The popularity on the Internet soon transferred to Sakura's mecha again.

Although Sakura did not hold a mecha summit this time, due to the extremely high popularity of the mecha itself, Sakura still gained a lot of envy and traffic while being scolded.

Even orders.

Yes, some countries directly contacted Sakura to place orders and wanted to buy this kind of mecha.

Although it is bulky, it is a mecha after all.

In particular, this thing is suspected to have been developed for Shang Xia's aerospace carrier.

For Western countries, the domestic construction of space carriers has always put them under great pressure.

Although Sakura's mecha may not necessarily be of great use, it always feels a bit safer to prepare a few.

Moreover, this is the first-generation combat mecha. Even if you take it back and don't use it, after a few years, it will become something with commemorative significance.

Therefore, some smart investment businessmen are also contacting Sakura.

Although Sakura suffered heavy losses from Lin Yang last time and became the biggest joke in the world.

But now with this mecha, it has gained even greater attention than before.

Especially those small countries in the central region that are rich but not very powerful are willing to pay a lot of premium to buy mechas.

Just the initial orders received can make Sakura make a lot of money.

This also made Sakura's guys become arrogant again, claiming that they are still the top power in the East and the only king in the East!

This naturally made domestic netizens very angry.

"These little Baga guys are so shameless. They just built a mecha, and it's such a crude mecha, and yet they brag about it. If they are the only king in the East, who are we?"

"Shameless, really shameless, simply shameless!"

"Made, they are clearly doing this deliberately to disgust us."

"It's a small country with a small family spirit, but it's just a crude mecha. It's not a super weapon, so it's embarrassing to brag about it."

"Haha, I think they really have nothing to brag about. Now that they have finally come up with a mecha, of course they have to brag about it."

"That's right. They are the only ones in the country who can deal with this pile of iron lumps. Last time they were bullied by their classmates..."

"Bah, I was severely damaged by the mysterious righteous people last time. Now I have gathered the whole country to create a bunch of steel lumps. If I don't blow it up quickly, other countries will come up with better ones later. But even this is just All the dignity left is gone.”

"It makes sense. Sakura's guys were able to develop mechas by observing the robots at Tiangong Base. I think other countries will not be far behind. I guess it won't take long. There will definitely be other new mechas. come out."

"I hope that our country will also produce a more advanced mecha to completely suppress Sakura's arrogance."

"Speaking of which, my classmate's boss is back now. Why don't you ask the University of Science and Technology if the classmate's boss is engaged in mecha research? If the classmate's boss takes action, it will be absolutely foolproof!"

"This... I don't think it's good. If the big classmate has done some research, he will definitely ask the National Academy of Sciences to help make the official announcement without us asking. It has been done several times in the past."

"Yes, as soon as Sakura started provoking, the classmate boss took action directly. This time he didn't announce it, probably because he didn't study it. Mecha is another field after all. If the classmate boss didn't study it, wouldn't we go over and ask? Are you putting pressure on your classmates and bosses?"

"That's right, the classmate boss has done enough. Don't put pressure on the classmate boss every time there is something new. Now the classmate boss is probably busy building a space elevator."

"That's right, don't bother the classmate bosses for now, and let Sakura's people chatter for a while. When our aerospace carrier is completed, those who praise Sakura's mecha will naturally become clowns. Just because of this thing Wanting to target our space carrier is simply a fantasy!"

Although domestic netizens can't stand Sakura's triumphant face.

But we made an appointment not to put pressure on the University of Science and Technology and Lin Yang.

In the Academy of Sciences.

Zhao Zizhen was in Lin Yang's apartment at the moment. Looking at the discussions among netizens, he couldn't help but shake his head and sigh: "What a group of lovely people. In order for us to concentrate on building the space carrier, we don't even bother to ask about mecha-related matters."

In the past, every time a new technology appeared abroad, netizens would go to the official account of the National Academy of Sciences in droves to leave messages, asking if they had any corresponding technological output.

To be honest, it does bring a little bit of pressure invisibly.

After all, it’s hard to disappoint everyone, right?

But this time, all netizens had a tacit understanding that no one mentioned the topic of mechas.

You know, this is a mecha!

During their youth, every passionate boy and passionate girl must have fantasized about driving a mecha to save the world.

Mecha is one of the romances of modern people.

The fact that those mecha-like models and movies about mecha are so popular is enough to explain everything.

While Sakura and foreign countries were in an uproar over the emergence of mechas, domestic netizens forcibly refrained from mentioning it because they did not want to put more pressure on the official government. This moved Zhao Zizhen very much.

After all, no matter how ugly or crude Sakura's mecha is, it is still a mecha.

Just the word "mecha" is enough to make people crazy.

But domestic netizens couldn’t bear to mention it.

This is not because they don’t want it, but because they don’t want to put more pressure on the officials.

With such a group of lovely and respectable compatriots, how can one not be moved?

Lin Yang also nodded slightly. This time, netizens were able to take the initiative to refrain from asking about mecha-related matters, which can indeed be said to be quite remarkable.

Zhao Zizhen looked up at him and said with a smile: "Classmate Lin, you said before that you would give us two sets of mechas. How is it going now?"

"Haha, I thought you, Dean Zhao, were as in no hurry as everyone else, but I couldn't help but come over and ask." Lin Yang laughed.

Zhao Zizhen suddenly became embarrassed: "To be honest, this is a mecha after all. If you say it's not urgent, it will definitely be impossible."

"There's no rush, just wait two days."

"Wait two more days?"

Zhao Zizhen was stunned for a moment.

"Are you encountering any technical problems? If so, tell us, maybe we can brainstorm ideas."

"This is not a technical problem, but I am planning to wait until Sakura and the others sign mecha trading contracts with other countries before announcing that we have also developed mechas."


Zhao Zizhen was stunned again: "Why is this?"

Lin Yang smiled leisurely: "Haha, isn't Little Sakura proud and bragging now?"

"If a more powerful mecha suddenly appears when they announce the deal, then, Dean Zhao, do you think the big players in the Central District will still choose to trade with Sakura?"

Thank you to book friend 20240121123 for the reward. I spent a lot of money. I wish you all the best and make a fortune. I bow to you!

Thank you to all the brothers and sisters for your support. I wish you all prosperity and prosperity. I bow to you!

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