A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 172 The potential of becoming a capitalist (Thanks to Mr. Huang, who loves reading novels, f

"I just know a little bit."

Seeing Zhao Zizhen's surprised look, Lin Yang waved his hand and said modestly.

"Understand a little bit?"

Zhao Zizhen didn't believe it at all, and said with a smile: "The product produced by Classmate Lin must be a high-quality product. The guys in the mecha research team will be very happy now."

"If Dean Zhao has nothing else to do, I will go back and prepare." Lin Yang smiled.

"No, it's okay."

Zhao Zizhen waved his hands repeatedly, but when Lin Yang walked to the door, he seemed to have remembered something and said quickly:

"Oh, by the way, classmate Lin, there is one more thing. I almost forgot to mention it. Old man Yuan asked me to tell you that the improved plant seeds you gave them have been successfully cultivated. The improved genes are perfect and very suitable for us now. native ecological environment.”

"The seedlings of the plants are growing vigorously and are growing very well. It is estimated that they will be able to be taken outdoors for natural growth experiments in a few days. He said thank you very much. If he were not busy these days, he would come and tell you in person. ”

"Oh, as long as it grows well." Lin Yang responded.

The genes of plant seeds were modified with the help of relevant robots from the ecological base. It would be a disaster if they did not grow well.

Then he returned to the apartment, but he was not in a hurry to get the mecha immediately.

Instead, he contacted Butler One and asked it to inform the Blue Star countries that all monitoring satellites on the moon would be blocked from now on. If they want to continue to obtain live broadcast permissions, they must hand over resources.

Butler No. 1's mechanical eye flashed, revealing a ray of blue light: "Mr. Commander, I have a question."

"you say."

"Mr. Commander, if there is a fee, there will be a problem. Only one country on Blue Star needs to pay the fee. Other countries do not need to pay, and then go directly to the live broadcast room of the paying country to watch."

There was some worry in the tone of Butler No. 1: "The base is currently unable to control Blue Star's network. This will expose some shortcomings of the base and cause Blue Star people to question our technology and even yours." Ridicule, that’s a huge hole.”

"Uh..." Lin Yang was immediately startled.

He had wanted to charge a fee on a temporary basis, but he had not thought of this issue.

Butler No. 1’s concerns are not unreasonable.

Currently, in the eyes of everyone in Blue Star, Tiangong Base and he are extremely powerful.

If we do something with such huge loopholes, it will indeed arouse doubts from people in Western countries, which is not good.

"So, Butler No. 1, do you have any good solutions?" Lin Yang asked smoothly.

"Sorry, Mr. Commander, if you want to charge by zone, this kind of problem is almost unavoidable. There will always be a large number of trumpets visiting, and it is difficult to ban them all."

Butler No. 1 bowed apologetically.

"Oh... Then I'll think of a solution first and contact you later."

Lin Yang cut off communication with Butler No. 1 and turned to inquire about the system.

However, the system's answer is similar to that of Butler No. 1, so it cannot completely avoid the situation where other countries use trumpets to go to the live broadcast room to watch.

Unless monitored in real time, one is found to be banned.

But there is another problem, that is, it is impossible to avoid other countries directly sending people to countries that have paid to live broadcast directly there.


Lin Yang frowned slightly and started thinking.

Judging from the answers from Butler No. 1 and the system, zone-based paid live streaming is a bit unrealistic.

Because there are too many exploitable vulnerabilities, it cannot be avoided from the source.

However, Lin Yang soon thought of a solution.

Since there are too many loopholes in zoning charges, which will allow other countries to take advantage of them, let’s just introduce a total charge!

Of course, it does not mean that all Blue Star countries have to provide resources at the same time to give live broadcast permission.

Instead, simply build an official live broadcast room for the moon, which only paying users can enter.

And this payment only requires resources.

In other words, this paid live broadcast room is only officially open to major countries.

Countries that want to watch the Tiangong Base live broadcast can get a quota to enter the live broadcast room after paying the resources.

Only one account from a country can be qualified to enter the live broadcast room.

Although he is a bit domineering, his original purpose is to harvest the resources of Western countries and avoid giving them the technology of the Tiangong base for free.

If they wanted to see it, they had to follow his rules.

As for ordinary people...

Lin Yang also had an idea instantly.

Simply set up two live broadcast rooms, one of which is open to the officials of major countries. After paying, they can watch the core areas and technology demonstrations within Tiangong Base.

Then open an ordinary live broadcast room to broadcast the external situation of Tiangong Base.

The corresponding country can pay a small fee to purchase the qualifications for the public IP of its country to watch ordinary live broadcasts.

The external live broadcast room can only see some basic conditions outside the Tiangong base, so there is no need to worry about whether people from other countries will go to countries that have paid to watch the live broadcast.

As for the official high-end live broadcast rooms of major countries, you can show them advanced technologies from time to time, which is completely independent from the content broadcast in ordinary live broadcast rooms.

One broadcasts the inner area of ​​Tiangong Base, and the other broadcasts the outer area of ​​Tiangong Base.

If official personnel from major countries want to continue to observe the advanced technology of Tiangong Base, they can only see some of the technological achievements of Tiangong Base by entering the advanced content live broadcast room.

In the peripheral area, any technology-related pictures will no longer be displayed, including robots, which will no longer appear at any time.

In this way, you can charge twice, and also allow other countries to have a mentality of comparison with each other.

Imagine if a country purchased the qualifications for its citizens to enter the live broadcast room outside Tiangong Base.

If other countries don't buy it, it will definitely cause dissatisfaction.

After all, not everyone can go abroad at any time and watch live broadcasts in other countries.

Over time, almost every country will definitely buy additional viewing rights for ordinary live broadcast rooms for the people of their own country.

Wouldn't it be nice to make two bucks?

Thinking of this, Lin Yang suddenly felt that he himself seemed to have the potential to become a capitalist.

He is really good at harvesting resources!

Just do it!

He directly contacted Butler No. 1 and expressed his thoughts.

Butler No. 1’s mechanical eyes flashed again, and he said with a hint of admiration:

"Mr. Great Commander, I admire your wisdom, so I will go and convey your will to the Blue Star countries now!"

"..." Lin Yang was slightly stunned.

This was the first time he heard flattery from Butler No. 1.

Robots can actually flatter people?

How could it be so outrageous?

Immediately afterwards, following the message from Butler No. 1, the entire Blue Star exploded instantly.

Special thanks to Mr. Huang, who loves to read novels, for the reward of nearly 20,000 yuan. It really flattered Xiaohu and cost him money. Xiaohu hereby wishes you all the best, happiness to your family, good luck every year, and good fortune from time to time. I wish you great wealth and I bow to you!

Thank you for the reward, Brother Xueli. You have also spent a lot of money. I wish you good luck and prosperity. I bow to you!

To all those brothers and sisters who read and support, bow to everyone!

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