Zhao Zizhen's brows twitched slightly and he said in astonishment: "Are you trying to sabotage the mecha transactions between Sakura and the others with other countries?"

"That's right." Lin Yang nodded, "Although it's certainly impossible to destroy them all, it can at least make them lose a lot of orders."

The reason why he hadn't given the people in the mecha department a new mecha plan these past two days was because he was waiting for Sakura to start trading.

Sakura is now at her proudest moment because she has developed a mecha and is attracting global attention.

What Lin Yang wants to do is to knock Sakura back to the bottom at her most glorious moment!

Sakura's rough mechas really don't deserve to be called mechas!

He is absolutely sure that when the new mecha is officially announced, those small countries that originally wanted to purchase the Sakura mecha to control their own countries will never continue to make deals with Sakura.

Zhao Zizhen was silent for a moment and said slowly: "It seems that Mr. Lin, you are planning to hit Sakura to the point of collapse."

Based on his little understanding of Lin Yang, since Lin Yang said so, the mecha plan is definitely a blockbuster.

Zhao Zizhen was also a little curious as to what level the mecha Lin Yang was about to announce would be able to give him such great confidence.

Strong curiosity prompted Zhao Zizhen to ask: "Classmate Lin, can you tell me what the mecha you want to develop looks like?"

"Well, let's keep it a secret for now." Lin Yang smiled slightly.

"You're still keeping it a secret from me?" Zhao Zizhen muttered.

Lin Yang smiled again and did not answer, but said: "Dean Zhao, let me use the laboratory next. I want to apply for a laboratory."

Hearing this, Zhao Zizhen was slightly startled, and then said quickly: "Classmate Lin, you see what you said, just go to whichever laboratory you want to use. You don't need to apply. We have laboratories in the National Academy of Science and Technology, you can use them anytime, anywhere." , use it if you want!"

"No, the main reason is that I still have one condition. I hope to remove all the surveillance inside." Lin Yang said with a smile.

"Ah? Classmate Lin, are you talking about dismantling all the monitoring equipment in the laboratory?" Zhao Zizhen said in shock.

"Yes." Lin Yang nodded.

If he was just using the laboratory, there was really no need for him to tell Zhao Zizhen.

And although he could also directly block the monitoring equipment in the laboratory, it would be better to just ask for a laboratory without monitoring equipment.

After all, he couldn't block the monitoring equipment every time he studied something. It would appear that he was too wary of the National Academy of Sciences.

Even if they do this, Zhao Zizhen and others won't say anything, but it's still not good.

It would be more appropriate to say it directly.

Seeing that Lin Yang confirmed that this was the request, Zhao Zizhen only thought for half a second before agreeing:

"Okay, then what lab number do you want? I'll notify them and go and dismantle the monitoring equipment now."

He didn't ask Lin Yang why he wanted to dismantle the surveillance camera.

Because Lin Yang was fully capable of blocking surveillance directly, but now he chose to bring it up to him openly and honestly. This trust made Zhao Zizhen feel a little inexplicably moved.

"Laboratory No. 3, the equipment inside is more comprehensive and more advanced." Lin Yang chuckled.

Zhao Zizhen suddenly couldn't laugh or cry: "You kid, you are really not polite. Laboratory No. 3 is the most comprehensive and best laboratory in our academy of sciences, bar none."

"Haha, if Dean Zhao feels distressed, then I'll change it to someone who's almost there?" Lin Yang said with a smile.

"Why are you feeling so distressed? I am classmate Qualin. You have a sharp eye and picked the best one right away!"

Zhao Zizhen hurriedly explained: "Why do I feel bad about you using the laboratory? As long as you are willing to do it, Mr. Lin, let alone dismantle the monitoring system, I will have no problem even if you dismantle the entire laboratory!"

As he said that, he was afraid that Lin Yang would feel that he was reluctant, so he immediately sent a notice, and at the same time said: "From now on, Laboratory No. 3 will be yours alone, Classmate Lin. I have already informed you that Laboratory No. 3 will be yours from now on." Your private laboratory, no one else is allowed to use it."

"That's not necessary..."

This time it was Lin Yang's turn to feel a little embarrassed.

He just wanted a laboratory without surveillance, but he didn't want to have it all to himself.

Zhao Zizhen said categorically: "I think it is necessary, so I decided!"

What Lin Yang was researching was originally top secret, not to mention that he actively proposed to dismantle the surveillance system, which must be a high-level secret technology.

Zhao Zizhen even felt that what he had done was not comprehensive enough, so he added:

"Actually, I should have prepared a laboratory specifically for you, Mr. Lin, but now I'm asking you to carry it out. I'm the one who's embarrassed. I'm so bad at serving you."

Lin Yang blinked, he couldn't answer these words.

Service job?

Come on, Zhao Zizhen is the president of the Academy of Sciences.

Zhao Zizhen can say this himself, but if he follows these words, it will seem a bit disrespectful.

Although Zhao Zizhen definitely wouldn't care, Lin Yang is not that unemotional.

Respect is all mutual.

He was the dean of a great science academy, and his status was so low in front of him. He couldn't really regard Zhao Zizhen as his waiter!

Therefore, Lin Yang directly changed the topic: "Dean Zhao, I will go to the laboratory to prepare for the mecha research first. When Sakura and the others sign the contract, please tell me."

"Okay." Zhao Zizhen nodded.

By the time Lin Yang walked from the apartment to Laboratory No. 3, all the monitoring equipment inside had been dismantled.

Even the previous access control has been changed, disqualifying other people from entering Laboratory No. 3, and preparing a new one for him.

I have to say that this efficiency is really fast, ridiculously fast.

Lin Yang sighed a little, then closed the door of the laboratory and started tinkering inside.

He wants to suppress Little Sakura when she is most proud.

So just relying on a plan is definitely not enough, at least there must be something real.

If there is only a plan, it is equivalent to a conceptual object, and a conceptual object is not convincing enough.

So he asked Zhao Zizhen why he wanted the laboratory, which was to build a mecha before the Sakura trade.

Build a real mecha!

He prepared two mechas.

One is a large mecha like the one in a certain Pacific in a science fiction blockbuster.

Of course, the body size will be smaller and the flexibility will be stronger.

The other one is a super futuristic sci-fi mecha.

Three days flew by.

Sakura and Oguni, the big dog owner in the central area, began to formally sign the mecha purchase order.

Lin Yang also received Zhao Zizhen's notification immediately.


"Dean Zhao, I will send you a short video. You can announce it directly on the official account and let others see what a real mecha is!"

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