"Haha, you should be responsible for the consequences. I would like to know what the consequences will be!"

Chu Tiankuo immediately sneered.

Now the Nano-suits of the Ministry of Armed Forces are ready for mass production, and several Superstar fighters have also been built.

Not to mention that there will be an aerospace carrier soon. Chu Tiankuo wants to test its power in actual combat more than anyone else.

Now that I heard these arrogant words, the first one couldn't sit still.

Zhao Zizhen and others all smiled and shook their heads.

If they were a little hesitant just now about not joining the anti-alien alliance organized by Bumei, now they have completely firmed up this idea.

She hasn't even written her horoscope yet, but she's so arrogant if she's not beautiful. She uses a commanding tone to inform her. If she really joins in, what's the point?

Ye Guhong didn't say anything and asked the staff to tell Bumei directly that he would not join any organization in China.

As soon as this news came out, under the guidance of some countries' deliberate remarks, the country was instantly labeled as colluding with aliens!

"These Western guys have no other strength, they just like to slap people on their backs." Zhao Zizhen sneered at this.

"Don't worry about them, we just stand firm." Ye Guhong said calmly.

Things discussed at the meeting will certainly not change just because of a few remarks.

"But having said that, I'm also quite curious as to why the alien commander didn't express any opinion on this matter. Could it be that they really guessed that the alien doesn't have the ability to attack Blue Star now?"

After discussing the business, Zhao Zizhen spoke with some curiosity.

In fact, it's not just him, everyone is curious.

"Maybe that commander is just busy with something right now. Don't care about that. Let's develop ourselves quickly. As long as we have strong armed forces, no matter if he is an alien or some kind of star, we can destroy him with one shot!"

Ye Guhong's eyes flashed slightly.

Now that Bumei and Xiaoyingjiang are taking the lead and trying their best to win over Western countries to form an anti-alien alliance, it is also the best time for domestic development.

At least those Western guys don't have time to come over and cause any trouble now.

After the meeting, Lin Yang took a look at the information on the Internet, smiled, and then issued an instruction to Butler No. 1.

"Steward 1, projected onto Blue Star, warns those Western countries that have joined the so-called anti-alien alliance, and requires each of them to launch a carrier rocket within half a day to transport corresponding rare resources to the moon, and I will exempt them. There is a price to pay for this offense.”

"Otherwise, let them do so at their own risk."

Butler No. 1 bowed and responded: "Okay, Mr. Commander, what about the initiators of this time, Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan?"

"Of course it's not that simple between the two countries. Have you forgotten what I said before? If you leave scratches on the ground of the base, you will have to pay compensation!"

Lin Yang's eyes were dark.

The reason why he didn't ask Butler No. 1 to respond immediately was because he was waiting!

Wait for other Western countries to respond to Bu Mei’s call and join the anti-alien alliance.

This time, although it was mainly about Zaimu Bumei and Kodakajiang.

But other Western countries will also take the opportunity to give them a knock.

Now everyone who should join has joined. Excluding Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan, a total of seven major Western countries have joined the anti-alien alliance.

It's not that other countries don't want to join, but it's not that beauty and Kodaka-chan want a strong country!

To put it nicely, they are anti-alien, but in reality, they are probably not trying to take the opportunity to reorganize the situation in the Western Continent.

A small country cannot support much strength and has to pay dividends to them.

Of course, Bu Mei and Xiaoyingjiang will not let Xiaoguo join.

But it is also trouble-free for Lin Yang.

They are all big countries and can take a lot of money!

Ever since.

Just when Bu Mei and Kodaka were enjoying themselves, they were building an anti-alien alliance.

A huge virtual portrait projection suddenly appeared over the entire Blue Star.

It is the projection of Butler No. 1!

No matter where you are on Blue Star, as long as you look up, you can see the virtual projection of Butler 1 above your head.

At the same time, the cold voice of Butler No. 1 also echoed throughout Blue Star.

"I was informed by Mr. Commander that because the country of your planet has released self-explosive weapons and equipment without authorization, causing a certain degree of damage to our ecological base, and establishing a so-called anti-alien alliance with the intention of launching a war against us, it has been deemed as Provocation and declaration of war against us."

"The following warning is now given to your planet regarding this matter."

"1. Disband the Anti-Alien Alliance immediately."

"2. Countries in the Western Continent that join the anti-alien alliance must prepare compensation resources and transport them to Tiangong Base within half a day, otherwise they will bear the consequences!"

"3. Both Bumei and Xiaoyingjiang must pay the due price for this matter and compensate our destroyed Tiangong base ground. If they refuse to compensate, they will bear the consequences themselves."

"The above warning allows all countries on your side to prepare within half a day. If the launch vehicle is not launched within half a day, we will launch a counterattack against you."

After the words fell, the virtual projection of Butler No. 1 slowly dissipated.

This sudden warning instantly silenced the whole world!

Huge virtual projections are spread across every corner of Blue Star, and the cold words are even more bone-chilling!

Everyone looked at each other.

Especially everyone in the scientific research institutes of major countries felt chills in their backs.

This kind of projection technology is simply more exaggerated than science fiction blockbusters!

The gap in technical strength is simply unimaginable.

In the joint office building of Bu Mei and Xiaoyingjiang.

Before everyone in the two countries had time to be happy, they were confused by the sudden warning from Butler No. 1.

"What's going on? Didn't you say that the greedy alien commander didn't have the strength to fight back? What's going on with this warning?"

After the heads of several Western countries who had just joined the anti-alien alliance reacted, they questioned them again and again.

People who are not pretty and Kodaka-chan have gloomy faces.

They had just sworn that their guesses would never be wrong, and that the alien commander would never have the power to fight back, otherwise he would not have made a statement.

They used this reason to persuade several other Western countries to join the anti-alien alliance.

But who would have thought that the warning from Butler No. 1 would come sooner or later, but it would come after their anti-alien alliance was established.

This caught them equally off guard.

Facing questions from several other countries, the person in charge of Bumei said with a cold face: "If he was really powerful and invaded directly, he would not have given us a warning, and specifically emphasized that we should deliver supplies as compensation."

Speaking of not being pretty, the person in charge paused for a moment, as if he thought of something again, and said firmly:

"He obviously lacks energy and wants to bluff you. Once you really send the energy to apologize, then he will succeed. He has gained a lot of energy, and maybe he will have the power to attack!"

"So, don't be fooled by him!!"

Thank you to book friend 20231201364 for the reward. You have spent a lot of money. I wish you all the best and make a fortune. I bow to you!

I am extremely grateful to the brothers and sisters who have been accompanying "National Treasure". I wish you all a fortune and bow to you all!

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