In the few dozen seconds that Lin Yang was talking to Guan Jian No. 1, the out-of-control lunar exploration satellite of Bu Mei and Xiao Yingjiang had already reached the sky above Tiangong Base and crashed down.

Looking at this scene, all netizens looked tense.

"Why didn't those robots take any countermeasures and allowed this out-of-control satellite to hit?"

"With their strength, it should be effortless to intercept an out-of-control satellite, right?"

"Is it impossible to stop it?"

"Can you stop being funny upstairs? Let alone aliens, even if a satellite falls towards our planet, it can be easily intercepted!"

"Then why didn't they intercept?"

"You ask me who to ask, I still want to know."

"No, there's nothing to argue about. Those robots must have a reason not to intercept. Anyway, it's impossible to stop them."

"That's right, the Tiangong base even has an energy shield. How could it not stop a small out-of-control satellite? Maybe it's just too lazy to take care of it. With the energy shield there, the satellite can't hit the Tiangong base at all!"

Netizens are talking a lot, some are confused, and some are waiting to see what happens.

However, following this netizen's words, everyone's expressions changed slightly in the next moment.

Because the energy shield above the Tiangong base disappeared as soon as this netizen finished speaking!

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

"Holy shit, what the hell is this? Why did the energy shield suddenly disappear?"

"Could it be that the energy just ran out? If so, it would be too coincidental."

"It can't be that the energy has been exhausted. This is too ridiculous."

"Yes, if the energy happens to be exhausted at this time, doesn't it mean that Bumei and Kodaka-chan have known this for a long time, and they chose this time to hit the Tiangong base. Then it would be too scary for them, right?"

"Strange, so strange, everything today is strange!"

"It's weird that the lunar exploration satellite is out of control. It's weird that the Tiangong base doesn't intercept it. It's even weirder now that the energy shield suddenly disappears. Everything about this thing feels weird!"

"Never mind whether it's weird or not, this out-of-control satellite is about to land in the Tiangong base. Once it lands in the Tiangong base, you'll know what the alien commander's reaction will be!"


Netizens watched this weird scene and started counting down, preparing to see the aliens' reaction after the satellite hit the Tiangong base.

In the joint office building of Bumei and Kodaka-chan, people from both countries looked at this scene, but felt a sudden chill behind them.

The energy shield disappeared sooner or later, and it disappeared just when the satellite was about to hit the Tiangong base, which made them feel something bad.

"Is it possible that their energy shield was only superficial and could not withstand the impact, so they took the initiative to remove it to avoid exposing the secret?"

The unattractive person in charge stared at the live broadcast and couldn't help but guess what he expected.

They do not think that the sudden disappearance of the energy shield is because the energy source suddenly ran out.

There can't be such a coincidence in the world.

Instead of believing that the energy suddenly ran out, they were more willing to believe that their previous judgment was correct.

That is, there is not much energy at all in the Tiangong base, and even the energy shield is only used to bluff people.

The person in charge of Kotaka-chan frowned and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't speak.

At this juncture, they can only hope that their unflattering speculations come true.

Otherwise, there will be unbearable consequences waiting for them.

Time passes minute by minute.

The out-of-control satellite has completely entered the Tiangong base and plummeted towards the ground.

Seeing that the out-of-control satellite was about to come into close contact with the ground, no nearby robots came to intercept it. Everyone also completely accepted that the Tiangong Base had no intention of intercepting the out-of-control satellite.

Finally, in full view of everyone, the out-of-control satellite hit the ground hard, splashing out a burst of sparks.

"Huh, I really let this thing fall down."

Everyone watching the live broadcast on Blue Star felt inexplicably relieved when they saw this scene.

Because from the beginning to the end, until the satellite crashed into the Tiangong base, there was no sign from the Tiangong base.

After the satellite hit the ground, a robot was sent to clean up the ground.

This gave everyone the illusion that Sky Base didn't seem to take the out-of-control satellite seriously at all, and it didn't seem to have any intention of causing trouble for Blue Star.

However, before everyone could relax completely, they saw that the satellite, which had not disintegrated after hitting the ground, suddenly exploded when the robot picked it up to clean it up!

The sound of explosion accompanied by the disintegration of the satellite made everyone instantly stunned.

"Wori, what's going on with this horse? Why did the satellite self-destruct?"

"This doesn't seem to be a normal disintegration after an impact. It looks like an explosion caused by a self-exploding bomb-like device detonating!"

"Fuck, what are Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan doing? Why is there a self-destruct device on the lunar exploration satellite?"

"Mader, I'm convinced. This shouldn't be a satellite out of control. It should be controlled by them. They are deliberately provoking Tiangong Base and the alien commander!"

As the explosion occurred, netizens instantly saw that the satellite was not suddenly out of control, but was deliberately manipulated.

Then not only domestic netizens were angry, but people in other Western countries were also frightened.

"Damn it, they are seeking death! They actually used a self-exploding satellite to hit someone else's base! This is Chi Guoguo's provocation. They are seeking death!"

"It doesn't matter if they seek death themselves. What if they offend the aliens and take revenge on us as well?"

"Are the people like Meimei and Kodaka-chan crazy? How dare they? How dare they use self-destructing satellites to hit other people's bases!"

"No, we have to let the two countries give an explanation. No matter what their goals are, doing this will bring harm to the whole world!"

At this moment, it can be said that people all over the world are very nervous. Even except for Kodaka-chan and the official people who are not beautiful, even the local people in the two countries are equally panicked.

Then there was a strict national requirement. Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan immediately gave an explanation!

Kodaka-chan and Bu Mei just pretended to be silent.

Because they can't explain it, and the alien commander hasn't expressed his position on this matter yet, it's impossible for them to tell the world that this is their own temptation.

Otherwise, other countries would be able to verbally criticize the two countries without waiting for the alien commander to express his position.

To tempt the two countries for their own selfish desires is to bet the whole world!

Of course they can't give an explanation!

Can’t give it either!

Seeing that Bumei and Kodaka were pretending to be dead, a large number of Westerners began to pray, hoping that the alien commander would not anger them.

Seeing the robot cleaning up the satellite debris on the ground after the explosion, everyone's hearts were lifted.

How will that mysterious alien commander handle this matter?

Thank you to honey and sugar water brother for the 5,000-coin reward. Xiaohu is flattered. Brother spent the money. I wish you good luck and a fortune. I bow to you!

Thanks to book friend 20231005158 and book friend 20231201364 for their rewards. I wish them all the best and make a fortune. I bow to you two!

Thank you to all the brothers and sisters who read and support the national treasure. I wish you all a fortune!

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