Seeing the mecha being displayed in the live broadcast, many netizens in China were extremely excited.

In fact, there is no need for too much display of the mecha. Even just going to that station is enough to make people crazy.

And Zhao Zizhen was indeed shocked.

Because the netizens were right, he did not know at all that the mecha would come directly to display.

He didn't even know that Lin Yang had already made the actual mecha.

When Lin Yang said it was kept secret before, he really meant it. No extra information was disclosed to him.

When he just got the promotional video sent to him by Lin Yang, Zhao Zizhen really never thought that this thing had already been built.

So looking at the mecha that suddenly broke in before him, Zhao Zi was really shocked.

Not only Zhao Zizhen, but also Ye Guhong and the experts from the mecha team were also extremely shocked.

They all had no doubts about Lin Yang's technical strength, but when they saw the mecha video just now, they all felt that this might just be a plan issued by Lin Yang. It might take some time before the real thing is built.

But the sudden appearance of the mecha in front of them shocked everyone's hearts!

Such a sci-fi mecha was created directly!

You know, they were not involved in this thing at all, and had no prior knowledge.

This means that this mecha was completely built by Lin Yang in the laboratory alone.

This made Ye Guhong and others not only shocked by the mecha, but also shocked by Lin Yang's technical strength.

When Lin Yang showed them the technology in the past, he was always abroad. Although he was shocked, it was not as impactful as what he saw now.

This mecha was built by myself in the laboratory alone!

This impact is so powerful that it makes people’s hearts tremble!

You know, Sakura is a mecha built with the efforts of the whole country, and it is still a pile of junk.

But Lin Yang managed such an advanced mecha by himself!

This strength is terrifyingly strong!

"It seems that although we have highly underestimated Mr. Lin's technical strength before, we obviously still don't understand him enough."

Ye Guhong couldn't help but sigh.

Tang Wensheng and others all agreed.

When they discovered that there were aliens on the moon, they once thought that the technological products Lin Yang produced might have been given by aliens.

But this time it was proved that this was purely Lin Yang's own technical strength!

Looking at the super mecha in the video, Ye Guhong suddenly felt that he didn't pay enough attention to Lin Yang!

And in the live broadcast room, someone suddenly started another wave of rhythm.

The physical display of the mecha is likely to be synthesized using video. With the current technology of Blue Star countries, it is simply impossible to create such a future mecha!

These rhythms come out of nowhere.

Moreover, a large number of similar remarks poured in in an instant, which seemed to be clearly organized.

Zhao Zizhen frowned and asked people to block them while asking the technical background to check these rhythmic IP addresses.

The results of the query came out quickly. Although the IP addresses of those rhythmic accounts had passed some disguises, it was still easy to find out that most of the sources of these IPs came from Sakura.

"It's Sakura's people setting the pace again? It seems like their mecha purchase contract was canceled just now, which was a big blow to them!" Zhao Zizhen couldn't help but laugh.

"Can it not be big? A large number of mecha orders have been cancelled, and no one may buy their junk goods in the future. Their losses will certainly be huge."

The engineers in the backend technology department also laughed.

"Block all those rhythmic IPs that should be banned." Zhao Zizhen waved his hand.

However, although the ban was very fast, and domestic netizens launched a counterattack not to be outdone, they still couldn't keep up with the speed at which Sakura's guys opened trumpets, and the live broadcast room was filled with a lot of rhythms for a while.

It's annoying to watch.

But at this moment, the mecha that was on display suddenly stopped. In the astonished eyes of everyone, the head of the mecha opened directly.

Then, a head appeared.

"Wang Guang? Why is it your kid?!"

The next moment, when he saw the head of the mecha open and Wang Guang's head emerging from it, Zhao Zizhen immediately exclaimed.

Many netizens in the live broadcast room were also shocked. Obviously, they did not expect that Wang Guang was controlling this mecha.

"Hey, teacher, hello to all the netizens in the live broadcast room."

Wang Guang smiled, stretched out his hand to say hello to everyone, and then explained to Zhao Zizhen.

Just now, Lin Yang called him directly to the laboratory, taught him some techniques for controlling the mecha, and then asked him to drive the mecha to demonstrate.

When he said this, Wang Guang couldn't help but look proud on his face.

He is the first to pilot a mecha!

This time it can be said that he stole the show.

"You're really taking advantage of me!" Zhao Zizhen laughed and scolded.

"Hey, idols are just good to me!"

Wang Guang was also very excited. Even he did not expect that Lin Yang would entrust him with such an important matter.

As the first person to pilot the first domestic mecha, he will definitely be recorded in the files. This is a huge honor.

And as Wang Guang appeared from the mecha, the rhythm in the live broadcast room suddenly became much less intense.

It's not that Sakura's guys have realized their mistake, but now that the solid evidence is in front of them, it would be very foolish for them to continue to cheat.

Even if they want to be censorious, they can no longer say that the mecha display is a synthesized video, so they went to think of other reasons.

There was a lot less rhythm in the live broadcast room, and it suddenly seemed a lot quieter.

The netizens who calmed down soon discovered a very important problem.

"Damn it, this mecha is actually piloted by Researcher Wang. Doesn't it require special training to be piloted directly?"

"I just thought it was a specially trained mecha warrior piloting a mecha to demonstrate, but I didn't expect it to be Researcher Wang!"

"If this mecha can be piloted without the need for specially trained professional warriors, wouldn't it be directly contrary to nature?"

"The era of universal mechas has arrived?!"

After discovering this problem, all netizens almost went crazy.

Mecha, this word is too high-end.

In everyone’s subconscious mind, plus the guidance from some science fiction blockbusters.

It makes people subconsciously think that for something as advanced as a mecha, the pilot must be a professional mecha warrior who has undergone rigorous training!

And if you can fly a mecha without too much professional training...

Netizens can't even imagine how exciting it would be if they could one day transform into a mecha warrior!

Regarding the problem discovered by netizens, Wang Guang smiled slightly, jumped out of the mecha, coughed lightly, and said slowly:

"Everyone's guess is correct. This mecha designed by my classmate does not require professional training to be piloted."

"So now I will introduce to you one of the important functions of this mecha."

"Mecha assisted driving and combat system!"

"With the help of this system, any healthy adult can transform into a mecha warrior by simply mastering the operation of the system and a few tips!"


Wang Guang's words instantly made people excited!

Thank you to the user book friend 20240124828 for the reward. You have spent a lot of money. I wish you all the best and make a fortune. I bow to you.

I wish all my brothers and sisters good fortune and bow to you all!

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