A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 168 Die together? A hundredfold compensation!

Kodaka-chan's people also fell silent when the issue of compensation was mentioned.

Both countries are deeply aware of the greed of alien commanders.

The last time it was just a phone call, I took the opportunity to extort a large sum of resources from them.

There are also those seven countries. They didn't do anything. They just joined the anti-alien alliance, and their resources were extorted ten times.

But this time they are provocative!

Not pretty and Kodaka-chan didn't dare to think about what price they would have to pay this time so that the aliens would not pursue the case.

Just when they had this idea, Butler No. 1 passed on the amount of compensation they needed.

But after reading the compensation list given by Butler No. 1, the person in charge of Bu Mei was so angry that he threw the tablet in his hand!

"Farke! Farke!"

"It's too much!"

"This greedy commander has gone too far!"

"He actually wants us to send a hundred times the resources we have to Tiangong Base as compensation!"

"This is to drain all our resources!!"

"He's not giving us a way to survive!"

The person in charge was panting wildly and his eyes were as round as a big buffalo.

All resources doubled!

They simply cannot afford this price!

Because, after multiplying a hundred times, there will be basically nothing left in their warehouse.

"We have to fight him! If he doesn't give us a way to survive, we can't sit still and wait for death!"

Not pretty, the person in charge gets angrier the more he thinks about it!

"Fight? Fight with what? Fight with the head?"

The person in charge of Kotaka-chan snorted coldly: "We don't even know what he looks like. Besides, their base is on the moon. What weapons do we have that can hit the moon?"

"We can transport the soldiers up! The worst we can do is die with him!" the person in charge of Bumei gasped.

"Are you kidding?"

The person in charge of Kotaka-chan suddenly laughed.

"Not to mention that our spaceship cannot transport multiple people at the same time. Even if it can, I'm afraid it will be shot down by others during the transportation process!"

"Don't forget how our first Union spacecraft disappeared. It was definitely the fault of the alien commander!"

The face of the person in charge of Not Pretty changed.

The person in charge of Kotaka-chan continued to sneer: "Even if we take a step back and successfully transport soldiers and weapons to the moon, can we really die with others?"

"There are millions of robots in their ecological base!"

"Although the self-destruction device we installed on the lunar exploration satellite is not very powerful, it is compared to super thermal weapons. In fact, the power of self-destruction is enough to blow soldiers wearing the most advanced body armor into powder. It is a little more powerful. Not weaker than a bomb!"

"But the robot responsible for cleaning up was not damaged at all!"

"Even there was only a shallow mark left on the ground!"

"With this kind of defense, what can we do to die with others?"

"I'm afraid that before I even get to the commander, I'll be torn apart by an army of millions of robots, and not a single scrap will be left!"

These words made the face of the person in charge of Not Pretty change completely, becoming extremely ugly.

The person in charge of Kotaka-chan glanced at him again, softened his tone slightly, and said: "At our home court, if he comes, he might still be able to fight, but if he goes to Tiangong Base, he is just looking for death."

"Then just hand over all the resources to him?" The person in charge of Bumei gritted his teeth and was very reluctant.

"It's fine if you don't pay, but do you have any better way to prevent his revenge?" The person in charge of Kotaka-chan snorted coldly.

"We..." The person in charge of Not Beautiful wanted to be tougher again.

But he really couldn't imagine their current ability to withstand the consequences of not paying compensation resources.

Just when Bu Mei and others were still hesitating, Butler No. 1 sent another message.

"I'll give you three minutes to think about it and tell me how long it will take you to prepare the materials needed for compensation."

As soon as the words fell, before Bumei and Kodaka-chan could speak, Butler No. 1 suddenly delivered another holographic map.

On it, the armed deployments of Bumei and Xiaoyingjiang as well as industrial information in important areas are clearly marked.

In an instant, everyone who was not pretty and Kodaka-chan broke out in cold sweat.

Their own country's top secrets were actually visible on the map of Butler No. 1.

There is no need to say more about what this means.

You don't need to think about it to know that the map that Butler No. 1 sent at this time is probably that if they refuse to hand over compensation resources, the target of the next attack will be the place marked on the map.

This is also true.

After sending the map information to Bumi and Kodaka-chan, Butler No. 1 left an indifferent message.

"Now, you have two and a half minutes left."

"Life or death, you choose for yourself,"


Dead silence.

Everyone who was not pretty and Kodaka-chan were frightened by the information displayed on the holographic map.

The secrets of their respective countries were clearly visible to prying eyes as if they were naked in front of the Tiangong base.

If this really happens...

If the Tiangong base attacks directly, they will be paralyzed instantly!

How dare you resist?

The person in charge of Kotaka-chan glanced at the person in charge of Not Pretty and sighed:

"Your Excellency Steward No. 1, please tell Mr. Commander that we are willing to compensate, but the resources for compensation this time are a bit too much. We need some time to prepare. The compensation resources will be in place within about twelve hours, and then we will launch the launch vehicle to send the resources to Moon."

Hearing this, the person in charge of Not Beautiful opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he continued to remain silent.

Butler No. 1 nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, then, it will only take twelve hours. After twelve hours, I need to see your rocket carrying supplies lift off on time. If it is delayed, then it will be regarded as your giving up." We will retaliate directly without further notice."

"Okay, let's..."

The person in charge of Kotaka-chan wanted to say something more, but Butler No. 1 immediately closed the communication.

His words were forced to stop abruptly, and then he couldn't help but curse: "A damn robot can be so arrogant!"

"Haha." The person in charge of Not Pretty sneered.

"Hmph, what's so funny? Let's hurry up and prepare compensation resources."

The person in charge of Kotaka-chan snorted coldly.

"This time he didn't say that our two countries would each provide a hundred times the resources. He probably forgot to say that each of us would bear half. Although it hurts, it is still within the acceptable range."

When he said this, the person in charge of Kotaka-chan felt lucky.

But they didn't know that Lin Yang did this deliberately, not because he forgot about it.

After all, so many resources of both countries have been extorted, and it is conceivable that the remaining resources of both countries are not much.

If the two countries were really required to provide a hundred times the compensation resources, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to get it all even if they had to drain their own funds.

What Lin Yang wants is the resources in the hands of his two countries.

I don't intend to really force them to die and fight to the death.

If you push them too hard, they would rather destroy the resources than hand them over, which means the gains outweigh the losses.

After all, he really doesn't have enough energy to send the robot army into the Blue Star. The Apocalypse spacecraft consumes more energy to activate the war mode.

If they were forced to a dead end, they would rather die than surrender. Not only was he unable to do anything about it, but he would also be tempted to find out his true identity.

Anyway, after these brutal slaughters, the rare resources of both countries have bottomed out, and their development will be restricted for quite some time.

So there is no need to be too tight.

When the energy is sufficient, it will be easy to suppress them. It doesn't matter if you let them jump around for a few more days.

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained a new mission reward!"

Suddenly, a long-lost system prompt sounded in Lin Yang's ears.

Special thanks to Mr. Huang, who loves reading novels, for his multiple rewards of more than 2,200 coins, and to brother book friend 20231222601 for his reward of 1,666 coins. Thanks to brother pigget for his reward to brother 20231203267, book friend 20231203267. The four brothers have spent a lot of money. I wish them all the best. If you want to make a fortune, get rich and get rich again, I bow to you!

Thank you to the brothers and sisters who have been reading, subscribing and supporting. I wish you all to become rich and prosperous!

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