At the same time, Sakura was at the signing ceremony.

Seeing the Naka District signing representative stop signing, the smile that had just bloomed on Sakura's signing person's face instantly froze, and he said with a cold face: "What do you mean? Do you want to break the contract?"

"Haha, what are you talking about? The contract hasn't been signed yet, how can you talk about breach of contract?"

The representative from the Central District chuckled and said unhurriedly: "We just think that purchasing a mecha is such a major matter and we need to be more cautious. We need some time to review the contract."

The person in charge of Sakura snorted and made it clear: "You want to wait for Shang Xia's reply, right?"

Having said that, without waiting for a reply from the Central District representative, the person in charge of Sakura said proudly: "It is absolutely impossible for Shang Xia to build the kind of mecha in the promotional video. Our history of researching mechas is hundreds of years longer than theirs. More, we can tell you with certainty that they will never be able to make this kind of mecha!"

"Their release of this kind of promotional video at this juncture is just to provoke our deal, you guys, don't be fooled!"

The representative from the Central District was slightly startled. He didn't expect Sakura to be so direct.

In fact, in this situation, everyone knows very well that the best thing for both parties is to temporarily terminate the signing ceremony with any high-sounding reason.

Afterwards, whether you continue to sign the contract or not, at least on the surface you can still get by.

But the people in the Central District didn't expect Sakura to make it clear so directly.

Speaking clearly on the spot is tantamount to a very tough attitude.

This is almost telling them that if they don't continue to sign, then they can't even think about buying any of Sakura's mechas in the future.

This puts the representatives of the Central District in a dilemma.

In fact, there is a buyer's market everywhere in the world, and as super buyers, they have always taken the initiative.

If under normal circumstances, if Sakura didn't give her face like this, they would definitely fall out on the spot.

But now mechas are rare and valuable, and Sakura knows this very well, so she has such a tough attitude.

This is forcing the Central District to choose one of the two!

Seeing that the representative from the Central District was still hesitating, the person in charge of Sakura spoke again: "We understand that you, as buyers, want to compare products when buying something, but making a mecha is not that simple!"

As he spoke, he stared into the eyes of the representative of the Central District and said quietly: "If Shang Xia had such technology, it would have been announced long ago. Why wait until now? I don't think there is any need to say more about what is the intention?"

"They are deliberately trying to destroy our friendship!"

"We guarantee in the name of the empire that no country in the world can build the kind of mecha in the promotional video!"

"Shang Xia is just sensationalizing!"

After hearing this, several representatives from the Central District immediately began to communicate and discuss with each other.

Because what the person in charge of Sakura said makes sense.

The person in charge of Sakura said again:

"Although we also want to reach a deal with you, if you really can't decide, then this transaction will end here. We will not sell any mecha to you in the future. You, the best Think carefully!"

If it was just a hint just now, now Sakura is directly threatening.

The representatives of the Central District didn't look very good-looking.

As the global gods of wealth, they are worshiped wherever they go.

Even if they don't buy it, it won't make them look bad.

Sakura's current threat really made them unhappy.

One of the representatives of a large company in the Central District couldn't help but choked back: "Are you so sure that Shang Xia can't build mechas?"

"Haha, as we just said, we can guarantee in the name of the empire that they will never be able to build such a mecha!"

The person in charge of Sakura vowed.

"Currently, in terms of mecha technology in the world, only our little Sakura Empire is the strongest!"

He looked at the representative of the Central District proudly: "If you continue to hesitate, then I guarantee you will regret it!"

Then, he even took out his mobile phone and tuned into the official domestic live broadcast room, and sneered again and emphasized: "Shang Xia, it is absolutely impossible to build a mecha!"

"If you don't believe it, let's just wait and see. It's absolutely impossible for them to show you the actual mecha. It's impossible for them to have..."

However, in the next moment, before this guy could finish his words, his whole face suddenly changed, and then he stared at the phone screen as if he was mad and yelled:

"No! This is impossible! How could they really build this kind of mecha?!"

In the live broadcast, an extra body suddenly appeared at some point...

A real mecha!

Yes, that's right.

A real mecha that was exactly the same as the one shown in the promotional video appeared in the live broadcast.

All capabilities are being demonstrated in an all-round way.

The representative of the Central District looked at the mechas demonstrating their abilities in the live broadcast room and stood up directly: "Sorry, we have decided not to purchase your mechas anymore!"

After that, everyone hurried to the outside to get on the bus, ordering their men to get to the airport as soon as possible and then go to Shangxia!

The originally lively venue suddenly became deserted.

The person in charge of Sakura couldn't bear the sudden change. His body stiffened, his eyes went dark, and he fainted to the ground.

"Quick, call an ambulance!"

"Go to the hospital quickly..."

The venue, which was full of joy just now, instantly became messy.

At the same time, in China, in the official live broadcast room of the National Academy of Sciences.

Seeing the real mecha that suddenly broke into the picture, netizens were excited.

Just now, the wealthy wealthy people in the Central District were shopping for gifts and asked Zhao Zizhen if real mechas could be built in China.

However, Zhao Zizhen never made a statement immediately. Netizens originally thought that it was all over, and thought that the mecha in the promotional video might still be a concept.

But he didn't expect that the mecha would break in directly.


It's Chuang!

Because the moment the mecha entered the live broadcast, everyone could see the shock on Zhao Zizhen's face.

That kind of heartfelt shock and pupil contraction could never be staged.

Obviously, Zhao Zizhen himself may not have seen the actual mecha before.

This made netizens shocked by the direct appearance of the mecha, but also started to make fun of it.

"Hahaha, it seems that Dean Zhao has never seen this thing before!"

"He must have never seen it before. That shocked little look in his eyes cannot be an act. If it is an act, then I declare that the next Oscar winner will definitely be Dean Zhao!"

"I major in acting, and I can tell you for sure that the shock and shock that Dean Zhao experienced just now cannot be conveyed by acting skills, not even by a movie star. It is the most primitive instinctive reaction of the human body!"

"It seems that the confidentiality work is really good. Even Dean Zhao didn't tell me."

"Exciting! It's so exciting!"

"Look at what we have, this is called a mecha! What kind of garbage is that pile of scrap metal, Sakura?"

"Hahaha, let me break the latest news for you. The mecha purchase signing ceremony between Sakura and the big business owners in the Central District has been cancelled. The big business owners in the Central District refused to sign on the spot and ran away!"

"Not only that, I was at the scene, and the person in charge of Sakura's contract fainted because he couldn't bear it anymore, and now he was rushed to the hospital!"

"Fainted? Are you sure you just fainted?"

"You weren't immediately pissed off? Then I don't quite agree with it."

"Good brother, just watch horror movies for fun. You must be the real living king of hell."


Sorry, I had a bit of a cold today, so I took medicine and slept for the whole day.

I’ll update it today and I’ll make it up tomorrow. I’m sorry, sorry, sorry!

Let me give you one!

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