A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 169: Interstellar war mongers, hell-bent on money!

Lin Yang hasn't heard the sound of the system for a while.

When I was abroad, I could hear various sounds from the system almost every day.

But from the time I returned home to now, the system has been silent.

I haven’t listened to it for a while, but now I suddenly hear it, it’s quite missable.

The system ignored Lin Yang's emotion and directly broadcast the prompt.

"Congratulations to the host. Since you attacked another planet for the first time as an alien, completed a demonstration of force and plundered a large amount of resources from it, you received ten achievement points and unlocked a new achievement title: Interstellar Warmonger!"

"Interstellar Warmongers (Special): In the vast and icy universe, whether it is a powerful advanced civilization cosmic empire in the center of the universe, or a remote small star on the edge of the universe, there are a large number of interstellar warmongers, triggering interstellar wars. Profit.”

"Some of the interstellar warlords regard themselves as righteous and fight for justice (?), while some of the interstellar warlords are street rats. Everyone shouts and beats them. Wherever they go, the stars are silent, and they have become wanted targets in many interstellar and universe countries. "

"The host has initially acquired the characteristics of an interstellar warlord. Please note, host, that with this title, you can gain an additional 10% of interstellar prestige every time you launch an interstellar war, regardless of success or failure."

"Please host, please work hard and strive to become a famous or feared interstellar warmonger as soon as possible!"

"..." Lin Yang was speechless.

Interstellar war monger, what the hell is this...

Although it sounds domineering, it doesn't feel like a title that a good person can have.

In particular, there is a question mark in the parentheses after the system's sentence "fight for justice."

This is a little weird.

There is also something indescribably weird about the sentence "Become a famous or feared interstellar warmonger as soon as possible".

Whether it's famous or feared, doesn't it all mean the same thing? Why are you using two different words?

And the interstellar prestige is a new thing. It sounds very similar to the reputation value. I don’t know if it is the same thing.

Then, he was about to ask.

But the system sound sounded again.

"Congratulations to the host, you have gained interstellar prestige for the first time. You have received ten achievement points."

"Interstellar Prestige: A product brought by interstellar war dealers. Whenever you start an interstellar war, you will gain a certain degree of interstellar prestige."

"Host, please note that interstellar prestige is different from reputation value. Reputation value is completely positive and is used to evaluate your influence in certain societies, while interstellar prestige may bring some bad negative effects. Your current The interstellar prestige is one hundred points.”

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the junior exclusive title of Interstellar Prestige: Interstellar Hunter."

"Please host to work hard to improve your interstellar prestige, and be careful to hide yourself to avoid being hunted by more advanced interstellar hunters."

"Congratulations to the host. Because you have suppressed the countries of your home star such as Bumei and Xiaoyingjiang, and gained the favor of the people of your home star's country, you have gained 5,000 reputation points. Since you have the title of being respected by thousands of people, you have gained additional points. With five hundred reputation points, your current reputation value is forty-seven thousand six hundred and fifty-one."

"Congratulations to the host. Due to your excessive extortion of resources, you have become a greedy person in the hearts of everyone in the Western countries of your home planet. You have been given a limited-time interesting title: Money-hungry."

"Remarks: This interesting title exists for one month. During this period, every time you use the blackmailed resources to convert into available corresponding technological power or armed forces, you will be rewarded with a random number of additional national treasure values."

Lin Yang: "..."

He was speechless.

Although there were several different titles suddenly added, none of them seemed to be good.

Doesn't he look like such a good person?

Especially the interesting title at the end.

Desperate for money!

Difficult to stretch.

It's really too difficult to stretch.

This shouldn't be called a funny title, it should be called a bad title.

"Hey, system, why did you put a question mark behind the phrase "fight for justice"? Are all the interstellar war mongers, all evil people, just using the slogan of justice to hide their evil deeds?"

After confirming that the system upgrade was completed, Lin Yang asked.

He was quite curious about this question.

"Sorry, host, this question cannot be answered at the moment. You can explore on your own. Interstellar war mongers are a rather special existence and a special group."

"...I'm just exploring. Now I can't even get out of the solar system." Lin Yang was speechless.

"Please come on, host. This system believes that the host will definitely become a great interstellar war monger, and your fame will spread far and wide throughout the world."

Hearing this, Lin Yang's eyes flashed: "You are quite confident in me. So, are there really other powerful technological civilizations in the universe we are in now? Have they noticed the existence of Blue Star? How far is the nearest technological civilization from Blue Star?"

"Sorry, host, this question cannot be answered at the moment. You can explore on your own."

The system said another repetitive nonsense.

"...Can you be more diligent? I can't answer this, and I can't answer that either, so what's the use?" Lin Yang looked slightly displeased.

"Sorry, host, this has caused you inconvenience, please forgive me."

"What you're saying is like that, you know?" Lin Yang frowned, "You're like the useless customer service guy in an online shopping mall. Whenever there's a problem, you only say this sentence."

"Sorry, host, I brought you..."

"Shut up, thank you!"

Lin Yang couldn't help but interrupt the system.

I really have had enough of hearing this.

"Okay, host, I will follow your will. You don't have to be polite. It is the honor of this system to serve you. If you have any questions, you can consult this system at any time. This system will provide you with services at any time."

"...No, are you sick?"

Lin Yang was convinced.

After not seeing each other for a while, this dog system seems to be acting weird.

"Thank you host for your concern. This system is an xx-level super xx super-intelligent xx system and will not be infected with any human viruses."

Lin Yang: "..."

He didn't bother to say anything more to the system.

However, the system's words did reveal a message. It seemed to be a very advanced existence.

Unfortunately, when it came to the key points, those keywords were deliberately blocked by the system.

He didn't hear it.

He didn't continue to ask.

Since the system has blocked the keywords from him, if he were to ask, the system's answer would definitely be that it cannot tell him this question yet.

"Idol, idol, are you there? My teacher has something to do with you!"

Wang Guang's call suddenly sounded outside the door.

Lin Yang pushed open the door and walked out: "What's the matter?"

"Ah? Didn't you watch the news?"

Wang Guang was stunned, and then immediately said: "Sakura announced that they have developed the first-generation mecha, as well as a lighter exoskeleton power device, and the mecha can be directly used by armed soldiers. Now the Internet is making noise!"

"What? What did you say? What did Sakura research?"

Lin Yang paused.

Did he hear it correctly?

Sakura was seriously injured by him a while ago. What kind of thing has she developed now?


That's right?

Thank you all for reading. Tomorrow is Xiaohu’s birthday, the ninth day of December. Hehe, is there anyone who has the same birthday as Xiaohu...

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