"Buying a mecha?"

"Sign an energy priority supply agreement?"

Ye Guhong stood up, his eyes flickered, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "These big households are moving very quickly. They were still in Little Sakura just now, and they came to us in the blink of an eye."

Tang Wensheng next to him frowned: "Mr. Ye, several of their big-family countries went to Little Sakura to buy mechas, mostly because of the ability of Little Sakura's mecha to target our space carrier, and now they want to buy mechas from Little Sakura. We buy mechas, do they want to buy our mechas and then deal with our space carriers?"

Ye Guhong's eyes narrowed.

Previously, all the major countries had extended an olive branch to Sakura's mecha, almost all because of their mecha's ability to deal with domestic aerospace carriers.

Regardless of whether it can really deal with the space carrier, I at least want to have peace of mind.

Everyone knows this.

It is indeed a bit unexpected that Oto Country has given up on Sakura's mecha and wants to buy domestic ones instead.

After thinking for a moment, Ye Guhong said: "Maybe they saw that our mechas were too advanced and knew that our momentum was unstoppable, so they came to show their kindness. Otherwise, they wouldn't have specifically emphasized that they could sign an energy contract with us. Priority supply agreement.”

"This..." Tang Wensheng was startled for a moment, and then said: "It is also possible. I guess they also know in their hearts that going to Little Sakura to buy mechas may cause our displeasure."

"However, the priority in the supply of energy seems a bit lacking in sincerity. The energy they talk about is nothing more than oil, but we have mastered the controllable nuclear fusion technology, and the demand for this ordinary energy will soon be reduced to unlimited Close to zero.”

"You can't say that."

Ye Guhong shook his head slightly.

"For them, oil is already their most valuable thing. They are somewhat sincere in taking out their most valuable thing. It's just that we have suddenly developed too fast recently."

Han Zhaoyu, who had rarely spoken before, suddenly nodded and answered: "Mr. Ye is right. To give you an inappropriate example, a penniless beggar took out his steamed buns to share. Can you say he is sincere?" Isn’t it enough?”

"Same." Tang Wensheng sighed.

Ye Guhong waved his hand and said, "Let's stop guessing here and talk to them to see how many mechas they want to buy."

"Ah? Are you really selling mechas to them?" Tang Sheng was startled again.

"Sell! Why not sell?"

Ye Guhong looked slightly sideways.

"Didn't you hear what Mr. Lin said? This mecha is just a basic model. You can get as much as you want. You can sell it to them and use the money earned to buy other high-end resources to build high-end mecha. This is a good cycle."

"Do you want to ask Mr. Lin what you want first?" Tang Wensheng hesitated, "I think it's better to ask for insurance."

"Classmate Lin must have the same idea as me."

Ye Guhong smiled slightly and then said:

"However, if you really want to sell it, you really need to ask for Mr. Lin's opinion. Let me contact Mr. Lin."

After that, he sent a video conference invitation to Lin Yang.

On the other side, Lin Yang was preparing for a live broadcast of another mecha when he suddenly received a video conference invitation from Ye Guhong. He was a little surprised at first, but he quickly joined the video conference.

Ye Guhong would definitely not invite him to the meeting casually if he had nothing to do.

The live show can be slowed down a bit first.

When he joined the video conference, Ye Guhong didn't say anything, and directly relayed the Central District's big country's desire to purchase mechas and the results of their discussion just now.

Lin Yang suddenly understood and said: "Sell, of course, sell. These big business owners don't have much else but a lot of money. How can we do it without taking the opportunity to kill them hard?"

Hearing this, Tang Wensheng was a little stunned, while Ye Guhong smiled and said: "Haha, let me tell you, Classmate Lin must have the same idea as me!"

"This...Classmate Lin, I am mainly worried. If I sell this mecha to them, what will they do with it to deal with our space carrier? Although your mecha is a basic model, it is comparable to Sakura's. Those mechas are too powerful."

After Tang Wensheng was stunned, he expressed his biggest concern.

He does not advocate selling mechas to countries in the Central Region, mainly for this reason.

If you sell mechas to other countries and let them use them against you in the end, you are sending guns into the hands of the enemy.

"Don't worry, we will sell this basic mecha to them, and we will use higher-end mechas ourselves. We are not afraid that they will use this mecha to deal with our space carrier."

Lin Yang waved his hand and said:

"The other mecha I will release later is much better than this basic one. Moreover, this mecha belongs to us. Even if it is sold, it must have a backdoor. It is impossible for them to use the mecha to turn around. The possibility of dealing with us."

"Leave a back door?" Tang Wensheng was stunned again, and then said softly: "Would it be bad if this was discovered?"

"They can't find it." Lin Yang smiled.

Ye Guhong also followed up and said: "Old Tang, you are too conservative. In international trade, those high-end things that Western countries sell to us all leave a back door. This is considered an unspoken rule. They must come If you buy it, you must be mentally prepared to accept this.”

"Okay, then sell it!" Tang Wensheng said no more.

Ye Guhong then asked: "Classmate Lin, how much does this mecha cost? If you want to sell it, how much does it cost for one?"

"Cost? The cost is not high. If sold to a large household in the Central District, it can be sold for no less than 3 billion."

Lin Yang didn't calculate the cost carefully, but just gave a rough number.

Because the material cost of this thing is really not too high, the technology that changes the functionality of the material is the most critical.

If we really want to talk about cost, the material cost of a basic mecha may be only one to two hundred million.

Yes, it’s that low!

Because this basic mecha consumes the most steel materials, and rare metals are not consumed much.

Of course, if you add technology that changes the functionality of materials, it can be said to be almost priceless.

After all, ordinary steel cannot be used directly. It is too fragile and can easily fall apart.

He used new technology to re-temper the steel.

As for this technology, he is currently the only one who masters it.

So the price to offer depends entirely on his own mood.

You can sell it at the cost price, and you can still sell it at a premium of dozens of times.

"Three billion? It's not that expensive."

Ye Guhong murmured, but he didn't think it was expensive.

It can even be said to be quite cheap.

This is a mecha!

Three billion per unit is really not expensive!

After agreeing on the price, Ye Guhong got through the representatives of several large countries in the Central District and invited them to join the video conference.

Representatives from these major countries are still on their way. If they can accept the price, they can come directly. If not, they can go home first and talk later.

And when the representatives from the big household countries joined the video conference and heard the quotation, there was a scene that stunned everyone.


"Are you happy with only three billion dollars? This is really a huge conscience price. So, dear Shang Xia, we want a cross first, okay?"


Upon hearing this, Tang Wensheng, who had just taken a sip of water, instantly squirted out the water again.

Ye Guhong was also stunned: "You, what did you say? How many, how much? Three billion, Daole?"

Thanks to pigget brother and book friend 20231103522713 for the reward. You two have spent a lot of money. I wish you all the best and make a fortune. I bow to you!

I wish all the big brothers and sisters to be prosperous and prosperous, and bow to everyone!

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