In the joint office building of Bu Mei and Xiaoyingjiang.

People from both countries were also staring at the live broadcast.

At this moment, they hoped more than anyone else to see how the greedy commander would react earlier!

However, as time passed and until the robots cleaned up the satellite debris, no alien commander was seen making a statement on the matter.

This made the people who were not beautiful and Kodaka-chan start to relax a little.

Especially the person in charge who was not pretty was even more convinced at this moment that his previous guess was correct.

After all, if Tiangong Base really had the ability to counterattack, it would be impossible for it to remain unresponsive.

"It seems that we may have made the right bet!"

"If you wait a little longer and there is no reaction from that greedy commander, then we will not only bet correctly, but we will also be the savior of the entire Blue Star!"

The person in charge of Not Pretty clenched his fists. Not only did he relax, he even became excited. He couldn't help shouting:

"Stupid Orientals and others are fooled by the name of aliens. Only our great unbeautiful empire sees his flaws!"

"What an alien? He's vulnerable!"

Kotaka-chan's people immediately showed displeasure when they heard this, but since this matter was indeed brought up in a bad way, they all refrained from speaking.

Just looking at the arrogant look on the face of the unattractive person in charge, Kotaka-chan couldn't help but say:

"Don't celebrate too early, wait until the commander reacts!"

"Hmph, what? Do you, Kodaka-chan, really hope that greedy commander has the power to invade us?" the person in charge of Not Pretty snorted coldly.

Kotaka-chan's person also snorted coldly, but did not answer.

At the same time, a large number of speech-oriented opinions suddenly appeared on the Internet.

"Shocked! The aliens are only superficially powerful and have no ability to attack our Blue Star!"

"The Beautiful Empire is indeed the largest country on our planet. Regardless of its own safety, it personally tested the true strength of aliens. It is admirable!"

"The reason why aliens dare not respond to the satellite impact incident is actually..."


Remarks like this, as if premeditated, swept the Internet in an instant.

Netizens couldn't help but be shaken.

"Is it true that someone who is not pretty saw the flaw in that alien and knew that he did not have the power to invade, so he deliberately used a self-destructing satellite to test it?"

"If so, wouldn't they really do a great thing for the world this time?"

"Although I think it is quite outrageous, the alien commander has not responded. Maybe he was guessed by someone who is not beautiful. He only has a name now and actually has no armed force. We were all fooled before. Living!"


Under the guidance of a large amount of public opinion, even some domestic netizens were somewhat affected.

Even within the Different Management Bureau, Ye Guhong and others held an emergency meeting to discuss the matter.

And the orientation of speech is also getting more and more intense.

It seems that Bu Mei is about to be transformed into a great savior who will save Blue Star from alien oppression.

Bumei finally received a positive response under the guidance of such remarks.

Expressing the need to rally global forces to fight against alien oppression.

An anti-alien alliance should be formed.

Call on all countries around the world to join the alliance and contribute their efforts to attack the Tiangong base on the moon as soon as possible.

He also called on all countries around the world to stop exchanging any resources with alien commanders from now on to prevent aliens from restoring energy.

Once this call and initiative was issued, many Western countries immediately participated.

Domestic, in different administrations.

Ye Guhong and others held a meeting again.

This time, in addition to the person in charge of the Alien Management Bureau, there were also deans of various courtyards such as Zhao Zizhen and Song Changming, as well as...

Lin Yang!

Yes, Lin Yang was also invited to participate in this crucial meeting.

"Everyone, what do you think of this unpretentious initiative?"

As soon as the meeting started, Ye Guhong went straight to the topic with a serious expression.

The matter is too important to waste any time.

Several deans looked at each other, and Chu Tiankuo was the first to say: "Although the alien commander has always been biased towards us, what our ancestors said is not unreasonable. People who are not our race will have different hearts. We still have to It’s better to be on guard.”

Yuan Zhihe said: "But we have always been about repaying kindness with kindness and revenge with hatred. At present, the commander has not shown any hostility towards us, and has also given us a lot of resources and plant seeds. From this point of view, He is quite friendly to us, wouldn’t it be a bit bad if we directly counterattacked him?”

"Old Yuan, I don't like hearing what you are saying. He is an alien after all. Although he has given some gifts, it might just be a hypocritical pretense to gain our favor and better obtain our resources." Chu Tiankuo was a little unhappy.

"䱱..." Yuan Zhihe was about to retort immediately.

Seeing that the two of them seemed to be quarreling, Ye Guhong knocked on the table instantly and frowned: "You two, please stop arguing. Lao Zhao and Lao Song, what do you two think?"

He set his sights on Zhao Zizhen and Song Changming.

Song Changming shrugged: "I think it's better to wait and see. The technical level displayed in that Tiangong base is much better than ours."

"The so-called skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Judging from the fact that he can still exchange supplies with us, I don't believe that the alien commander doesn't have any residual energy in his hands."

"If the time comes for a joint resistance, if he finally fights back and fights to the death, we might all be in danger."

Hearing this, Zhao Zizhen also nodded: "I also agree with Lao Song's words. It's only been half a day now, so it's better to wait and see."

"What you said makes sense. So, what do you think, classmate Lin?" Ye Guhong frowned slightly, and finally looked at Lin Yang.

"Me?" Lin Yang smiled, "I can't say anything else, and I don't understand, but purely from the perspective of armed forces, even if you want to fight against aliens, there is no need to join an alliance composed of ugly people with them as the leader. .”

"When our aerospace carrier is built, we should be number one in the world in terms of combat power. Even if we want to fight against aliens, we should take the lead. With their little strength, it's not that I look down on them. If we really want to fight, in the end I guess we still have to rely on us.”

These words immediately caused the meeting to fall into a brief silence.

After a while, Ye Guhong simply said: "Let's vote, those who are waiting to see raise their hands."

But as soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Zizhen and others said one after another: "There is no need to vote. We think what Classmate Lin said is very reasonable. Even if you want to fight against aliens, you don't need to join the alliance with them."

Ye Guhong was slightly startled, and then said: "Then continue to maintain the status quo."

Everyone nodded.

However, the next moment, a staff member from the Alien Management Bureau suddenly came to report a piece of news to Ye Guhong.

Ye Guhong frowned for a moment and said slowly: "After receiving the latest news, the two countries have specially sent us a notice asking us to join the Anti-Alien Alliance. If we don't join, we will bear the consequences."

At your own risk?

Everyone's eyes changed.

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