A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 171 Is this kind of garbage worthy of being called a mecha?

Lin Yang walked over directly and took a look at the various data about the Sakura Mecha analyzed by the experts from the Ministry of Armed Forces.

Zhao Zizhen explained on the side: "Although Sakura's mecha looks bulky and is far from the future mecha in the imagined science fiction blockbuster, they announced the mecha preparations at this time. After analysis, it is believed that it is mostly to deal with our Helicarrier.”

"Look, Mr. Lin, these bulky mechas have powerful propulsion devices that can fly directly into high altitudes, but they can't solve the problem of power at all. So once they fly, these mechas basically have to land if they want to. Can free fall.”

"To put it bluntly, these mechas forcefully add propulsion devices for lift-off. They basically don't think that the mechas or the people in the mechas can come back alive. This is a suicidal configuration."

"Their technology is not enough to allow such clumsy mechas to fly freely in the air, so under the influence of powerful propulsion devices, once these mechas take off, they have only one purpose, and that is to perish together with the targets in the air."

"The powerful propulsion force combined with the huge body of the mecha itself, the collision force brought by it, can easily crash into any flying object known in the world."

"And their thrusters seem to have been improved, and they can drive this heavy mecha into the air at an extremely fast speed. Even if the fighter plane is locked, it probably won't be able to evade it."

"But there are currently too many ways to shoot down fighter jets, and there is no need to use such a cumbersome thing to carry out a suicide attack."

"So, after unanimous analysis by all parties, they forcibly added powerful propulsion devices to these bulky mechas, most likely to deal with our aerospace carrier."

"Classmate Lin, look at these data again." Zhao Zizhen took out several more data reports and showed them to Lin Yang.

"After preliminary calculations, the impact force and self-destruction devices of their mechas are completely based on the criteria of crashing an aircraft carrier."

"The purpose of such a high-standard configuration is obvious."

"The aerospace carrier's huge body is a huge target in the sky. If these heavy mechas self-destruct into the air, it will be very difficult for the carrier."

At this point, Zhao Zizhen paused and felt a little ashamed: "Although the technology you gave me, Mr. Lin, is powerful enough, due to the current limitations of Blue Star's resources and materials, there is currently no way to directly build the space carrier into an aerial fortress. The presence."

"Furthermore, with the technology provided by Mr. Lin, the space carrier can also raise an energy shield for protection, but if the energy shield is used for protection, I am afraid that after a battle, our family fortune will be wiped out."

"This thing consumes ridiculous amounts of energy."

Lin Yang glanced at the data analysis report for a few times, nodded and said calmly: "From the current analysis, it is most likely that they have developed this kind of mecha to deal with the space carrier."

"The news that we are going to build a space carrier has put a lot of pressure on other countries. Sakura wants to put some pressure on us in turn."

Zhao Zizhen also nodded: "Yes, they are probably afraid that after we build the space carrier, we will dominate the world, and they want to make us a little afraid. They probably want to fight with our mothership if there is a real fight. I built this mecha with the thought of dying together."

"Haha, it seems that these Sakura guys are quite self-aware. Although they don't admit some of the things they have done, they actually know it clearly in their hearts. Once we show signs of being powerful, we will be the first to do it. It's time to think about how to deal with it. This is a typical case of doing something bad and fearing that ghosts will come to your door." Lin Yang sneered.

At this time, he finally understood why he had made Sakura so miserable in the past few months. In the past few months, Sakura did not want to quickly restore her economic strength, but gathered the strength of the whole country to quietly develop mechas. It turned out that in Waiting here.

This is enough to show that they are really afraid!

Then, Lin Yang seemed to have remembered something and asked: "So this time they released the mecha, did they say they would hold another mecha summit to show off?"

"Ahem, no, they didn't say they were going to hold a summit this time, they just announced the news."

When Zhao Zizhen heard this, he glanced at Lin Yang with a strange expression.

The last technology summit held by Lin Yang was so miserable.

This time, Sakura had a better memory and had no intention of holding a mecha summit.

"How cowardly." Lin Yang curled his lips.

Zhao Zi's eyes turned even weirder.

Can Sakura not be scared?

If they hold another mecha summit, it won't be a matter of being cowardly or not, it's just out of their minds.

Lin Yang looked at Zhao Zizhen again and said, "Dean Zhao, you didn't call me here just to show me these data. Do you have other ideas?"

"Ahem, I can't hide it from you."

Zhao Zizhen's face turned slightly red, he coughed dryly and got down to business:

"Actually, we have been conducting internal research on mechas, as well as related research teams and several veteran academicians in related fields. I would like to ask you if I can give them some advice."

"They were also inspired by the Tiangong base robot, and now they are inspired by the Sakura mecha. They already have specific ideas, but I want you to check it."

"Oh... I thought you wanted me to study how to deal with the threat of these bulky mechas to the space carrier." Lin Yang's eyes flashed.

"Haha, if it's such a trivial matter, why don't I bother you, Mr. Lin, to take action yourself!"

Zhao Zizhen laughed loudly.

"Experts from the Ministry of Armed Forces are already formulating ways to deal with those mechas. Although Sakura's mechas cause great damage and threaten a lot, they are too cumbersome. There are ways to solve them."

"If their skills stop here, they won't cause any major hindrance to our space carrier."

There was a sense of confidence in Zhao Zizhen's words.

Lin Yang has provided them with powerful technology. If Lin Yang still needs help to solve such a small matter, then they can resign collectively!

"Well, that's fine."

Lin Yang nodded without saying anything more, and then said: "As for the control of the mecha... I will get two mecha manufacturing drawings later, and I will directly provide the relevant technology."

As he said that, he glanced at Sakura's mecha picture again: "Does this kind of garbage deserve to be called a mecha?"

Zhao Zizhen's eyes suddenly widened: "Classmate Lin, do you also have direct research on mechas?"

He originally just thought that Lin Yang was very powerful in terms of technology. He might be able to point out some problems by looking at the mecha team's ideas about mechas.

But he didn't expect that Lin Yang would directly provide the full set of mecha technology, which shocked him!

Thank you brothers and sisters for your continued company. Today is Xiaohu’s birthday. For the sake of celebrating his birthday, I would like to ask for some votes... 嘘嘤嘤

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