The official mecha announcement video went straight to the top of the global news search!

Everyone who saw the mecha promotional video officially released by the Academy of Science and Technology was shocked!

What did they see?

Are mechas embodied in science fiction blockbusters? !

Tall mecha body!

Exquisite appearance!

Streamlined body design!

Full of oppression and science fiction!

Looking at the promotional video, almost no one believed that this was an official mecha product announced in China.

Because this looks more like a promotional trailer for a science fiction blockbuster made by a top special effects company!

But the official notice from the Academy of Science and Technology clearly states that this is indeed the next generation of mecha to be released in China.

This is not a promotional video for a science fiction blockbuster, but a real mecha product display!

In an instant, the Internet was abuzz.

Netizens who were originally watching the mecha purchase ceremony between Sakura and Gouda swarmed into the official live broadcast room of the Academy of Science and Technology to find out.

Because it is just an official announcement video and an announcement, it is really difficult for everyone to believe that this is really a mecha that is about to be released in China!

They have to get official confirmation from the National Academy of Sciences before they can believe it.

When they rushed into the live broadcast room and saw that it was Zhao Zizhen who was live broadcasting this time, the hearts of netizens trembled.

Zhao Zizhen personally hosted the live broadcast, so you can be sure without asking that the promotional video just now is most likely true.

After all, the president of a major science academy would never promote a science fiction blockbuster, right?

However, some netizens still endured their excitement and typed a line on the screen.

Ask Zhao Zizhen whether the video just released by the official account of the National Academy of Science and Technology is a promotional video for a science fiction blockbuster, or whether he has actually built such an advanced mecha!

After asking the question, everyone looked at Zhao Zizhen nervously, excitedly and apprehensively.

They were afraid that Zhao Zizhen would tell them the next second that the promotional video just now was a joke on them.

In the live broadcast room, Zhao Zizhen saw that the number of people was almost there, smiled slightly, and said:

"Dear netizens, first of all, I can tell you for sure that your worries are unnecessary!"

"The promotional video just now is not a science fiction blockbuster, but a real mecha product!"


As soon as these words came out, the live broadcast room exploded.

"Holy shit, shit! Dean Zhao, are you really not kidding us?"

"In the promotional video, is that really the mecha we are about to release?!"

Netizens instantly went crazy with excitement.

Zhao Zizhen nodded: "I am honored to tell you that with the technical support of our classmates, we have successfully developed a generation of mechas, and there are two types in total!"

"What is shown in the video is only one of them. The other one is still kept secret for now, but I can tell you for sure that the other one is even more advanced than what is shown in the video!"

This answer completely aroused the emotions of domestic netizens.

"Oh my god, are the mechas in science fiction blockbusters really directly created?"

"This looks more advanced than the mecha in that blockbuster movie!"

"Yes, although the body seems not as tall as those mechas in science fiction blockbusters, it has obviously been reduced in proportion, and its mobility is definitely much better than those mechas in science fiction blockbusters!"

"And the most important thing is Sakura's pile of broken mechas. They can't solve the power problem and rely on thrusters to fly into the sky."

"But our mecha is really just like the ones in science fiction blockbusters. It has a reactor on its chest, which is most likely used to house nuclear power devices!"

"There is no need for high probability or doubt. This is definitely used to place nuclear power devices. The classmate's boss definitely has that kind of technology!"

"Ah ah ah, I'm going crazy! If we can really solve the power device, doesn't it mean that our mecha can fly freely and controllably like an airplane?"

"Nonsense, haven't you seen what's written in the promotional video?"

"A real mecha!"

"What kind of real mecha is a mecha that can't fly?!"

"Hahaha, I know that if the big classmate doesn't take action, it will be absolutely foolproof!"

"Just this mecha, let me ask, who else is there!"

"Damn it, Sakura's mecha is just a pile of junk compared to ours!"

"What, I just want to ask, does this mecha need to be controlled by one person or two people?"


Netizens were so excited that after the initial excitement, they started asking all kinds of fancy questions.

For example, what everyone is most concerned about is the price and control of the mecha.

Some people joke about whether selling ten houses is enough to buy it. If it is enough, he will sell the house immediately!

Zhao Zizhen, while able to answer some related questions in the live broadcast room, also tried his best to give positive answers.

"I really can't tell you the price of the mecha at the moment. We haven't received the cost price of the mecha plan from our classmate, and the price is yet to be determined."

"As for selling the house, there is a high probability that it is not necessary, because it will not be sold to the public for the time being."

"As for the control issue, my classmate said that the mecha shown in the video can be controlled by a single person, which is much more convenient than the ones in science fiction blockbusters."


Zhao Zizhen picked some more practical questions and gave positive replies.

While interacting, suddenly some people with foreign IPs came in and raised questions.

He said that currently there is only such a video that has been played repeatedly in China, and there is no real thing at all.

They simply don't believe that such a mecha can be built in China now.

And the most IPs among these are netizens from Sakura!

Not only did they question, some even cursed.

Cursing the country for making such a video at this time to sensationalize and deliberately causing trouble!

Because, when the Grand Academy of Sciences released the official announcement video, the big dogs in the Central District were immediately notified by their subordinates.

The hand that was about to sign suddenly stopped.

After all, they originally went to buy Sakura's mecha. On the one hand, they wanted to relieve the pressure from the domestic space carrier.

On the other hand, the mecha may have some collectible value.

But if the country has already developed more advanced mechas, then there is absolutely no point in buying Sakura's mechas.

What's more, this is the kind of future mecha from science fiction blockbusters. It can crush Sakura countless times.

If real objects can be made in China, then if you continue to buy Sakura's iron bumps, you are just out of your mind.

So there are still some IPs from the Central District, and they are very anxious.

People in the Central District are eager to know whether the country has the ability to build the mecha shown in the promotional video in a short period of time!

Their representative is at Sakura's signing ceremony!

It doesn't matter if you sign it now, or if you don't sign it.

People in the Central District were frantically showering the live broadcast room with expensive gifts, hoping that Zhao Zizhen would give them an answer.

It can be said that the people in Sakura and Naka Ward are most anxious right now!

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