Guang's reminder, the suspected out-of-control lunar exploration satellite was about to hit the Tiangong base.

The netizens in the live broadcast room also stared at the lunar exploration satellite and talked about it.

"How could this lunar exploration satellite lose control and hit the alien ecological base? What if the commander thinks this is our provocation?"

"This is the joint lunar exploration satellite of Bubii and Kodaka-chan, and it seems to be a new satellite that was just launched. How could it suddenly go out of control?"

"Who knows what the two countries are doing? It's been a long time since a satellite went out of control. It's best to pray that this out-of-control lunar exploration satellite won't cause the alien commander to misunderstand anything."

"This out-of-control trajectory was too coincidental. It hit the Tiangong base without any bias. I even doubt that this was intentional by Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan."

"Intentionally? Isn't that impossible? If they hit the Tiangong base on purpose, wouldn't that be provoking the alien? Aren't they afraid of retaliation?"

"Then who knows, anyway, the timing and trajectory of the lunar exploration satellite going out of control are too suspicious."

"The latest news, some relevant experts pointed out that at the current speed, the lunar exploration satellite will hit the Tiangong base in at most two and a half minutes!"

"Strange, why don't those robots at Tiangong Base come out to intercept!"

"Is this so strange? The Tiangong base must have its own defense system. The impact of this kind of lunar exploration satellite should not cause any waves."

"Hey, we are not afraid that the lunar exploration satellite will damage the Tiangong base, but this kind of behavior can easily be misunderstood!"

"Nana, what on earth are Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan doing? The newly launched satellite is out of control like this. It's simply outrageous."


Netizens are very puzzled. With the technology of Bumi and Kodaka-chan, it is really weird that such a situation where the satellite goes out of control can happen.

Zhao Zizhen took a second look and felt something strange: "Look at this model, it is indeed a new type of lunar exploration satellite. This kind of out-of-control situation shouldn't happen."

After saying that, he said to Lin Yang: "Classmate Lin, it's a bit strange that this satellite is out of control, and it's also related to our diplomacy with aliens on the moon. It might trigger a diplomatic crisis. I'm going to find out what's going on. "

"Okay." Lin Yang nodded and quickly returned to the apartment without saying much.

Because at this time, he also received the message from Guanjian 1 simultaneously, asking him how to deal with this lunar exploration satellite.

"Don't intercept it yet. Even ordinary netizens think it's weird that this satellite is out of control. Then let it hit the base. I want to see what the two countries want to do!"

Lin Yang gave the order.

"Okay, Mr. Commander, there is another situation. We detected a self-destruction device on this out-of-control satellite. Although it is not very powerful, there is generally no such device on normal satellites. So after analysis, I We believe that the lunar exploration satellite went out of control and was man-made."

Butler No. 1 made another shocking news.

Lin Yang was immediately startled: "What did you say? There is a self-destruction device on this satellite?"

"Yes, but don't worry, Mr. Commander. The power of this self-destruction device is very weak. We have an energy shield to block it. It cannot cause any degree of damage to the Tiangong base." Butler No. 1 explained quickly.

"No, I'm not worried about this, but they put a self-destruction device on the satellite, and then made the satellite out of control to hit the Tiangong base. Is this to test my reaction?" Lin Yang flashed a look in his eyes. A wisp of fine light.

If it was just a simple satellite that went out of control, it would be fine, but if there was a self-destruction device inside, it would be obvious that Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan were clearly testing him.

As for why he was suddenly tempted...

Lin Yang thought for a moment and thought it might be related to the last phone call.

Most likely, they feel that they have been ruthlessly exploiting their resources, and they are a little dissatisfied.

If you put yourself in someone else's shoes, it's easy to figure out the reason for Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan's testing this time.

First, they may be dissatisfied with their oppression of them.

Secondly, he is an alien with strong technological capabilities, but he does not invade.

Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan are probably doubting whether they have the ability to invade.

So I wanted to use this to test my reaction and see if Tiangong Base was just what it seemed.

Although he was not 100% sure of their purpose of testing this time, Lin Yang felt that his speculation was quite accurate.

As Blue Star people, as long as we think from the perspective of human nature, the results we get will be basically the same.

After all, if he encounters a more powerful extraterrestrial civilization now, which seems to be many times more powerful than himself and needs a lot of resources that he has, but does not come to grab it, but exchanges with him, he They will also doubt whether the other party has the strength to invade.

This is human nature.

However, if they want to test him, Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan's wishful thinking this time is destined to fail.

Although he doesn't have enough energy now, there is still no problem in teaching Meili and Kodaka-chan a lesson.

"GuanJian 1, remove the energy shield of Tiangong Base and let the lunar exploration satellite crash directly into the base."

The next second, Lin Yang spoke, with a cold look in his eyes.

Butler No. 1 was stunned for a moment: "Mr. Commander, are you sure? Although the self-destruction device of this satellite is not very powerful, if you don't open the protective cover and let it crash down directly and explode, it will at least cause damage to the base. The buildings inside, oh no, can probably leave a scratch on the ground."

"Haha, what I want is for this self-destructing satellite to leave a scratch on the ground in the base!" Lin Yang said in a leisurely tone.

Butler No. 1 tilted his head: "I don't quite understand, Mr. Commander."

"With this scratch, we can ask for compensation, right?"

Lin Yang smiled slightly.

This is an unprecedented opportunity to completely kill Fu Mei and Kodaka-chan!

In Lin Yang's eyes, this self-revealing satellite is a money-giving boy!

Thank you all for reading, and bow to the big guys...

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