Just when Lin Yang was delivering the mecha video to Zhao Zizhen.

Zhao Zizhen was having a video conference with Ye Guhong and several experts from the mecha team in the office.

An old expert waited for Zhao Zizhen to finish sending the message to Lin Yang, and couldn't wait to ask:

"How about it, Lao Zhao, what did Mr. Lin say, when can we see his mecha plan?"

Zhao Zizhen glanced at them and said calmly: "I know you are all impatient, but don't be impatient. Classmate Lin said he would send it over later."

Several people in the mecha team were dumbfounded when they heard this.

Can they not be in a hurry?

A few days ago, Zhao Zizhen told them that Lin Yang would directly prepare a mecha plan for them, and they were feeling scratchy every day.

Now that we can finally see the plan, every minute and every second during this final waiting process passes with great anxiety.

Ye Guhong joked: "Old Zhao, don't you claim that you are the closest to Classmate Lin? Why is it that Classmate Lin's research on mechas has been kept secret from you this time, and you don't know any inside information?"

Zhao Zizhen simply rolled his eyes and ignored this sentence.

"Ha ha."

Ye Guhong laughed when he saw this, and then he was about to tease Zhao Zizhen a few more words.

But a ding message sounded, and the mecha video was sent.

Ye Guhong immediately stopped talking.

Zhao Zizhen clicked on the video.

Then, his eyes widened instantly, and his mouth opened wider and wider. Within a few seconds, he stood up in shock, his eyes full of shock.

"Old Zhao, has classmate Lin sent me his mecha plan? Please show it to us!"

"Yes, what does the mecha designed by Mr. Lin look like? Don't just sit there in a daze, show us quickly!"

The old experts from the mecha team looked at Zhao Zizhen's appearance, and they all urged him.

"This, this... you can see for yourselves."

Zhao Zizhen came to his senses amid the urging and immediately started sharing the video.


"Oh my god, this is the mecha plan designed by classmate Lin? Is this true?"

"Classmate Lin, he's not kidding us, is this thing really possible to build now?"

Several experts from the mecha team were also extremely shocked when they saw the mecha video sent by Lin Yang.

Even they were more shocking than Zhao Zi.

Because they know better how difficult it is to actually build the kind of mechas in science fiction blockbusters!

But now the video is like the kind of mecha in science fiction blockbusters, and its shape is even smoother. This has obviously been improved!

If this could be made...

Several experts trembled. They all couldn't imagine what kind of killer weapon this thing would be if it could be built now!

Ye Guhong also shrank his eyes, looking at the mecha display in the video screen, he was stunned.

Although he did not understand the technical difficulties, it did not prevent him from knowing the difficulty of building a mecha.

Sakura gathered the strength of the whole country and the technology of Kanmo Tiangong Base to create such a pile of rough steel lumps.

There is still a big gap between that thing and the actual imagined mecha.

But even so, it caused a huge shock around the world and received a large number of orders.

It is enough to see that the word "mecha" contains too much gold.

And the mecha shown in the video is really the super mecha from the science fiction blockbuster.

If this was taken out, all the dregs of Sakura's pile of steel lumps would be wiped out in seconds!


very excited!

Ye Guhong couldn't help but pat his thigh: "No wonder Lin was so confident before, saying that as soon as his mecha was built, no one would care about Little Sakura's pile of iron lumps. Now it seems that Lin What my classmates said is still conservative!”

"Hahaha, yes, compared to this mecha, saying that Sakura's pile of iron lumps is a bit flattering to them!"

Several experts from the mecha team also laughed excitedly.

There is absolutely no comparison between the two.

Zhao Zizhen said hurriedly: "I'm going to make an announcement and hold a live broadcast to show off our mecha. Sakura has been so arrogant with their iron-breaking skills during this period. Now we want to see how they do. Get arrogant again!"

"Okay, okay, it's time to completely suppress their arrogance!"

Several experts felt elated.

Zhao Zizhen directly quit the video conference and went to the official account of the National Academy of Sciences to start a live broadcast.

During this time, each of them was actually holding a breath in their hearts.

Now the mecha video sent by Lin Yang is a bit exaggerated.

But since Lin Yang gave such a plan, they unconditionally believed that Lin Yang could definitely make a real mecha.

Therefore, Zhao Zizhen just took the video to make the official announcement without even mentioning seeing the real thing!

At the same time, Sakura is also preparing to sign a purchase contract for mechas with Oguni, the big dog owner in the Central District.

And the signing ceremony was directly broadcast live.

This is somewhat rare.

Because mechas can be said to be strategic weapons, and they are also heavyweight.

Not a commodity in the ordinary sense.

This can all be called an arms deal.

As for arms transactions internationally, everyone usually keeps relevant data confidential.

But Sakura chose to live broadcast it publicly, and made the mecha signing ceremony extremely grand, even more grandiose than a multinational dinner party.

Looking at the layout of the scene, anyone who didn't know better would have thought that Sakura was going to get married to Oguni, a big dog in the Central District.

Seeing the signing ceremony between the two parties, it is time to enter the final signing session.

Sakura also deliberately announced the number of mechas purchased by some big players and small countries.

As if they want the world to know how popular their mechas are.

At the end, they stated that as a superpower in the East, they would uphold the attitude of hosts and welcome countries around the world to purchase mechas at Sakura and achieve other in-depth cooperation.

These remarks made domestic netizens unhappy.

"Fuck, these little Baga are really shameless to the extreme. Are they worthy of being the host of the East?"

"Mad, I can't stand their attitude anymore. I really hope that a better new mecha will come out soon. No matter which country it is from, as long as it's not Sakura's!"

Although everyone doesn't have a good impression of the Western powers, Sakura is obviously more annoying at this time.

Netizens are very much looking forward to the release of new mechas, which will suppress Sakura's proud face.

It doesn't matter if it's not much more advanced than Sakura, at least it can't make Sakura too proud.

Seeing that the representative of the big dog owner was about to sign, everyone in Sakura became angry again, and they were all angry on the Internet.

The representative in charge of signing the contract for Sakura also had an unconcealable pride on his face.

But, just when this guy was smiling and preparing to speak.

The live broadcast of the Academy of Science and Technology was started, and the video about the mecha was directly pushed to everyone's eyes.

In an instant, the whole world was shaken!

Thanks to Brother Otonashi~Yuzuru for the 1766 coin reward. I wish you great wealth and all the best for your money. I bow to you!

Thank you to all the brothers and sisters who read, I wish you all the same fortune and bow to you all!

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