The words of the person in charge of Not Beautiful immediately left the people of the seven countries speechless.

In the end, no country withdrew from the anti-alien alliance, but decided to fight to the end with Bumei and Kodaka-chan.

Because they are reluctant to hand over so many rare resources as compensation in vain.

Also, they were all a little bit convinced by what the person in charge of not being pretty just said.

What if the aliens really don't have enough energy to fight back, but because of their temporary fear, they send a lot of resources to the Tiangong base in vain, and instead give the alien commander the ability to invade, then the gain outweighs the loss. .

Therefore, Western countries turned a blind eye to the warning of Butler No. 1.

When Lin Yang saw this, he was not angry but happy.

It would be better if those Western countries did not withdraw voluntarily.

After half a day, the compensation they have to pay will be more than the amount just mentioned.

A lot of hot searches began to appear on the Internet, all related to the warning that Butler No. 1 had just given.

"Now it seems that the Western countries in the Anti-Alien Alliance are all planning to fight to the end. I don't know what kind of counterattack the alien commander will make in half a day."

"No matter what kind of counterattack he is, he won't come at us anyway. Listening to the warning words of Butler No. 1 just now, they are only aimed at the anti-alien alliance, not beautiful and Kodaka-chan. Even if he wants to retaliate, he will only Will take revenge on them."

"Hehe, I really hope that the alien will wipe them off the map in a long time."

"...Brother, I have to say that you are quite daring to think."


Domestic netizens are talking a lot, but there is not much concern.

Because the words that Butler No. 1 just said seemed to be directed only at them, and would not involve other innocent countries.

Of course, within the Alien Management Bureau, Ye Guhong and others were already prepared in case of retaliation.

Time passes slowly.

For netizens around the world, half a day has never passed as slowly as today.

It can be said that everyone is curious about what kind of new response Tiangong Base will have in half a day.

Finally, half a day passed.

But in the sky above Blue Star, there was no more projection warning from Butler 1.

Even after waiting for half an hour, he still didn't show up.

This immediately made the unattractive person in charge laugh proudly:

"Look, let me tell you that he was just bluffing to scare us. If we don't send resources up, he won't have the energy to attack us!"

Kodaka-chan and the leaders of several other countries also showed a smile, feeling like they had won the battle.

Then, it’s time to pop the champagne to celebrate.

However, just as they were raising their glasses, two dazzling streams of light descended from the sky, striking accurately on the coasts of Bu Mei and Kotaka-chan.

In an instant, the coastal areas sank directly!

Global shock!

Everyone was frightened by this horrific attack.


Inside the joint office building.

The champagne glasses in the hands of Bumei, Xiaoyingjiang and everyone else in the Western countries fell to the ground.

Each of them was frightened when they received this message.

An area will sink directly!

No one dares to imagine what kind of horrific scene it would be if this were in the city!


The next moment, the person in charge was so angry that he picked up the chair next to him and threw it against the wall.

His hands were shaking!

Lu Chen!

Directly to Lu Chen!

A coastal area turned directly into a vast ocean!

In the picture, the sea surface caused by the blow caused huge waves, like a devouring demon swallowing up the coastal areas.

This sight is terrifying!

"Damn, damn, how could he have such a powerful weapon!"

The eyes of the person in charge of Not Pretty instantly turned scarlet due to excessive anger.

He couldn't believe it!

I don’t want to believe it either!

Then, he cursed wildly: "Are the people in the Ministry of Defense just for nothing? Why didn't there be any early warning signal? Why didn't they intercept it?"

His angry scolding prompted a reply from the Ministry of Defense: "Don't we want to intercept it? The alien's attack was so fast that we had no time to intercept it, and we couldn't detect the other party's weapon information at all. There was absolutely no way. Interception!!"

The person in charge of the Defense Department was also very angry.

Of course, it’s more fear!

Those two streams of light appeared so suddenly, and then directly sunk an area in less than a second.

This kind of power is simply beyond the reach of Blue Star’s current technological strength, which is beyond even imagination!

Let them intercept, use your head to intercept?

The anger of the person in charge of Not Beautiful suddenly froze, and he said blankly: "Is there no possibility of interception at all? Is the gap that big?"

"There is no possibility of interception! Not at all!" the head of the Defense Department said coldly.

The person in charge of Not Pretty immediately wanted to say something else.

At this moment, a shout suddenly came.

"Go out and take a look. The projection of Butler No. 1 has appeared again."

In mid-air, the projection of Butler No. 1 appeared again, as if staring at Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan, and its indifferent voice once again spread across the entire planet.

"The attack just now is just a small warning to your two countries. If you refuse to compensate, then we will take further measures."

"And this time, you only have three minutes to consider whether to compensate for the losses suffered by our base, or to withstand our full-scale attack."

After saying that, the projection of Butler No. 1 disappeared.

The world fell silent again.

Everyone was frightened by the attack just now.

Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan were directly attacked by aliens and sank into an area.

This is too scary!

The next moment, the seven Western countries that had joined the anti-alien alliance announced their separation almost immediately.

He also issued an apology in an official name and stated that he would transport compensation resources to Tiangong Base as quickly as possible.

However, the information delivered by Butler No. 1 made the heads of these seven countries look ugly.

Because the compensation resources just now have doubled!

Moreover, it is not simply doubled, but fully doubled!

"Your Excellency Steward No. 1, is this a bit too much? How can we afford such a large amount of resources? Can we reduce it a little?"

Seven Western countries still want to bargain.

"You only have the right to hand over or not to hand over, and you have no right to bargain."

Butler No. 1 is as cold as ice.

"Remind you, if you don't pay, the price they paid just now will be your fate!"

The heads of the seven kingdoms all trembled in their hearts.

Then he gritted his teeth and started launching rockets to hand over compensation resources.

"These damn guys gave up so quickly!"

In the joint office building, the person in charge of Bumei looked at the launch of the launch vehicle and his teeth were about to break.

"Hmph, it's all your fault for going your own way and insisting on testing. Now it's fine. Not only will we each lose an area, but we also have to pay sky-high compensation!"

If looks could kill, the anger of the person in charge of Kodaka-chan could ignite the unpretty girl.

"Our compensation, I don't know how much that greedy alien commander will ask for..."

When it comes to compensation, the person in charge of Not Beautiful trembles in his heart.

Thank you brothers and sisters for your support.

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