A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 173: If you are so good at harvesting, you are risking your life?

It will no longer be possible to watch the live broadcast of Tiangong Base for free in the future.

Instead, Tiangong Base opened two paid live broadcast rooms.

An internal core area of ​​live broadcast, open to official accounts of major countries.

Another peripheral area of ​​the live broadcast is open to the general public.

Both of these live broadcast rooms require payment to enter!

This news immediately aroused heated discussion around the world.

"Damn it, that alien commander is so poor that he's crazy, he's so good at harvesting resources, he's going to die!"

"I'm convinced. Every day when I eat and go to the bathroom, I watch the moon live broadcast to kill time. If I have to pay for it in the future, what if the official doesn't pay for it?"

"No wonder people like Meimei and Kodaka-chan had previously reported that the alien commander was extremely greedy. Now it seems that they didn't do anything malicious."

"What a scam! This is really a scam. The originally free live broadcast content is now divided into two live broadcast rooms and charged twice!"

"Could this alien have learned the tricks of Western capitalists because he has been spying on us for a while?"

"This is so damn good at stealing money!"

"I miss the simple aliens in the past. Both the inner and outer areas are broadcast live for us for free."

"That's right, when the two astronauts landed on the moon and entered the Tiangong base for the first time, the housekeeper No. 1 warmly invited us to visit and showed us all the areas of the Tiangong base for free. Now they actually charge a fee. This I have definitely learned the tricks of Western capitalists!"

"Hey, thinking about the enthusiasm for the free tour at the beginning, and thinking about it now, I really have every reason to suspect that the alien commander has learned bad things during this period!"


Everyone was having a heated discussion.

Some people in Western countries have even begun to appeal to their own authorities to buy them the right to watch the live broadcast from outside Tiangong Base.

As for the officials of major countries, at this moment, they are all silent and angry!

Divide into two live broadcast rooms and charge two portions of the money.

But for the official live broadcast room for major countries, a country can only submit one account, and can only use this account to enter the advanced live broadcast room for viewing.

And any form of recording, broadcasting, filming and broadcasting is not allowed. Once any violation is found, the country will be permanently banned from watching the live broadcast of the core area inside the Tiangong Base!

This rule is too overbearing!

Not only is it overbearing, but the charges are also expensive!

And it’s still charged monthly!

Every month, 10% of rare resources or 30% of common resources are required as the fee to enter the live broadcast room.

"With such a price, why doesn't he become a robber?"

"This is robbery!"

"No! The robbery is not that exaggerated. He is a hundred times more hateful than the robber!"

The top leaders of major Western countries cursed angrily.

At this time, a new message suddenly came from Butler No. 1.

"By the way, our great commander also said that if you feel that the monthly subscription is not appropriate, you can also subscribe for an annual subscription. If you subscribe to the annual subscription, you can be exempted from two months of fees every year."

Western countries: "..."


Everyone was numb.

Even monthly and yearly subscriptions are included.

If you say you didn’t learn this from the Blue Star people, no one will believe it!

"This damn greedy alien, I curse him to die a good death!"

The top management of Bu Mei and Kodaka-chan were extremely angry.

Both of their countries have been squeezed out during this period, and now they have to pay to watch a live broadcast. Their mentality is about to explode.

But unfortunately, you can’t help but watch it!

Didn't you see that Sakura's mecha was developed after observing the technology of Tiangong Base?

If you don’t read it, other countries will.

When others develop high technology, they will gradually fall behind and be beaten.

In particular, Guanjia No. 1 also emphasized that the official paid high-end live broadcast room will showcase high-tech technology from time to time.

This is clearly to lure and force them to pay to watch!

"Hateful aliens, cunning aliens, greedy aliens!"

Officials in Western countries are going crazy.

Then, someone directed their anger towards Sakura.

"It must be because the damn little Sakura said that their mechas were developed after observing the technology of Tiangong Base, which is why this alien commander came up with the idea of ​​charging a fee!"

"Damn it, Sakura-chan. Just do your research. I don't know what you are trying to do. You have to emphasize that you only researched it after seeing Tiangong Base. Damn it!"

"It's okay now, everyone is forced to pay to watch it!"

"Sakura must be responsible for this loss!"

Sakura's people just laid down their guns.

Being scolded by Western countries!

Because after observing the Tiangong Base during this period, many countries have actually made inspirations and breakthroughs in technology.

But no country has jumped out and said that its own problems have been solved because of the technology of Tiangong Base.

Only Sakura couldn't wait to claim that their mecha was developed because of Tiangong Base!

Then Tiangong Base began to announce charges!

Everyone was sure at first guess that it was definitely because of Sakura's announcement that the alien commander realized that they had used some of the Tiangong base's technology by watching the live broadcast during this period.

That’s why the charging mode is turned on!

Sakura was directly scolded and became a hot search topic around the world!

"Baga, Baga!"

"These damn Westerners, we will make them pay sooner or later!"

Sakura's official angrily picked up her katana and slashed her wildly.

The paid live broadcast has caused a lot of discussion.

But this discussion did not last long.

Because this is a tough request from Tiangong Base, there is no room for negotiation.

The speech guidance from Blue Star has no influence on aliens at all.

Therefore, when the announcement of Butler No. 1 was issued, it caused a discussion for a while, and then gradually died down.

For ordinary people, watching the live broadcast of the moon is just for fun.

Even if you are not allowed to watch it now, although it will be uncomfortable for a while, there are still old clips on the Internet that you can reluctantly watch.

For them, they can't learn anything by watching the Moon's live broadcast. Compared to the Moon's live broadcast, they care more about Sakura's mecha!

After all, once the mecha thing is developed and developed for several generations, maybe everyone will have the opportunity to buy a mecha.

So soon everyone's focus was on mechas.

"It would be great if we could also develop mechas."

"By the way, is there any new announcement from the Academy of Sciences? After analysis by relevant professionals, Sakura's mecha is aimed at the aerospace carrier we are about to build. Marde, we can't let them be too proud!"

"We announced the construction of a space carrier, and Sakura came up with this self-destructing heavy mecha. It's so annoying!"

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