A technologically powerful nation: The national treasure is actually myself

Chapter 182 The big dog’s request is just to have a look!

Within the different management bureau.

Ye Guhong, Tang Wenshan, and Han Zhaoyu looked at each other for a moment.

Three billion dollars?

The big dog is being killed today!

You know, the three billion they quoted refers to Shang and Xia coins!

But these big business owners didn’t even listen to the whole story, so they agreed and changed the currency unit directly into a knife! !

And he also said that this is a great price! !

This is so meow...

Even Ye Guhong and the others were a little jealous at the moment.

These damn big business owners are so rich!

"If I had known, I would have just said 10 billion!" Tang Wensheng's face was full of sorrow, "These big guys are so rich, they won't even blink when they hear the quotation. I guess even if it's 10 billion, they will buy it directly .”

Ye Guhong suddenly glared at him angrily.

It was Tang Wensheng who didn’t advocate selling it just now, but now it’s Tang Wensheng who thinks it’s cheap!

Tang Wensheng understood Ye Guhong's meaning from his eyes, immediately smiled, touched his head and said:

"You are a bastard who doesn't want to make money if you have money. Who would have thought that these big dogs would be so rich!"

"Forget it, the price has already been stated, it would be bad to go back on the promise." Although Ye Guhong also felt a little pity, after all, the price had already been quoted, and it was not easy to change it again.

Moreover, the big dog owners directly changed the unit of currency into gold knives, which made them unexpectedly huge profits.

Seeing Ye Guhong and the others suddenly fell silent, the representative of the big household country in the central district suddenly said: "Oh, my dear Shang Xia, are you still not satisfied with the price? If you are not satisfied, we can still Let’s discuss it again!”

"..." Ye Guhong and Tang Wensheng were speechless for a moment.

Listen, is this human language?

How can anyone buy something and still think the price is low, but instead proactively ask for a price increase?

"Ahem, so what, let's just pay this price. We Shangxia people are absolutely certain that we can't do that kind of temporary price increase."

After another moment of silence, Ye Guhong spoke.

"Dear Shang Xia, you are truly an ancient oriental country. You are a worthy and convincing king of the East if you are trustworthy. You are not as petty as some small countries!"

The representative of the big country in the central area started to praise him directly, and even stepped on the little baby flower by the way, and then said impatiently: "Then let's sign the contract directly, can you guys see it?"

"Okay." Ye Guhong nodded.

"That's great! Thank you for your generosity! In the future, our energy supply will be given absolute priority to your country!"

Representatives of major central district households once again mentioned the energy priority supply agreement.

Ye Guhong immediately smiled and said: "You seem to have forgotten that our country has mastered controllable nuclear fusion technology. Energy will soon no longer be a problem for us. This agreement does not have much appeal to us."


This sentence immediately caused the representatives of several large-scale countries to fall silent at the same time.

The reason why they took the initiative to sign an energy priority supply agreement with the country was because they themselves knew that their previous move to Xiaoyinghua to purchase mechas would definitely dissatisfy the country, so they did have the intention of showing goodwill.

They are indeed because the domestically developed mechas are too advanced and powerful, and they know that nothing can anymore restrict the domestic aerospace carriers and these mechas.

That's why he decisively abandoned the contract with Xiaoyinghua and immediately rushed to the country non-stop, just to try his best to restore the image of his country.

Therefore, we generously offered the energy priority supply agreement.

Now that the world is in short supply of energy, the oil they control, to put it bluntly, controls the energy lifeblood of many countries.

But after hearing Ye Guhong's words, they realized that the country had mastered nuclear fusion and actually did not need their oil at all.

This makes them look a little embarrassed.

Their most valuable and precious things are dispensable here in China.

This made the representatives of these big-household countries feel the gap for the first time.

After all, with the oil resources they control, they can enjoy the highest level of VIP treatment in any superpower country in the world.

But now, for the first time, they felt what it meant to be powerless.

The most valuable thing in their hands became worthless in the eyes of the other party, which suddenly caused them to lose their biggest advantage.

At this moment, the representatives of several major countries became a little uneasy.

They have never been in this situation before!

Losing their biggest bargaining chip meant they were no longer qualified to continue negotiations, which made them feel bad.

The country doesn't even want oil, which means that the country will probably not forgive them for their previous move to Xiaochigui.

This made them all a little nervous, even scared.

Thinking of this, the representative of one of the countries couldn't help but said directly: "Dear Shang Xia, you won't care about our previous ignorance like us, right?"

What he was referring to was, of course, going to Xiaoyinghua to buy mechas.

Hearing this, Ye Guhong and Tang Wensheng looked at each other and immediately said with smiles: "You are overthinking. In the era of global economy, there is freedom of buying and selling. You are free to buy what you want and who to buy from."

These words immediately made the representatives of several major countries in the Central District heave a sigh of relief, but before they could completely put their hearts back in their stomachs, they heard Ye Guhong add another sentence:

"At least, our country will not care about it until it causes no losses to our country."

This addition instantly made the representatives of the major countries in the central region feel anxious.


They all heard that it was Ye Guhong who was beating them!

After all, many of their previous business deals were with the country.

But wanting to go to Xiaoyinghua to buy mechas that can deal with domestic aerospace carriers is really inappropriate.

Several representatives looked at each other, then seemed to have decided something, and said:

"Dear Shang Xia, we have longed for the vast starry sky of the universe for a long time, but you also know that our scientific research strength is not enough to qualify us to enter space, so we want to visit space. Is that okay?"

"Huh? What does this mean?"

Ye Guhong didn't react for a while, and he didn't quite understand what these big dogs meant when they suddenly said this.

"Hey, what we mean is very simple. We hope to be able to carry your launch vehicle or the space elevator that is about to be built, and go to your space station to see the boundless universe. How about it?"

The representative of Oto Country immediately explained.

"Go to our space station??" Ye Guhong was stunned.

The space station is a unique technological product of a superpower, and everything in it involves technical secrets.

These big business owners actually want to take a look inside the domestic space station?


The representative of Odo Country immediately nodded and said:

"Of course, we don't go in vain, and we don't need any of your space station technology, we just need the people who carry us up to take a look, just take a look!"

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